The Meaning Behind The Song: This Could Be The Start Of Something Big by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: This Could Be The Start Of Something Big by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane


The Meaning Behind The Song: “This Could Be The Start Of Something Big” by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane

Title This Could Be The Start Of Something Big
Artist Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane
Writer/Composer Steve Allen
Album Songs From Home (2021)
Release Date December 17, 2020
Genre Jazz
Producer N/A

“This Could Be The Start Of Something Big” is a classic jazz song performed by Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane. Written by Steve Allen, it encapsulates the joy and excitement of new beginnings and the potential for something great. Released as part of their album “Songs From Home,” the song takes listeners on a journey of hope and possibility.

As the lyrics begin, the song sets the scene for a serendipitous encounter. Whether you’re walking along the street, attending a party, or alone with your thoughts, there’s that moment when you suddenly connect with someone. Looking into their eyes, you realize that this encounter could be the start of an extraordinary journey. It’s that feeling of unexpected connection that sparks something big.

The song continues with the idea that fate plays a significant role in our lives. We can never truly control or predict what will happen. The unrolling of our destiny is beyond our grasp. However, when we find someone we deeply care about, there’s an undeniable pull to invite them into our lives without hesitation. It’s as if the magic book of fate has opened to a page that leads us to love.

The second verse paints vivid images of finding love in unexpected places. Whether you’re up in an airplane, dining at a famous restaurant, or enjoying a peaceful moment on the beach, love has a way of surprising us. The lyrics capture the essence of those remarkable moments when you hear a bell or feel an indescribable sensation, and you just know that something grand is about to unfold.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the importance of taking chances in romance. It encourages listeners to open their hearts and embrace the possibility of a beautiful journey. It reminds us that sometimes, you have to let go of reservations and dive into love headfirst. The sun coming up or counting your money means little when compared to the presence of someone who makes your heart skip a beat.

The final verse sums up the overarching theme of the song. It highlights the sense of wonder and excitement that accompanies the start of something new. Whether it’s embarking on a wonderful relationship, taking a chance on romance, or simply being present in the moment, this could be the heart of something big. It serves as a reminder that life is full of opportunities, and it’s up to us to seize them.

My personal experience with “This Could Be The Start Of Something Big” has been nothing short of transformative. Whenever I listen to the song, it evokes a sense of optimism and hope within me. It reminds me of the beauty and potential that lies in unexpected encounters and new beginnings.

There have been instances in my life where this song has acted as a soundtrack to significant moments. It played softly in the background during chance meetings with kindred spirits, or it blasted through my speakers as I took a leap of faith in pursuing a creative endeavor. In each instance, it served as a reminder that life is full of surprises and that the possibilities are endless.

For me, “This Could Be The Start Of Something Big” is not just a song; it’s a symbol of embracing the unknown, stepping outside of comfort zones, and being open to the wonders life has to offer. It captures that feeling of anticipation when you realize that something extraordinary is about to happen.

In conclusion, “This Could Be The Start Of Something Big” by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane is a beautiful jazz song that celebrates the unexpected magic of new beginnings. Its lyrics convey the thrill and potential of chance encounters and the exhilaration that accompanies taking a leap of faith. Whether you’re embarking on a romantic journey or embracing the unknown in any aspect of life, this song serves as a reminder that great things can unfold when we least expect them.

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