Setup Your Account - PayPal India

Start shopping safer with PayPal at millions of stores around the world.

Set up your PayPal account with just a few clicks. Read on to learn more about how you can shop and pay with ease.

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Want to receive payments with PayPal?
Go to our Business page.

How to get started.

1. Create Your PayPal Account

Signing up for a PayPal account is an easy process. Make sure you have your personal details ready.

2. Link your Credit/Debit Card

Linking a credit card or debit card takes only a few minutes. Make sure you have your card details ready.

3. Pay with PayPal

Now that you’ve setup your account, you can pay online in seconds, safely and securely.

Pro-Tip: Activate your card for international payments

Make sure to link a valid card to your PayPal account. We accept cards across all leading banks & networks.

Before linking, check if your bank accepts international transactions through PayPal

Activate your card for international payments and check with your issuing bank for your spending limit.​

Get started with our 1-minute video guides.

Activate your credit card for international purchases.

  • Activating your card
  • Eligible Banks
  • Continue earning credit card points

Start selling with PayPal – even if without a website.

Set up a PayPal.Me link for yourself, and share it with your friends, family, clients or customers to get paid.
Learn more about PayPal.Me.

Happy shopping with PayPal.

Sign Up for Free