Veronica Wadley bids farewell to London Evening Standard | Veronica Wadley | The Guardian Skip to main contentSkip to navigationSkip to navigation
Veronica Wadley
Veronica Wadley: described her departure as 'the end of an era'. Photograph: London Evening Standard
Veronica Wadley: described her departure as 'the end of an era'. Photograph: London Evening Standard

Veronica Wadley bids farewell to London Evening Standard

This article is more than 15 years old

Veronica Wadley, the London Evening Standard's departing editor, addressed journalists for the final time at the paper's Kensington offices this afternoon, telling them that editing the Standard had given her "the most amazing years of my life".

In an emotional speech, she thanked staff for their professionalism and said she hoped the paper's new owner, Russian billionaire Alexander Lebedev, would invest heavily in the title.

But, according to insiders, she did not mention DMGT chairman Lord Rothermere or Daily Mail editor-in-chief Paul Dacre during her farewell remarks.

Taking to the newsroom floor at 1.30pm, Wadley joked that when she saw the snow outside her window this morning, "I thought the Russians really are coming", before congratulating Standard staff on getting out a "great paper" in challenging circumstances, lavishing praise on the editorial team and thanking them for the "amazing support you have given me over the past seven years".

Wadley listed some of the pivotal events of her tenure, including the London bombings in July 2007, the capital's successful Olympic bid, the downfall of former Mayor Ken Livingstone and the election of his successor Boris Johnson.

The paper's campaigns – including fighting knife crime, championing small shops and commuters – have given her enormous pride, she added. "I admire you all," she told staff.

Wadley described her departure as "the end of an era" and said she left with "enormous pride for the paper, pride in you and hope for the future".

But she also warned that the Standard's new owner must invest in the paper. "I very much hope the new proprietors will nurture you, look after you and invest in you because that is what the paper needs. The paper can fight against the freesheets with commitment and investment."

She said the new editor, confirmed today as Tatler editor Geordie Greig, would bring in his own ideas, but that staff would adapt and change, just as they did when Wadley replaced Max Hastings towards the start of the decade, and said she was sure the paper could have a great future.

Wadley was presented with a bouquet of flowers, but not all journalists were impressed with her speech, pointing out that some face redundancy on extremely bad terms.

Lebedev is expected to reduce numbers at the paper as he battles to limit its losses, and he is expected to offer staff who leave the smallest payouts possible under British law.

That means they could be capped at £350 for each year of service, and limited to £7,000 in total, plus any outstanding salary owed. Unlike them, Wadley is believed to be leaving with a sizeable pay-off.

Before leaving the building, Wadley managed another quip about the paper's new Russian proprietors, asking staff not to give her presents. "Save your roubles," she said.

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