Sir Thomas Dale (d. 1619) - Encyclopedia Virginia

Sir Thomas Dale (d. 1619)


Sir Thomas Dale served as deputy governor of Virginia (1611–1616) and member of the Council of State (1612–1616), and is best known for issuing strict military and civil regulations designed to bring order and discipline to the Jamestown settlement. Fluent in English, Dutch, and probably French, Dale began his lifelong military career serving the Netherlands and by 1594 was a captain in the English army. After being knighted by James I, Dale was recommended for a three-year post in Virginia by the king’s son and Dale’s friend, Prince Henry. He took charge of the colony’s discipline, erecting forts, and fighting Indians. In 1611, he issued military regulations that, combined with earlier civil orders, were printed with the title For The Colony in Virginea Britannia. Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall, &c. (1612). The codes effected martial law on the colony, bringing order to a fractious and inefficient colony. In 1611, Dale founded the City of Henrico, or Henricus, in honor of Prince Henry, and in 1614, as acting governor, he assented to the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. His successful campaigns against the Indians, his discipline, and his husbandry of the colony’s resources helped to make Virginia largely self-sufficient. He left the colony with Pocahontas and Rolfe in 1616 and died three years later leading an English force on the east coast of India.

Early Years

Dale may have been a member of the Dale family of Surrey County, England, or of an Anglo-Dutch family. No known documents record the date and place of his birth, the names of his parents, or any details about his education. He wrote equally well in English and Dutch, was probably fluent in French, knew at least some Latin, and was a deeply committed Protestant. Dale stated late in 1617 that he had begun his lifelong career in the military as a common soldier in the service of the States General of the Netherlands about thirty years earlier, at which time England and the Netherlands were at war with Spain. By 1594 he was a captain in the English army. Dale may have volunteered without a commission to fight against the Spanish, as young gentlemen seldom served in the ranks, and men from the laboring and yeoman classes seldom became officers. He may also have made a socially and financially advantageous first marriage about which nothing is now known.

In 1598 and 1599 Dale commanded an English company in Ireland under Robert Devereux, second earl of Essex, and was briefly detained two years later after the earl was charged with treason. Dale was personally known to Henry IV, the king of France, on whose recommendation the States General appointed him captain of a Dutch infantry company in August 1603. England’s James I knighted him on June 19, 1606. Dale was evidently close to King James’s young son and heir, Prince Henry, who early in 1611 requested that the States General grant Dale a three-year leave of absence without pay to serve in Virginia. Dale married Elizabeth Throckmorton before he departed for Virginia in the spring of 1611; they are not known to have had any children.

In Virginia

The Virginia Company of London, in which Dale owned shares, appointed him the colony’s marshal, or the army officer in charge of discipline and order. The company also designated him deputy, or acting, governor in the event that both the governor, Thomas West, baron De La Warr, and the lieutenant governor, Sir Thomas Gates, were absent from Virginia. Dale and about 300 well-armed soldiers reached the colony in May 1611. He immediately issued orders to erect palisades at the James River settlements to secure them from attack. With De La Warr and Gates both out of the colony, Dale was acting governor until Gates returned in August 1611. Dale was a member of the governor’s Council after March 1612 and was acting governor again from March 1614 to April 1616.

On June 22, 1611, Dale issued military regulations under which his soldiers were to act while in Virginia. They supplemented civil orders that De La Warr and Gates had promulgated in 1610 at the company’s direction. In 1612 the combined orders were printed in London with the title For The Colony in Virginea Britannia. Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall, &c. The civil orders prescribed severe corporal punishment or death for many infractions, as did Dale’s military code. Although sharply criticized for governing Virginia by brutal martial law, Dale did not hesitate to impose the severe penalties specified by the codes, including forced labor, capital punishment, and condemning a man who stole food to be tied to a tree and left to starve to death as a warning to others. The civilian and military regulations, harsh as they were, were not notably more severe than the orders that other English officers imposed in Ireland and elsewhere, and by the standards of the time the soldiers and many of the residents of Virginia were not all entitled to the protections of the common law.

Dale’s imposition of discipline and his directions for organizing necessary work converted the fractious, inefficient colony into a reasonably well-run military and commercial outpost. As soon as he arrived, Dale ordered men to sow grain and tend the large stock of cattle and swine that the company had sent to Virginia. In June 1611 he attacked and defeated the Nansemond Indians and burned their towns. Later in the summer he marched against Indians farther up the James River and established a settlement on a bluff that he called the City of Henrico, or Henricus, in honor of his patron Prince Henry. In December, Dale attacked the Appamattuck towns in that vicinity and later founded on their land the settlement known as Bermuda Hundred. After Samuel Argall, later deputy governor of Virginia, captured Pocahontas early in 1613, Dale held her as a guarantee of peace with her father, Powhatan. Dale and Alexander Whitaker, the minister at Jamestown and Henricus, directed her conversion to Christianity, and in 1614 Dale assented to her marriage to John Rolfe.

The first professional military man in Virginia to command a large and properly equipped force, Dale succeeded where previous commanders had failed and earned commendations from company officers, the king, and some of the surviving colonists. His campaigns against the Indians were the concluding actions in the First Anglo-Powhatan War and allowed the colonists to live in comparative peace for nearly a decade. Dale fended off a Spanish incursion into Virginia and reportedly threatened to hang some French Jesuits who, en route to New France, were driven into Virginia during a storm. His stern enforcement of discipline and careful husbandry of the colony’s livestock and other resources helped make Virginia largely self-sufficient within five years and marked the end of the repeated failings that had plagued the colony’s founding. Dale sent samples of iron to England, established a fishing settlement and saltworks on the Eastern Shore at a site called Dale’s Gift, and acquired property near Henricus.

Later Years

When his three-year leave of absence expired in 1614, Dale was more than ready to leave Virginia and resume command of his Dutch company, but he stayed on, and the king himself requested that the States General extend his leave of absence. Dale finally left Virginia with John Rolfe and Pocahontas in the spring of 1616, having had primary responsibility for the colony’s military affairs and a major role in its governance for more than half of its nine-year history. He returned to England with a cargo showing what the colony could produce: pitch, potash, sassafras, sturgeon (and caviar), and tobacco, among other commodities. The cargo and the condition of the colony presented vivid contrasts to Virginia’s desperate straits at the time that the company had recruited Dale to take charge of its defenses. Safely home in England, he boasted that he had “returned from the hardest taske that ever I undertooke & by the blessing of god have wth poor means left the Collonye in great prosperitye & peace contrarye to many men’s expectation.”

Late in 1617 Dale petitioned the States General for full pay for the whole time of his absence, which with the assistance of the English ambassador he received. Rather than resume his career in the Netherlands, he took command of another large-scale and important enterprise, an English force that the East India Company sent to the Indian Ocean to counter the commercial influence of the Dutch East India Company. Dale wrote a short will on February 20, 1618, leaving to his wife his estates in England and Virginia, which his widow still owned at the time of her death in 1640. En route to India, Dale almost drowned in an accident at Penguin Island, off the coast of modern-day Namibia. In December 1618 he engaged Dutch forces in heavy fighting off the coast of Java, where he occupied Dutch trading posts. The following summer Dale sailed to Machilipatnam, or Masulipatam, on the east coast of India, where he became ill and died on August 9, 1619. He was buried there in a tomb erected for the purpose.

By this year Thomas Dale is a captain in the English army.
In one of these two years Thomas Dale commands an English company in Ireland under Robert Devereux, second earl of Essex, and is briefly detained two years later after the earl is charged with treason.
August 1603
The States General, the parliament of the Netherlands, appoints Thomas Dale captain of a Dutch infantry company.
June 19, 1606
England's James I knights Thomas Dale, who is close to the king's young son and heir, Prince Henry.
Prince Henry, heir to the English throne, requests that the States General, the Dutch parliament, grant Sir Thomas Dale, a Dutch infantry officer, a three-year leave of absence without pay to serve in Virginia.
Sir Thomas Dale marries Elizabeth Throckmorton before he departs for Virginia in the spring. They do not have any children.
May 1611
Sir Thomas Dale, appointed Virginia's marshal, arrives in the colony with about 300 well-armed soldiers. He immediately issues orders to erect palisades at the James River settlements to secure them from attack.
May—August 1611
Sir Thomas Dale, Virginia's marshal, serves as acting governor in the absence of Governor Thomas West, baron De La Warr, and Lieutenant Governor Sir Thomas Gates.
June 1611
Sir Thomas Dale leads a hundred armored soldiers against the Nansemond Indians at the mouth of the James River, burning their towns.
June 22, 1611
Sir Thomas Dale issues military regulations under which his soldiers are to act while in Virginia, supplementing civil orders released in 1610. The combined orders are printed in London the next year with the title For the Colony in Virginea Britannia. Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall, &c.
September 1611
Sir Thomas Dale marches against Indigenous people farther up the James River from Jamestown and establishes a settlement on a bluff that he calls the City of Henrico, or Henricus, in honor of his patron Prince Henry.
December 1611
Sir Thomas Dale and his forces attack the Appamattuck towns near the City of Henrico on the James River and later found on the Indians' land the settlement known as Bermuda Hundred.
March 1612
Sometime after this date Sir Thomas Dale joins Virginia's Council of State and serves until he leaves the colony in 1616.
April 1613
Samuel Argall captures Pocahontas, who is held by Sir Thomas Dale as a guarantee of peace with her father, Powhatan. Dale also helps to direct her conversion to Christianity.
March 1614—April 1616
Sir Thomas Dale, Virginia's marshal, serves as acting governor of the colony in the absence of the governor and lieutenant governor.
Spring 1616
The Virginia Company of London sponsors a voyage to England. Led by Sir Thomas Dale, other passengers include Pocahontas, her husband John Rolfe, their son Thomas, a retinue of young Indigenous women, and the priest Uttamatomakkin, a brother-in-law of Pocahontas's father Powhatan. Samuel Argall commands the ship.
Sir Thomas Dale successfully petitions the States General, the Dutch Parliament, for full pay for the whole time of his absence from the Dutch army for service in Virginia.
February 20, 1618
About to depart as the head of an English force sent to the Indian Ocean, Sir Thomas Dale writes a short will leaving to his wife his estates in England and Virginia.
December 1618
Sir Thomas Dale and his English forces engage Dutch forces in heavy fighting off the coast of Java, where he occupies Dutch trading posts.
August 9, 1619
Sir Thomas Dale, in Machilipatnam, or Masulipatam, on the east coast of India, dies of illness. He is buried there in a tomb erected for the purpose.
  • Tarter, Brent. “Dale, Sir Thomas.” In The Dictionary of Virginia Biography, Vol. 3, edited by Sara B. Bearss, 661–664. Richmond: Library of Virginia, 2006.
APA Citation:
Tarter, Brent & Dictionary of Virginia Biography. Sir Thomas Dale (d. 1619). (2020, December 07). In Encyclopedia Virginia.
MLA Citation:
Tarter, Brent, and Dictionary of Virginia Biography. "Sir Thomas Dale (d. 1619)" Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities, (07 Dec. 2020). Web. 11 Jun. 2024
Last updated: 2021, December 22
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