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Characters / Care Bears: Unlock the Magic

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The characters featured in the 2019 Unlock the Magic series.

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    Cheer Bear
Voiced by: Debi Derryberrynote 

Cheer is the leader of the group and the pilot of the Cloudseeker. She is a positive go-getter and is always up for a challenge.

  • Always Second Best: In one episode, Cheer began to get depressed because she believed that Grumpy was a better driver than her.
  • Gamer Chick: This iteration of Cheer is the undisputed video game champ of Care-a-Lot. Fortunately for her, the Cloudseeker's driving system works like a gaming controller.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: The Cloudseeker's driving system works like a video game controller, which makes Cheer best suited to piloting it.
  • The Leader: Promoted to leader by Tenderheart himself.

    Share Bear
Voiced by: Brenna Larsen

Share is the team communicator. She talks to animals, loves to bake, and also loves connecting with everyone.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Downplayed. She was already a kind and gentle bear in previous incarnations, but she could be quite envious when someone else surpassed her in skills in which she excelled and even had moments of It's All About Me, in this new installment she does not show any of those traits and seems to be a Nice Girl in a straight line.
  • Nice Girl: She’s a real great communicator and is quite friendly.

    Grumpy Bear
Voiced by: Nick Shakoour (2019)/Justin Michael (2023)

Grumpy is the team mechanic and resident worrywart. He is flippant and smart-alecky, but deep inside is a kind-hearted Care Bear who is tone deaf to his own words.

    Good Luck Bear
Voiced by: Patrick Pedraza

Good Luck is the mission's navigator. He tackles every task with determination and is determined to succeed by himself with no luck involved.

    Funshine Bear
Voiced by: Justin Michael

Funshine is the co-pilot of the Cloudseeker, and is blindly optimistic.

Caring Control

    Tenderheart Bear
Voiced by: Nick Shakoour (2019)/Jason LaShea (2023)

Tenderheart is the anchor. He supports the crew from afar through the Caring Tower, and is kind, wise, and fatherly.

  • Team Dad: Sees himself as a father to the bears.

    Bedtime Bear
Voiced by: Harry Chaskin

Bedtime is the night watch. He is a night owl who loves to read books, and is the enthusiastic scholar and the team's "search engine". He also has a sudden British accent.

  • Accent Adaptation: Bedtime Bear usually talks in the same American accent as everyone else but in this incarnation he talks with a British accent instead for some reason.
  • Sleepyhead: A bit less in this series, despite his name, but he does have moments of this.
  • The Smart Guy: The team often rely on him for answers to strange phenomena they encounter.

    Wish Bear
Voiced by: Valarie Rae Miller

Wish is the mission's "mom"; practical, supportive, and full of wisdom.

  • Team Mom: The other Bears see her as a mother figure.


    In General 
Whiffles are a group of innocently happy creatures that plant seeds to keep the magical land of Care-A-Lot and the neighboring Silver Lining growing.

"Dibble! Dibble!"
Voiced by: Brenna Larsen

Dibble is the Team Pet and companion. She communicates through limited words, coos, and sounds. While it is difficult to understand what she is saying, it is apparent what she is feeling. She is as eager as a puppy though clueless as a kitten.

  • Character Catchphrase: "Look-looky!"
  • Flying on a Cloud: She can create her own cloud for transportation.
  • In-Series Nickname: The team often call her "Dib". Grumpy also calls her "Kiddo".
  • Morality Pet: She is this for Grumpy. Who is much more affectionate when Dibble is around.
  • Team Pet: The Care Bears all play a part in caring for her. Grumpy in particular treats her like a daughter.
  • Third-Person Person: She often uses her name rather than "I".
  • True Companions: To the rest of the team. When they were led to believe their mission in the Silver Lining was complete, they fully intended to bring Dibble back to Care-A-Lot with them.

The Bad Crowd

Voiced by: Jason LaShea
The Leader of the Bad Crowd. Bluster is ego-driven and narcissistic, and his mischievous plan is to change the Silver Lining into a land of his own; Blusterland.
  • Bad Boss: He treats his underlings very poorly.
  • Egopolis: His ultimate goal is to turn the Silver Lining into his own personal amusement park, "Blusterland".
  • I Lied: The pilot reveals that he struck a deal with the ancient Care Bears; in exchange for the Bears staying out of the Silver Lining, he promised not to cause any trouble. Once the Bears left, he immediately went back on his promise.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Like most post-80s Care Bears villains, he's mostly harmless.
  • Never My Fault: He blames the failure of his plans on others, rather than admit to his own faults.

Voiced by: Debi Derryberrynote 
Bluster's main assistant.

Voiced by: Justin Michael
A member of the Bad Crowd who dreams of taking over Bluster as the leader.

Voiced by: Harry Chaskin
A Bad Crowd member who gets kicked out by Bluster for being too nice.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After realizing how nice the Care Bears have treated him, He turns against Bluster and decides to live with and help the Whiffles.
  • Nice Guy: Was a member of the Bad Crowd before he got kicked out for being too nice.

Other Characters

    Harmony Bear
Voiced by: N/A

    Love-A-Lot Bear
Voiced by: Debi Derryberrynote 

    Gus and Garath 
Voiced by: Justin Michael and Harry Chaskin respectively
Two gnomes who used to be greedy and hogged things, but learnt to be nice and share things together, much to their grandfather's dismay.

    Togetherness Bear 
Voiced by: Valarie Rae Miller

A brand new Care Bear. Togetherness Bear represents diversity and inclusivity, and their Belly Badge is a rainbow strip that forms a heart. Uniquely, no two Togetherness Bear toys look the same.

  • All Your Colors Combined: Togetherness Bear was initially white/colorless until Cheer, Grumpy, Funshine, Share, Good Luck and Tenderheart offered them theirs. Unable to decide what color they want to be, they decided to combine all of the colors to make a unique rainbow color seen on them.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Even though their description uses female pronouns, their introductory video refers to them with both male and female ones.
  • Rainbow Motif: Togetherness Bear is rainbow-colored and has a rainbow heart for a Belly Badge. To promote inclusivity in diversity, every toy featuring Togetherness Bear has a unique coloration, with no 2 Togetherness Bears looking the same save for the Belly Badge.

    Secret Bear 

    Best Friend Bear 

    Birthday Bear 

    Do-Your-Best Bear 
