E6B practice

E6B practice

This is a free mini-app from David Megginson for fellow afficionados of the classic aviation E6B circular sliderule (or for student pilots still forced to learn to use it).

You can solve practice problems for either the wind side or the calculator side. Just keep clicking/tapping/hitting a key to see the answer, then to move on to the next question.

New (2024-03-01): The wind problems now also include step-by-step solutions for CR-style analogue flight computers (without the sliding card). Calculator problems have identical solutions for both styles.

Donations (pay it forward)

If you enjoy this site/app and would like to show your appreciation, please make a donation to your local women's shelter or homeless shelter, or to any organisation that helps refugees and other displaced people (such as the Red Cross, MSF, or UNRWA).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at https://github.com/davidmegginson/e6b