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UPDATE on finding my wife unattractive after her plastic surgery.

[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1baxuez/aita_for_being_truthful_and_admitting_that_i_find/)

My wife came home yesterday and we finally had a long talk.

She told me that the reason she had the surgery was because her mom and sister talked her into it. They convinced her that she was starting to look old and that I would find someone else to be with if she did not do something. That was why her mom gave her the money for the operations.

Her mom and sister look like Bruce Campbell in Escape From LA. They are the very last people on the planet that should be telling anyone to get plastic surgery. I used some of the comments I read on my post as talking points. I told her that I loved her and that she was the person that I wanted to spend my life with. I told her that the surgery would take a while longer to settle down and that as I got more used to her new face I would learn to appreciate it.

She asked me if I wanted her to see if she could get it reversed. I almost screamed at her. The last thing in the world I want is for her to fuck up her face more than it already is. I asked her if she could please just leave it and let me get used to it.

We talked for about three hours and we decided that her mom and sister would not be a part of any decisions in our life going forward. She is going to leave her face alone and give me a chance to get used to it. We are going to look for a marriage counselor and maybe individual counselors for each of us. I am going to make an effort to show her every day how I still find her desirable and she is going to make an effort to believe me when I tell her I love her the way she is.

We are going to talk to her mom and sister and tell them that we are taking a break from them. We are going to block them and get our shit together before we allow them back into our lives.

Thank you to everyone who tried to help me.

I would like to add that I did not think there were that many guys out there with a weird blue squid lady fetish. It isn't for me but you do you.

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u/DeviousWhippet avatar

I am not confident in my appearance at all. But you know who tell me I'm beautiful, even though I look like a yam? My mum and sisters. Fuck your wife's family for doing that to her.

EDIT: your replies have made this root veg so sodding happy and I'm so sorry that some of you don't have the family support you should have but please believe me when I say you are beautiful and the only ugly thing is your "loved ones" comments. Thank you everyone for making me smile :)

u/lilviv77 avatar

Damn you roasted yourself so bad I almost instinctively down voted because it was so mean spirited. 

Congrats on the roasting gift, but you should be kinder to yourself :)

would she be…

…a roasted sweet potato?

I’ll see myself out 😭

u/novel1389 avatar

I yam what I yam

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No no sit here you have more to say.

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u/kirbysdream avatar

Yam got me cackling. I’m sure you don’t look like a root vegetable!

u/DeviousWhippet avatar

On but I do! On the bright side in hoping I can be sponsored by Sweet Potatoes R Us 😀

u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 avatar

Haha this is so cute. I bet your personality is honestly so charming which matters more in the long run. We all get old and wrinkly. 

Agreed. I want to hang with DeviousWhippet!

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Yam to yam, totally agree about OPs inlaws

''Though I look like a yam'' 🤣

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Her mom and sister will at least look shocked when you break it to them

u/OkInevitable7692 avatar

No they won't. They have the facial mobility of bilateral stroke victims.

OP… you have a gift…

Now I see why she married him

That’s the problem with funny people.

Laugh, laugh, and then bam, naked.

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For real lmao

I would read a whole book about this written by this guy.

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Damn I'm going to hell for ugly loud laughing at this

u/BottyBotkins avatar

Save me a nice bunk.

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If you ever do an improv show, I would enthusiastically buy tickets (with a drink minimum even)


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u/Own_Landscape1161 avatar

Please tell me if you ever visit Hungary I want to have a few beer with you lol

u/OkInevitable7692 avatar

My wife and I will be in Spain tomorrow. Unfortunately that's as close to Hungary as I will be in for a while. 

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Post an update after you tell them.

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You're the Ted Lasso of quips about bad plastic surgery.

You deserve a spot in r/clevercomebacks and r/rareinsults

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I would like to add that I did not think there were that many guys out there with a weird blue squid lady fetish

Remember you did post this story to Reddit.

u/OkInevitable7692 avatar

Still really odd.


You and your wife will need to keep in mind that her mother and sister [Bruce Campbells faced] purposefully sabotaged her face.

Yes, really.

It may be subconscious or consciously, but it is very odd to read the state of play and how this came about.

I advise you to research Cluster B types, if you are not already aware. Every family seems to have a least one petty, spiteful, jealous, covetous, disruptive, and sometimes dangerous family member [or in-law] that is naturally inclined and often outright purposeful in nature to hurt everyone else.

I would think very long and hard, about even telling the mother and sister your intentions of taken a cooling off period. Giving them an awareness that they harmed you and your wife [their daughter / sister] is telling them you are both vulnerable and that they affected you both. You’re telling them they were successful. Them being aware you are seeking counselling, or anything personal - is a bad idea.

They are owned nothing, they should get nothing.

What they did to her is basically criminal.

They should never be trusted again. Don’t you realize [I know you do, I am being hyperbolic] they weaponized your wife’s love for you and fear of losing you - to cause her to cut her face up?

My family were psychopaths. My in-laws are sociopaths. I had to spend years teaching myself to be better and psychically recover after I left my family. My father put me in a coma, and I almost died. Then again the same with my wife, and her family. Her mother broke her, until she developed an eating disorder, and she almost died. My wife was a former athlete and runway model. She was the last to need such attention. Her mother was jealous, and my wife was susceptible back then. Today, my wife is strong, and doesn’t interacted with her family. Minus, her amazing younger sister. They no longer engage in being abused. I am so proud of them.

These types of people are dangerous. Even if you’re not sure they are malicious, look at what they have already made your wife do to herself. So, you owe it to each other to be very cautious with such people. Give them nothing. Quarantine them.

Look what they’ve already done to her, you are each other’s partner, protecting each other is of paramount importance.

You’ve got this, OP. 🙏🏼

u/CoolDoc1729 avatar

My sister in law is one of these cluster B people. My husband and his other relatives just don’t see it. Is there any way to “help” them see it? So far I just try to avoid having to deal with her …

There are a few different ways to handle such situations. One effective approach I've found is often successful 99 times out of 100. However, consistently managing it can be challenging as it doesn't involve engaging with them for a while. In a nutshell, for all these types, ego plays a significant role in their identity, and being triggered is something most of them cannot handle.

Systemically, many family members, out of a safety instinct, tend to ignore the behavior, make excuses for it, and quickly forget about it. Unfortunately, the person pointing it out often receives more hostilities and may be isolated. It's like killing the messenger.

A shorter version of dealing with them involves treating everything they say as a joke. Whether it's a rude comment, an attempt to exclude you, or embarrassment, never take offense. Act as if everything they say is the funniest thing in the world. When their serious demeanor clashes with your lighthearted approach, they may become agitated, angry, or even break physically or verbally. Your job is to act surprised, hurt, and only repeat, "I thought you were making a joke. You have a great sense of humor, and I thought we were getting along great." You’ll know the exact type of language to use based on the interactions and the type of environment, and the family members themselves involved. It might need to be simpler language or it may be more sophisticated, but the general approach is the same.

Consider a simple example to illustrate how this approach can be effective. Picture a moment in your past – perhaps in school, university, at work, with family, friends, or in a public setting. You find yourself surrounded by individuals laughing about something. It's evident they aren't laughing at you or discussing you. However, there's a brief moment, if not longer, when you instinctively pause and wonder: Are they talking about me? Are they making fun of me? Am I the odd person out? In that moment, you might experience a subconscious or unconscious negative emotion – perhaps anger or discomfort…

Now, magnify this scenario for a Cluster B person. Unlike you, they often won't exhibit the same impulse control. Their immediate reaction to feeling disliked is likely more intense and less restrained. It is then only a matter of time.

Never let them or your family and friends know your strategy. By consistently triggering negative reactions, they may isolate themselves by acting out, and others will begin to see them differently. Avoid giving them emotional energy, as these people thrive on causing disruption and separating you from other family members. If you don't react and even support them leading to their misbehaving, they may lose out, and people won't want to be around them anymore.

When they realize they won't win, they'll likely stop showing up because they won't get any more emotional energy.

After about six months, my mother-in-law stopped coming to social events. After a year she stopped harassing and abusing other family members. She was no longer getting what she was used to getting from people - disrupting and hurting them.

My background was / is 30+ years talent management. I’ve interviewed six figures of individuals, from every walk of life. I’ve written workbooks and textbooks sections on interpretations, and behavior. I’m modestly known in my circles, background and expertise. so this was an area that I felt comfortable with when I first met my future mother-in-law, and found out the behaviour that they were used to dealing with from her.

My wife, her younger sister, and family were so much happier in the years to come. Her mother and father got a divorce. Her father remarried. An amazing woman who’s made him so happy. She’s fit in so well with the family. And we haven’t heard from my mother-in-law in two years. Now to be clear, if she wasn’t so horrible to my wife, and wasn’t so nasty to me, and everyone else, I would’ve never looked to use this method. But she was, and so I did. I don’t like to casually advocate for treating people in such a matter. Unless it is an extreme situation.

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u/Kangaroo-Pack-3727 avatar

OP I hope therapy and counselling will help you both. Please tell your wife that you love her for her heart and soul. Validate her inner beauty. Compliment her daily by pointing out her heart, her kindness and lovely smile. Tell her that you made a vow to love her through thick and thin and you are gonna stick to that vow for eternity. Update us OP


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Nope! But I’m beginning to think OP secretly has a movie character assigned to every person he knows. I’m not exactly mad about it. I needed the laugh.

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😂 I had to google it too 😂 I think I did in the last post with a different moviereference op made. OP this update was good news. I feel bad for your wife honestly. My mom has been victim to unnecessary plastic surgery and injections that have ruined her face and it was all because her mother and sisters did it too and convinced her to. The same exact thing basically. Now my mom will never look the same. It’s especially sad because she was a professional model when she was younger and was invited to compete in Miss Universe. My father loves her regardless though and even though he begged her not to and she did the surgery anyway, they have a great relationship and he is still very attracted to her. They’ve been married 42 years.

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I didn't know what that reference was... Now I hope I do not have nightmares about it tonight 

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🎶 Regrets, I have a few…. 🎶

I swear the movie references 🤣...I am now compelled to watch them

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Looked it up. Realized I know a woman that looks exactly like that naturally with no plastic surgery. Actually probably more like a love child between Bruce Campbell and jay leno.

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bro.... blue lady fetishes are big, we got smurfette, we got avatar, we got mystique, we got cortana, we got the blue alien from fifth element, we got nebula from gaurdians of the galaxy, we got elsa from frozen... she's pretty blue coded...

lots of strong and supportive blue baddies

u/bdl-laptop avatar

World of Warcraft and Mass Effect both feature highly attractive blue races with Draenei and Asari respectively as well. Blue girls have been repped in gaming for ages.

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The lip fillers won’t be permanent so at least her lips will look better soon.

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I was a little hurt at the amount of comments from people who had to look her up. The movie CANT be that old... Ugh, guess I'm old.

u/rpgmomma8404 avatar

Movie came out in 97'. 😭

u/Ok_Revenue_9039 avatar

I came out in 97 too 😅😂

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u/none-5766 avatar

In the 1900s

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u/codebrown avatar

Don't worry guys I did the math and we are closer to 2050 than 1997.

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My search history now has Bruce Campbell and blue squid lady in it…

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Not a guy and my first thought was definitely to lean into it and convince her to paint her face blue so my bad.

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u/WokenMrIzdik avatar

OP makes great movie references

u/BobbiG16 avatar

He really does have great movie references, it's amazing lol


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u/OkInevitable7692 avatar

I did not. The closest I got was pointing out that a bad haircut and a kimono and I could pass for a skinny version of Associate Bob

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u/DivisiveByZero avatar

it's the central part of his storytelling and I love it

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u/BicycleEast8721 avatar

OP needs to send a robocall to every burn unit in the country after that insult, ffs


One over always liked.

Once on Have I Got News For You they showed a picture of David Gest (Liza Minnelli's husband). The comment was,

"He looks like someone who has had a lot of plastic surgery.... From someone who was not a plastic surgeon."

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Omg. It’s like a precursor to the cat looking lady

u/Moemoe5 avatar

Or Igor and Grincka Bogdanoff! Their faces scared me!

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Yikes! For a movie that’s 30 years old now, they really nailed what plastic surgery does to a face. I’m not sure if that’s the gold standard that plastic surgeons are emulating or if that’s just what happens when you traumatize a face so much.

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u/jennifaerie16 avatar

This reference killed me. I could not stop laughing.

Thanks click saver guy

u/Outrageous_Aspect558 avatar

I don't generally use emojis but🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣✅

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Many tough elements here… her self-esteem, body dysmorphia, being influenced by her mom and sister, you losing attraction for now…

Which leads us to the fifth element… damn that was funny. Glad you’re making the effort and continuing to love your wife.

u/OkInevitable7692 avatar

I can't stop loving her.


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u/perfect_pumbkin avatar

This is a such good way to think of it! Mental illness is sometimes equally as damaging as physical illness, so her new face is just like a scar.

Maybe this will help you reframe things a lil OP! u/okinevitable7692

I think this is a really good way to look at these things. I think I’ve always felt similar, but never thought to make a direct comparison.

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which further emphasizes the severity of the behavior of her mom and sister : it's like they pushed her face into a fire.

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u/swinging-in-the-rain avatar

My man.

u/potatoears avatar

you're a good guy


Awwwww that's genuinely so sweet 🥹

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