Thomas C Jessee - Walla Walla, WA (509)529-8094 - Public Record
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Thomas C Jessee

6652 Mill Creek Rd, Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 529-8094
70 years old

Verified on May 12, 2024

Property Details

Estimate Value$331,000
Last Sale Amount$160,000
Down Payment$150,026
Household Income$61,000 - $74,000
Est. $ per Sq/Ft$322
Sq. Feet1,028
Lot Sq. Feet47,916 - 1.10 acres
Last Sale DateSeptember 23,2016
Year Built1987
Parking Spaces2 car garage
Parcel ID370726320016
Property TypeOwner Occupied
School DistrictWalla Walla School District

Background Summary for Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA

According to our latest records, Thomas C Jessee is 70 years old and born in Aug 1953. Thomas's phone numbers include (509) 529-8094, (509) 529-9134.

Thomas's possible relatives include Gail Jessee, Jess Wilkerson, Thomas Jessee, Clinton Jessee, Darius Byrd, Dawn Agbayani, Elizabeth Byrd. Thomas's most recently reported address starting in Apr 2024 is 6652 Mill Creek Rd . Prior to that Thomas lived at 1757 Po Box for less than 1 years.

Other cities and locations that Thomas could have lived includes Walla Walla,WA, Rock Island,IL, Lakeland,FL, Reno,NV, Cheney,WA, Spokane,WA. We currently show as many as 13 address, 2 phones, 1 email addresses for Thomas Jessee.

13 Addresses Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla WA

2 Phones Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla WA

(509) 529-8094 Open Free Background Report
Jan 1970 - Apr 2024

(509) 529-9134
Jan 1970 - Mar 2016

Full Background Report
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8 Aliases Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA

Tom Jessee
Thomas Jessee
Tom M Jessee
T Jessee
Tom C Jessee
Thomas M Jessee
Tom C Jesse
Thomas Jesse

1 Emails Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA

44 Relatives Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA

Gail Jessee
81 years old
Jess Wilkerson
48 years old
Thomas Jessee
73 years old
Clinton Jessee
50 years old
Darius Byrd
66 years old
Dawn Agbayani
65 years old
Elizabeth Byrd
66 years old
Helen Jessee
104 years old
Jaime Vanderpool
49 years old
James Bennett
85 years old
James Jamison
47 years old
James Jamison
47 years old
James Wilkerson
71 years old
Jennifer James
42 years old
Jesse Wilkerson
54 years old
Jessica Walsh
48 years old
John Jessee
69 years old
Marla Elvin
68 years old
Marshall Jessee
108 years old
Michael Ortabello
90 years old

1 Associates Found For Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA:

Zachery Young
37 years old

Frequently Asked Questions - Thomas C Jessee in Walla Walla, WA

Where does Thomas C Jessee live?
Thomas C Jessee currently lives at 6652 Mill Creek Rd, Walla Walla, WA and has lived there for about year(s).

What is Thomas C Jessee phone number?
The current phone number for Thomas C Jessee is a LandLine/Services at (509) 529-8094.

Does Thomas C Jessee have any social networking profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
It is entirely possible, but a Full Background Report from PeopleFinders would be required to find out.

What is the current email address for Thomas C Jessee?
Thomas C Jessee uses the [email protected] email address most recently.

What other names and aliases has Thomas C Jessee used?
Thomas C Jessee was likely associated with the following alternate names or aliases: Tom Jessee, Thomas Jessee, Tom M Jessee, T Jessee, Tom C Jessee, Thomas M Jessee, Tom C Jesse, Thomas Jesse.

How old is Thomas C Jessee and what year were they born?
Thomas C Jessee is 70 years old and was born in 1953.

Who is related to Thomas C Jessee?
Thomas C Jessee is believed to be related to the following people: Gail R Jessee, Jess J Wilkerson, Thomas Lee Jessee, Clinton T Jessee, Darius W Byrd, Dawn D Agbayani, Elizabeth J Byrd, Helen C Jessee, Jaime L Vanderpool, James L Bennett.

How do I find out if Thomas C Jessee has a criminal record, bankruptcies, liens, judgements or other court actions taken against them?
The best way to find out criminal, court or other financial information is with a complete background check through a website such as

Who are friends or associates of Thomas C Jessee?
Thomas C Jessee is believed to be friends or associates with: Zachery M Young

Where did has Thomas C Jessee lived previously?
Thomas C Jessee has lived in the following cities: Walla Walla, WA, Rock Island, IL, Lakeland, FL, Reno, NV, Cheney, WA, Spokane, WA is not a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
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