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cross  /kr'ɔs/  

共發現 21 筆關於 [cross] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢)
來源(1): 朗道英漢字典 [langdao-ec]
*[krɒs] n. 十字架, 十字架形物件, 交叉, 十字標, 交叉路, 磨難, 雜交 a. 生氣的, 交叉的, 相反的 vt. 交叉, 橫過, 越過 vi. 交叉, 橫過, 越過 【計】 交叉, 十字標 【醫】 十字, 十字形; 交叉的, 交互的, 逆反的 相關詞組: get sth on the cross run cross to be at cross-purposes cross sth out bear one's cross be cross with sb be cross at sth as cross as two sticks on the cross 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c]
cross [krɒs; krɒs] 《源自拉丁文“十字形”的意思》《名詞》 ⑴ ⓐ (C) (從前用以釘死犯人的) 十字架 die on the cross 死在十字架上 ⓑ [the Ccross]釘死耶穌的十字架 the holy Ccross 聖十字架 ⓒ (U) [常 the Ccross] (十字架所象征的) 基督教 (國家) the Ccross and [versus] the Crescent 基督教與[對]回教 a follower of the Ccross 基督教徒 a soldier [warrior] of the Ccross 十字軍戰士; 基督教 (傳教) 的鬥士 a preacher of the Ccross 基督教傳教士= take the CROSS. ⑵ (C) ⓐ 十字形,十字記號 (十或×) (尤指蘇格蘭旗幟上的藍底白×形十字) St. George's cross. 白底紅色的正十字形 (英格蘭的旗章) St. Patrick's cross. 白底紅×形十字 (愛爾蘭國旗上的徽號) the Geneva cross 紅十字 (cf. Red Cross 1a) the Greek cross 希臘十字,正十字形 the Latin cross 拉丁十字,長十字形 the Maltese cross 馬爾他十字 the papal cross 教皇的十字形 the patriarchal cross ×形十字 ⓑ 十字記號 (發誓、祝福等時在空中或在額、胸等前所畫) make the sign of the cross 畫十字 ⓒ 記號 (文盲者用以代替簽名) make one's cross 劃×記號 (代替簽名) ⓓ 十字標記,十字塔 (用作墓碑或市鎮中心、市場等的標志)= market cross. ⓔ 十字形勳章 the Military Ccross 戰功十字勳章 (世界大戰初由英國所制定; 略作 M.C.)= Victoria Cross. ⓕ (垂掛在頸上的) 十字型飾物 ⓖ (上面有十字架的) 十字杖 (代表總主教 (archbishop) 的職權) ⑶ ⓐ (U) [常 the Ccross] 耶穌基督的受難,贖罪 ⓑ (C) 考驗,折磨,苦難 bear [take (up)] one's cross 忍受苦難 [受難] You must bear the cross of your disability. 你必須忍受你身體殘障的苦難 No cross, no crown. ( 諺)沒有苦難,即無榮冠 [不受磨難不成佛] ⓒ (C)苦難 (的原因) ,不幸; 障礙 a cross in love 失戀 ⑷ (C) ⓐ (動植物的) 異種交配; 雜種[between] The mule is a cross between a male donkey and a mare. 騾子是雄驢與雌馬交配的雜種 ⓑ 折衷物,中間物,混合物[between] Brunch is a cross between breakfast and lunch. 早午餐是介于早餐與午餐的中間餐 5[the Ccross]‘天文’十字星 the Northern [Southern] Ccross 北[南]十字星 on the cross (1)= n. 1a (2) 斜著,對角地 fold a piece of paper on the cross 沿對角線折一張紙 (3)(俚)不正當地,以不正當的手段 take the cross (昔日的) 參加十字軍 《及物動詞》 ⑴ ⓐ 橫越,越過 <道路、沙漠等> ,渡過 <河川、橋> cross a street 穿越街道 cross the border 越過國界 Don't cross that bridge [your bridges] until you come to it [them]. ( 諺)到了橋頭才過橋 (喻船到橋頭自然直,凡事不必先煩惱) ⓑ <想法、主意> 浮現于 <心頭> ; <笑等>掠過 <某人的臉> A wonderful idea crossed my mind. 一個絕妙的主意突然浮現在我的腦海中 A smile crossed her face. 微笑掠過她的臉 ⑵ ⓐ 使…交叉,使…相交 cross one's legs 交叉雙腿 with one's legs crossed 腿交叉地= cross one's FINGERS. ⓑ <互相> 交叉 The roads cross each other. 那些道路互相交叉 ⑶ ⓐ (由額上到胸部; 從左肩到右肩,用手) 在…畫十字架 cross one's heart 在胸前畫十字 (發誓自己的真誠) ⓑ [cross oneself]畫十字 The priest crossed himself. 那位牧師 (在胸前) 畫了十字 ⑷ ⓐ 在…畫橫線; 畫掉= cross the[one's]T's,CROSS off,CROSS out. ⓑ (英)在<支票>上畫兩條橫斜線 cross a cheque 將支票畫線 ⑸ ⓐ 與…錯過 They crossed each other on the way. 他們在途中互相錯過 ⓑ <信件、使者等> (在途中) 與…互相錯過 His letter crossed hers in the post. 他的信和她的信在郵寄中互相錯過 ⑹ ⓐ 反對,違背,阻礙 <計畫、願望等> cross a person's will 違背某人的意志 ⓑ 反對<某人> [計畫、願望等] ,阻礙[in] He has been crossed in his plans [in love]. 他的計畫 [戀愛] 遭到阻礙 ⑺ 使<動、植物>交配; 使…雜交[with] cross a leopard and [with] a lion 使豹和獅子雜交 《不及物動詞》 ⑴ <兩條線等> 交叉 The two roads cross there. 那兩條道路在那裡交叉 ⑵ 橫過 (道路、河川) [從…] [到…],渡過<over>[from][to] We crossed (over) from Taiwan to San Francisco. 我們從台灣橫渡海洋到舊金山 ⑶ ⓐ <二人> 互相錯過 ⓑ <兩封信、使者等> 互相錯過 Our letters to each other have crossed. 我們給彼此的信互相錯過 ⑷ <動、植物>雜交,變成雜種 cross off (1) 畫線去掉; 畫掉 <姓名等> (2) 把 <姓名等> 畫線從…去掉,畫掉 Please cross my name off the program. 請把我的名字從節目單上刪掉 cross out 將 <字等> 畫線除去,勾消,畫掉,刪去 I crossed out two of the words. 我刪掉其中二個字 《形容詞》 (; cross.est) ⑴ 橫的,斜的,橫斷的,交叉的 cross streets 交叉路 ⑵ ⓐ 相反的,違逆的; [對…]反對的[to] a result cross to a purpose 與目的相反的結果 ⓑ (古)反對的,相反 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec]
[krɔs] n. 十字, 交叉, 十字架, 十字形物 adj. 交叉的, 相反的, 乖戾的 v. 使交叉, 橫過, 勾劃, 錯過, 反對, 雜交 來源(4): pydict data [pydict]
cross 十字形,交叉(vt.)越過,穿過;相交(vi.)越過,穿過;交叉,相交 來源(5): Taiwan MOE computer dictionary [moecomp]
cross 串音 來源(6): Network Terminology [netterm]
cross 交叉 來源(7): 天主教英漢袖珍辭典 [catholic]
cross (1) 十字架;十字。 (2) 苦難 包括生活上的種種負擔、試煉等。 拉丁文為 crux來源(8): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Ordinary \Or"di*na*ry\, n.; pl. {Ordinaries} (-r[i^]z). 1. (Law) (a) (Roman Law) An officer who has original jurisdiction in his own right, and not by deputation. (b) (Eng. Law) One who has immediate jurisdiction in matters ecclesiastical; an ecclesiastical judge; also, a deputy of the bishop, or a clergyman appointed to perform divine service for condemned criminals and assist in preparing them for death. (c) (Am. Law) A judicial officer, having generally the powers of a judge of probate or a surrogate. [1913 Webster] 2. The mass; the common run. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I see no more in you than in the ordinary Of nature's salework. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. That which is so common, or continued, as to be considered a settled establishment or institution. [R.] [1913 Webster] Spain had no other wars save those which were grown into an ordinary. --Bacon. [1913 Webster] 4. Anything which is in ordinary or common use. [1913 Webster] Water buckets, wagons, cart wheels, plow socks, and other ordinaries. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 5. A dining room or eating house where a meal is prepared for all comers, at a fixed price for the meal, in distinction from one where each dish is separately charged; a table d'h[^o]te; hence, also, the meal furnished at such a dining room. --Shak. [1913 Webster] All the odd words they have picked up in a coffeehouse, or a gaming ordinary, are produced as flowers of style. --Swift. [1913 Webster] He exacted a tribute for licenses to hawkers and peddlers and to ordinaries. --Bancroft. [1913 Webster] 6. (Her.) A charge or bearing of simple form, one of nine or ten which are in constant use. The {bend}, {chevron}, {chief}, {cross}, {fesse}, {pale}, and {saltire} are uniformly admitted as ordinaries. Some authorities include bar, bend sinister, pile, and others. See {Subordinary}. [1913 Webster] {In ordinary}. (a) In actual and constant service; statedly attending and serving; as, a physician or chaplain in ordinary. An ambassador in ordinary is one constantly resident at a foreign court. (b) (Naut.) Out of commission and laid up; -- said of a naval vessel. {Ordinary of the Mass} (R. C. Ch.), the part of the Mass which is the same every day; -- called also the {canon of the Mass}. [1913 Webster] 來源(9): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Cross \Cross\ (kr[o^]s; 115), n. [OE. crois, croys, cros; the former fr. OF. crois, croiz, F. croix, fr. L. crux; the second is perh. directly fr. Prov. cros, crotz. fr. the same L. crux; cf. Icel. kross. Cf. {Crucial}, {Crusade}, {Cruise}, {Crux}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X. It was anciently used in the execution of criminals. [1913 Webster] Nailed to the cross By his own nation. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc., or actually represented in some material; the symbol of Christ's death; the ensign and chosen symbol of Christianity, of a Christian people, and of Christendom. [1913 Webster] The custom of making the sign of the cross with the hand or finger, as a means of conferring blessing or preserving from evil, is very old. --Schaff-Herzog Encyc. [1913 Webster] Before the cross has waned the crescent's ray. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Tis where the cross is preached. --Cowper. [1913 Webster] 3. Affiction regarded as a test of patience or virtue; trial; disappointment; opposition; misfortune. [1913 Webster] Heaven prepares a good man with crosses. --B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 4. A piece of money stamped with the figure of a cross, also, that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped; hence, money in general. [1913 Webster] I should bear no cross if I did bear you; for I think you have no money in your purse. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 5. An appendage or ornament or anything in the form of a cross; a badge or ornamental device of the general shape of a cross; hence, such an ornament, even when varying considerably from that form; thus, the Cross of the British Order of St. George and St. Michael consists of a central medallion with seven arms radiating from it. [1913 Webster] 6. (Arch.) A monument in the form of a cross, or surmounted by a cross, set up in a public place; as, a market cross; a boundary cross; Charing Cross in London. [1913 Webster] Dun-Edin's Cross, a pillared stone, Rose on a turret octagon. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 7. (Her.) A common heraldic bearing, of which there are many varieties. See the Illustration, above. [1913 Webster] 8. The crosslike mark or symbol used instead of a signature by those unable to write. [1913 Webster] Five Kentish abbesses . . . .subscribed their names and crosses. --Fuller. [1913 Webster] 9. Church lands. [Ireland] [Obs.] --Sir J. Davies. [1913 Webster] 10. A line drawn across or through another line. [1913 Webster] 11. Hence: A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding; or the product of such intermixture; a hybrid of any kind. [1913 Webster] Toning down the ancient Viking into a sort of a cross between Paul Jones and Jeremy Diddler. --Lord Dufferin. [1913 Webster] 12. (Surveying) An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course. [1913 Webster] 13. (Mech.) A pipe-fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form's right angle. [1913 Webster] {Cross and pile}, a game with money, at which it is put to chance whether a coin shall fall with that side up which bears the cross, or the other, which is called pile, or reverse; the game called {heads or tails}. {Cross bottony} or {Cross botton['e]}. See under {Bottony}. {Cross estoil['e]} (Her.). a cross, each of whose arms is pointed like the ray of a star; that is, a star having four long points only. {Cross of Calvary}. See {Calvary}, 3. {Southern cross}. (Astron.) See under {Southern}. {To do a thing on the cross}, to act dishonestly; -- opposed to acting on the square. [Slang] {To take up the cross}, to bear troubles and afflictions with patience from love to Christ. [1913 Webster] 來源(10): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Cross \Cross\ (kr[o^]s), a. 1. Not parallel; lying or falling athwart; transverse; oblique; intersecting. [1913 Webster] The cross refraction of the second prism. --Sir I. Newton. [1913 Webster] 2. Not accordant with what is wished or expected; interrupting; adverse; contrary; thwarting; perverse. "A cross fortune." --Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] The cross and unlucky issue of my design. --Glanvill. [1913 Webster] The article of the resurrection seems to lie marvelously cross to the common experience of mankind. --South. [1913 Webster] We are both love's captives, but with fates so cross, One must be happy by the other's loss. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. Characterized by, or in a state of, peevishness, fretfulness, or ill humor; as, a cross man or woman. [1913 Webster] He had received a cross answer from his mistress. --Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 4. Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged; as, cross interrogatories; cross marriages, as when a brother and sister marry persons standing in the same relation to each other. [1913 Webster] {Cross action} (Law), an action brought by a party who is sued against the person who has sued him, upon the same subject matter, as upon the same contract. --Burrill. {Cross aisle} (Arch.), a transept; the lateral divisions of a cruciform church. {Cross axle}. (a) (Mach.) A shaft, windlass, or roller, worked by levers at opposite ends, as in the copperplate printing press. (b) A driving axle, with cranks set at an angle of 90[deg] with each other. {Cross bedding} (Geol.), oblique lamination of horizontal beds. {Cross bill}. See in the Vocabulary. {Cross bitt}. Same as {Crosspiece}. {Cross bond}, a form of bricklaying, in which the joints of one stretcher course come midway between those of the stretcher courses above and below, a course of headers and stretchers intervening. See {Bond}, n., 8. {Cross breed}. See in the Vocabulary. {Cross breeding}. See under {Breeding}. {Cross buttock}, a particular throw in wrestling; hence, an unexpected defeat or repulse. --Smollet. {Cross country}, across the country; not by the road. "The cross-country ride." --Cowper. {Cross fertilization}, the fertilization of the female products of one physiological individual by the male products of another, -- as the fertilization of the ovules of one plant by pollen from another. See {Fertilization}. {Cross file}, a double convex file, used in dressing out the arms or crosses of fine wheels. {Cross fire} (Mil.), lines of fire, from two or more points or places, crossing each other. {Cross forked}. (Her.) See under {Forked}. {Cross frog}. See under {Frog}. {Cross furrow}, a furrow or trench cut across other furrows to receive the water running in them and conduct it to the side of the field. {Cross handle}, a handle attached transversely to the axis of a tool, as in the augur. --Knight. {Cross lode} (Mining), a vein intersecting the true or principal lode. {Cross purpose}. See {Cross-purpose}, in the Vocabulary. {Cross reference}, a reference made from one part of a book or register to another part, where the same or an allied subject is treated of. {Cross sea} (Naut.), a chopping sea, in which the waves run in contrary directions. {Cross stroke}, a line or stroke across something, as across the letter t. {Cross wind}, a side wind; an unfavorable wind. {Cross wires}, fine wires made to traverse the field of view in a telescope, and moved by a screw with a graduated head, used for delicate astronomical observations; spider lines. Fixed cross wires are also used in microscopes, etc. Syn: Fretful; peevish. See {Fretful}. [1913 Webster] 來源(11): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Cross \Cross\, prep. Athwart; across. [Archaic or Colloq.] [1913 Webster] A fox was taking a walk one night cross a village. --L'Estrange. [1913 Webster] {To go cross lots}, to go across the fields; to take a short cut. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 來源(12): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Cross \Cross\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crossed} (kr[o^]st; 115); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crossing}.] 1. To put across or athwart; to cause to intersect; as, to cross the arms. [1913 Webster] 2. To lay or draw something, as a line, across; as, to cross the letter t. [1913 Webster] 3. To pass from one side to the other of; to pass or move over; to traverse; as, to cross a stream. [1913 Webster] A hunted hare . . . crosses and confounds her former track. -- I. Watts. [1913 Webster] 4. To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time. "Your kind letter crossed mine." --J. D. Forbes. [1913 Webster] 5. To run counter to; to thwart; to obstruct; to hinder; to clash or interfere with. [1913 Webster] In each thing give him way; cross him in nothing. --Shak. [1913 Webster] An oyster may be crossed in love. -- Sheridan. [1913 Webster] 6. To interfere and cut off; to debar. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To cross me from the golden time I look for. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 7. To make the sign of the cross upon; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun; as, he crossed himself. [1913 Webster] 8. To cancel by marking crosses on or over, or drawing a line across; to erase; -- usually with out, off, or over; as, to cross out a name. [1913 Webster] 9. To cause to interbreed; -- said of different stocks or races; to mix the breed of. [1913 Webster] {To cross a check} (Eng. Banking), to draw two parallel transverse lines across the face of a check, with or without adding between them the words "and company", with or without the words "not negotiable", or to draw the transverse lines simply, with or without the words "not negotiable" (the check in any of these cases being crossed generally). Also, to write or print across the face of a check the name of a banker, with or without the words "not negotiable" (the check being then crossed specially). A check crossed generally is payable only when presented through a bank; one crossed specially, only when presented through the bank mentioned. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] {To cross one's path}, to oppose one's plans. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 來源(13): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
Cross \Cross\, v. i. 1. To lie or be athwart. [1913 Webster] 2. To move or pass from one side to the other, or from place to place; to make a transit; as, to cross from New York to Liverpool. [1913 Webster] 3. To be inconsistent. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Men's actions do not always cross with reason. --Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] 4. To interbreed, as races; to mix distinct breeds. [1913 Webster] If two individuals of distinct races cross, a third is invariably produced different from either. --Coleridge. [1913 Webster] 來源(14): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]
cross adj 1: extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" [syn: {cross(a)}, {transverse}, {transversal}, {thwartwise}] 2: annoyed and irritable [syn: {crabbed}, {crabby}, {cross}, {fussy}, {grouchy}, {grumpy}, {bad-tempered}, {ill-tempered}] n 1: a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece 2: a marking that consists of lines that cross each other [syn: {crisscross}, {cross}, {mark}] 3: a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry 4: any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns" [syn: {cross}, {crown of thorns}] 5: (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; "a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey" [syn: {hybrid}, {crossbreed}, {cross}] 6: (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids [syn: {hybridization}, {hybridisation}, {crossbreeding}, {crossing}, {cross}, {interbreeding}, {hybridizing}] v 1: travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day" [syn: {traverse}, {track}, {cover}, {cross}, {pass over}, {get over}, {get across}, {cut through}, {cut across}] 2: meet at a point [syn: {intersect}, {cross}] 3: hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent" [syn: {thwart}, {queer}, {spoil}, {scotch}, {foil}, {cross}, {frustrate}, {baffle}, {bilk}] 4: fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs" [ant: {uncross}] 5: to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries" [syn: {cross}, {traverse}, {span}, {sweep}] 6: meet and pass; "the trains crossed" 7: trace a line through or across; "cross your `t'" 8: breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed" [syn: {crossbreed}, {cross}, {hybridize}, {hybridise}, {interbreed}] 來源(15): Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton]
Cross in the New Testament the instrument of crucifixion, and hence used for the crucifixion of Christ itself (Eph. 2:16; Heb. 12:2; 1 Cor. 1:17, 18; Gal. 5:11; 6:12, 14; Phil. 3:18). The word is also used to denote any severe affliction or trial (Matt. 10:38; 16:24; Mark 8:34; 10:21). The forms in which the cross is represented are these: 1. The crux simplex (I), a "single piece without transom." 2. The crux decussata (X), or St. Andrew's cross. 3. The crux commissa (T), or St. Anthony's cross. 4. The crux immissa (t), or Latin cross, which was the kind of cross on which our Saviour died. Above our Lord's head, on the projecting beam, was placed the "title." (See {CRUCIFIXION}.) After the conversion, so-called, of Constantine the Great (B.C. 313), the cross first came into use as an emblem of Christianity. He pretended at a critical moment that he saw a flaming cross in the heavens bearing the inscription, "In hoc signo vinces", i.e., By this sign thou shalt conquer, and that on the following night Christ himself appeared and ordered him to take for his standard the sign of this cross. In this form a new standard, called the Labarum, was accordingly made, and borne by the Roman armies. It remained the standard of the Roman army till the downfall of the Western empire. It bore the embroidered monogram of Christ, i.e., the first two Greek letters of his name, X and P (chi and rho), with the Alpha and Omega. (See {A}.) 來源(16): THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993) [devils]
CROSS, n. An ancient religious symbol erroneously supposed to owe its significance to the most solemn event in the history of Christianity, but really antedating it by thousands of years. By many it has been believed to be identical with the _crux ansata_ of the ancient phallic worship, but it has been traced even beyond all that we know of that, to the rites of primitive peoples. We have to-day the White Cross as a symbol of chastity, and the Red Cross as a badge of benevolent neutrality in war. Having in mind the former, the reverend Father Gassalasca Jape smites the lyre to the effect following: "Be good, be good!" the sisterhood Cry out in holy chorus, And, to dissuade from sin, parade Their various charms before us. But why, O why, has ne'er an eye Seen her of winsome manner And youthful grace and pretty face Flaunting the White Cross banner? Now where's the need of speech and screed To better our behaving? A simpler plan for saving man (But, first, is he worth saving?) Is, dears, when he declines to flee From bad thoughts that beset him, Ignores the Law as 't were a straw, And wants to sin -- don't let him. 來源(17): Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]
CROSS. contracts. A mark made by persons who are unable to write, instead of their names. 2. When properly attested, and proved to have been made by the party whose name is written with the mark, it is generally admitted as evidence of the party's signature. 來源(18): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]
845 Moby Thesaurus words for "cross": Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Cape Colored, Christogram, Eurasian, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, John Hancock, Latin cross, Malacca cane, Maltese cross, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, abjure, achievement, across, across the grain, adversary, adversative, adverse, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, aggravation, alerion, alien, alpenstock, angered, angry, animal charge, ankh, annoyance, annoyed, annulet, antagonistic, antagonize, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, arch, argent, ark, armorial bearings, armory, arms, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, assert the contrary, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, at war with, athwart, athwartships, autograph, avellan cross, ax, azure, badge, badge of office, badges, baffle, balk, bambino, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, barrow, bastard, baton, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be contrary to, be inimical, beadroll, beads, bearings, bearish, beat against, belie, bend, bend sinister, bestride, bilk, billet, bitchy, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, blast, blazon, blazonry, blend, bless, blight, block, boat, bordure, boundary stone, brass, brassard, brave, broad arrow, browned-off, bummer, burden, burden of care, burthen, bust, button, bypass, cadency mark, cairn, call into question, calvary, cancel, candle, cane, cankered, cankerworm of care, canoe, cantankerous, canton, cap and gown, captious, care, cargo, carping, carry sail, cast down, cattalo, caviling, cenotaph, censer, chain, chain of office, challenge, chaplet, charge, checkmate, chevron, chi, chi-rho, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiastic, chief, choleric, christcross, churlish, ciborium, cipher, circumnavigate, circumvent, citrange, clash, clashing, class ring, coast, coat of arms, cockade, cockatrice, collar, collide, column, combination, competitive, con, conflict, conflict with, conflicting, confound, confront, confute, contest, contra, contradict, contradictory, contrapose, contrariwise, contrary, contravene, contrawise, controvert, coronet, counter, counteract, counterattack, countermand, countermark, counterpose, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, countervail, counterwork, crabbed, cranky, crescent, crest, crisscross, cromlech, crook, crosier, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, cross-grained, cross-shaped, cross-staff, crossbar, crossbones, crossbred, crossbreed, crosscut, crossed, crossing, crosslet, crosslike, crossway, crossways, crosswise, crotchety, crown, crown of thorns, cruciate, crucible, cruciferous, crucifix, cruciform, cruet, cruise, crusty, crutch, crutch-stick, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, cumbrance, cup, curse, cussed, cut across, cyclolith, dagger, dash, deadweight, death chair, death chamber, decoration, decussate, decussated, defeat, defeat expectation, defy, delete, deny, destroy, device, difference, differencing, differing, difficulties, difficulty, disaccordant, disadvantage, disaffirm, disagreeable, disagreeing, disallow, disappoint, disavow, disclaim, discomfit, disconcert, discordant, discountenance, discrepant, dish, disharmonious, disillusion, disown, disproportionate, disprove, dispute, disrupt, dissatisfy, dissentient, dissident, dissonant, distress, divergent, dolmen, double-cross, downer, dress, drop, eagle, electric chair, elude, embarrassment, emblems, encumbrance, endorsement, enemy, ensigns, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, eucharistial, ex, excitable, exing, eyeball-to-eyeball, falcon, fasces, faultfinding, feisty, fess, fess point, field, figurehead, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flummox, foil, footstone, ford, fork cross, forswear, fractious, freight, fret, frustrate, fur, furious, fusil, gainsay, gall, gall and wormwood, gallows, gallows-tree, gammadion, garland, gas chamber, get ahead of, gibbet, give benediction, go across, go against, go by, go by ship, go counter to, go on shipboard, go to sea, grating, grave, gravestone, grievance, griffe, griffin, grouchy, grumpy, guillotine, gules, gyron, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, halter, hammer and sickle, hamper, hand, handicap, handstaff, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, hatchment, headstone, helmet, hemp, hempen collar, heraldic device, heraldry, high yellow, hinny, hoarstone, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, honor point, hostile, hot seat, huffish, huffy, hybrid, hybridize, icon, immiscible, impalement, impaling, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, impugn, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incensed, incensory, incompatible, inconvenience, indignant, inescutcheon, infliction, inharmonious, inimical, initials, inscription, insignia, interbred, interbreed, intercross, interfere with, intersect, intersected, intersecting, inverted cross, invoke benefits upon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, irritation, jangling, jarring, join, join issue upon, join the opposition, label, ladino, lapel pin, lay hands on, let down, lethal chamber, lie across, lie athwart, liger, lion, lituus, livery, livid, load, lock horns, long cross, lozenge, lumber, mace, mad, maiden, make a passage, mantle, mantling, mark, mark of signature, marker, markings, marshaling, martlet, mascle, matzo, mausoleum, mean, medal, meet, meet head-on, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, menorah, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metal, metis, metisse, mezuzah, mikvah, militate against, miscegenate, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mongrelize, monogram, monolith, monstrance, monument, moody, mortarboard, motorboat, motto, mound, mulatto, mule, mullet, mustee, navigate, necrology, negate, negative, nombril point, noncooperative, nonplus, noose, not abide, not accept, not admit, nullify, obelisk, obituary, oblique, obliquely, obstinate, octofoil, octoroon, old school tie, onus, opponent, oppose, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppression, oppugn, oppugnant, or, ordeal, ordinary, orle, ornery, osculatory, ostensorium, out of accord, out of whack, over, overstride, overthwart, pack, pack of troubles, pale, paly, papal cross, paschal candle, pass, pass by, pass over, pastoral staff, paterissa, pax, pean, peck of troubles, pectoral cross, peevish, penalty, perplex, perverse, pettish, petulant, pheon, phylacteries, pillar, pin, piqued, pissed, pissed-off, plaque, play at cross-purposes, plight, plumcot, ply, potent cross, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, predicament, pressure, prize, protest, purpure, pyramid, pyx, quadroon, quarter, quartering, quarterstaff, querulous, quick-tempered, quintroon, ratty, rebut, recalcitrant, recant, refractory, refuse to admit, refute, regalia, reject, relics, reliquary, remembrance, renounce, repudiate, repugnant, resist, retract, revoke, ribbon, rigor, riled up, ring, rival, rood, rope, rosary, rose, rostral column, row, rub out, ruin, run, run against, run counter to, sable, sabotage, sacred relics, sacring bell, sail, sail round, sail the sea, saltire, sambo, scaffold, school ring, scotch, scull, scutcheon, sea of troubles, seafare, seal, secant, sell, sell out, shaft, shamrock, shield, shillelagh, shirty, shofar, shoot ahead of, short-tempered, shrine, sideways, sidewise, sigil, sigillography, sign manual, signature, signet, skull and crossbones, snappish, sore, sorrow, span, sphragistics, spike, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, split, spoil, spread eagle, staff, stake, stave, steam, steamboat, stela, step over, stick, stone, stonewall, straddle, stress, stress of life, strike out, stump, stupa, subordinary, subscription, sukkah, surly, swagger stick, swanking stick, swastika, swim upstream, tabernacle, tablet, take a voyage, take back, take issue with, tallith, tangelo, tantalize, tartan, tau, tease, tenne, testimonial, testy, tetchy, the chair, thistle, thorn, thurible, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, ticked off, tie, tigon, tincture, tomb, tombstone, tope, torse, touchy, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, tree, trefled cross, tressure, trial, tribulation, trophy, trouble, troubles, ugly, uncongenial, uncooperative, unfavorable, unfriendly, unharmonious, unicorn, uniform, unpropitious, up in arms, upset, urceole, vair, vale of tears, variant, verge, veronica, vert, vexed, vicissitude, vigil light, visa, vise, visitation, voided cross, vote against, votive candle, voyage, walking stick, wand, waspish, waters of bitterness, weight, white elephant, wipe out, with crossed bayonets, withstand, woe, work against, worked up, wrathful, wrathy, wreath, wroth, wrought-up, x-shaped, yacht, yale, zebrass, zebrule 來源(19): U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000) [gazetteer2k-counties]
Cross -- U.S. County in Arkansas Population (2000): 19526 Housing Units (2000): 8030 Land area (2000): 615.846482 sq. miles (1595.034998 sq. km) Water area (2000): 6.486676 sq. miles (16.800413 sq. km) Total area (2000): 622.333158 sq. miles (1611.835411 sq. km) Located within: Arkansas (AR), FIPS 05 Location: 35.279599 N, 90.786115 W Headwords: Cross Cross, AR Cross County Cross County, AR 來源(20): Internet Dictionary Project [english-latin]
cross. crux crucis