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2012/03/26 ��85��  
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Making Reservations
Booking a Table
Paul decides to drop into one of his favorite restaurants to make a dinner reservation for the weekend.
G= Gino, P= Paul
G: Welcome to Gino's Italian Restaurant. Table for one?
P: Actually, I'd like to make a reservation for Saturday night.
G: What time would you like?
P: I'm thinking 7:00.
G: I'm afraid we're fully booked from 6:00 to 8:30 that evening. Could I interest you in an earlier or later time?
P: What if I just come as a walk-in? How long will it be before we are seated?
G: It depends on the size of your party.
P: Oh, there will be six of us.
G: With a group that large, the wait will be a minimum of sixty minutes.


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( �� ��h���e�Ц� Live �ͬ�����
Making Reservations �\�U�q��^�y��Υy
2012/03/26 (�@) Did you remember to bring the picnic blanket?

2012/03/27 (�G) We can set up the food in the shade of this tree.

2012/03/28 (�T) After we eat, let's throw the Frisbee.

2012/03/29 (�|) The flowers are in full bloom.

2012/03/30 (��) Don't pick the flowers; leave them for everyone to enjoy.
"���A�����v�t�g�ͬ����y" �A�ɶ��G4/2 �P���@�ߤW7:00-8:45�A���y���e�G�̾a�W�Ҫ���ʪ̡A�w����W!!!...more
Live �|��^��m���Хx�W�n�۰e�I
Live �|�븹 �N���լd�G 1. �z�O�_�� Live ���ʭ^�y���q��H 2. �|�븹 Live ���ʭ^�y�������׹�z�Ө��p��G...more

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