Craig Levein: Hearts manager 'irrational and childish' - Aberdeen boss Derek McInnes - BBC Sport

Craig Levein: Hearts manager 'irrational and childish' - Aberdeen boss Derek McInnes

Derek McInnes has described Hearts boss Craig Levein as "really irrational and immature" for claiming the Aberdeen manager was "crying his eyes out" about referees.

Levein accused McInnes of talking "tripe" about decisions in Hearts' 2-0 defeat at Aberdeen last Saturday. He later called McInnes "a dick".external-link

But after Aberdeen's 4-3 loss to Celtic, McInnes said it was Levein who phoned him complaining about referees.

"It is disappointing," McInnes said.

Speaking to BBC Scotland, he added: "For someone I have always held in high regard and I respect, I think his reaction has been irrational and childish."

McInnes said that, contrary to Levein's claim, it was the Hearts manager who phoned him the morning after Aberdeen's 1-0 win against Rangers at Ibrox on 5 December.

"After doing the school run, I received a call from him and he was the one complaining and saying 'what are we going to do about referees?' That was a private phone call that has now been shared publically.

"But there was nothing revealing in that conversation. So for him to try to distort it in a way that I was greetin'external-link my eyes out... he was the one complaining that morning, I wasn't getting involved.

"It isn't a regular call so when I saw his number I was surprised. You have to ask yourselves why did he phone me, and whether he was maybe trying to gain support for his own argument."

Levein, speaking after Hearts' 2-0 win over Hamilton, said he stood by his previous comments about McInnes.

"Is that the best he can do?" said the Hearts boss when told McInnes had called him irrational and childish.

"As far as I am concerned it is done. I have said what I had to say. He spoke out of turn and criticised me and the team about something that had absolutely nothing to do with him.

"So he is better just keeping quiet. If that is his best retort, all day long I am happy with that."