The Meaning Behind The Song: Pieces Of Eight by Styx - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Pieces Of Eight by Styx

Title: Decoding the Mystery of Pieces of Eight by Styx

Styx’s Pieces of Eight is an iconic album that brought the band’s reputation to new heights. The concept album that revolves around the pirate theme has many untold tales and hidden meanings that only a few have been able to decipher. The leading track of the album, Pieces of Eight, is a perfect example of how deeply Styx indulged themselves in this imaginative voyage.

In this article, we will peel off the layers of this enigmatic song to reveal the meanings behind its lyrics.


Jim Peterik, the co-writer of Pieces of Eight, explains the song from a pirate’s point of view, which shows the love of a pirate captain for his ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge. However, the song has also been interpreted in a broader sense, where the ship represents life and the struggles a person goes through.

Interestingly, Pieces of Eight refers to the Spanish coin, which was divided into eight fractional parts. Pirates used these coins as their form of currency during their voyages. The coin eventually became an essential part of the pirate folklore, and Styx ingeniously used it to take their listeners on an adventure that’s filled with drama and mystery.

The Lyrics

The song starts with a powerful intro that’s then followed by Tommy Shaw’s vocals. The first verse puts us aboard the pirate ship, where the captain looks down upon his ship with pride. The use of metaphors like “uncharted waters” and “floating spray” adds more depth to the song.

Then comes the chorus, where the three-part harmonies of Tommy Shaw, James Young, and Dennis DeYoung come into play. The chorus revives the pirate folklore by implying that the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the ship, is a being with a will of its own. The ship is said to possess the pieces of eight, and whoever has it could rule the world.

The second verse gives us insights into the pirate’s mentality. The captain is portrayed as a man who is obsessed with the idea of owning a ship that none could match. The lyrics “take hold and hoist the main brace” refer to the pirate’s way of enjoying life by drinking rum. These lyrics paint a vivid picture of the pirate’s life with all its glories and hardships.

The second chorus picks up the pace with a high-energy performance by the band. The captain and his crew, and the ship, are treated as one entity. The lyrics “live forever, or die in flames” show how dedicated the pirate captain is to his ship.

The Hidden Meanings

While the song is a homage to the pirate folklore, it’s a lot more than that. The song’s symbolism is evident, and it’s easy to see the parallels that can be drawn with life struggles. The ship, which represents life, can be interpreted as the vessel that carries us on our journey. The captain, with his obsessions and struggles, represents our inner selves.

When the captain says the lyrics, “start me over, I’m clean again, give me another chance,” we understand how our struggles and failures make us stronger by giving us the chance to start anew.

The line “all of us are marooned” can be interpreted as all of us being stranded on this planet, fighting for survival. The chorus, with its harmonies, talks about the elusive pieces of eight, which for us represents our goals or our passions.

These hidden meanings add more depth to the song and connect it with our struggles as human beings.

The Conclusion

Pieces of Eight is a song that’s a testament to Styx’s ingenuity as musicians and lyricists. The song is a perfect example of how a concept album should be created. The hidden meanings, the potent lyrics, and the band’s high-energy performance make it an experience that’s unmatched.

The song’s lasting popularity speaks volumes for its charm and appeal. Whether you are a fan of the pirate folklore or not, you can’t help but appreciate the band’s dedication in bringing this imaginative voyage to life.

Styx’s Pieces of Eight is more than a song; it’s a journey that everyone should experience. It’s a reminder of how music can take us to imaginary places and connect us with our inner selves.

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