History for Creator/KlausKinski - TV Tropes

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History Creator / KlausKinski

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* ''Film/ColdBloodedBeast'' (1971) as Dr. Francis Clay

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* ''Film/{{Schizoid}}'' (1980) as Pieter Fales
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* ''[[Film/{{Sartana}} I Am Sartana, Your Angel of Death]]'' (1969) as Hot Dead
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Though hailed as a prolific and capable actor, Kinski had a reputation for being extremely difficult to work with. He raged about anything that did not suit his expectations. Herzog recalls his [[WithFriendsLikeThese colorful]] working relationship with Kinski in the 1999 documentary ''[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Best_Fiend My Best Fiend]]''. As the title suggests, the two men had a ''very'' tempestuous... we suppose 'friendship' isn't quite the word, considering that Herzog once had to hold Kinski ''at gunpoint'' on-set in order to get him to behave and work.[[labelnote:Note]]Though, Herzog himself has said that the story was an exaggeration: he "merely" ''threatened'' Kinski with murder/suicide unless the actor started behaving, and Kinski could tell he was 100% serious.[[/labelnote]]


Though hailed as a prolific and capable actor, Kinski had a reputation for being extremely difficult to work with. He raged about anything that did not suit his expectations. Herzog recalls his [[WithFriendsLikeThese colorful]] working relationship with Kinski in the 1999 documentary ''[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Best_Fiend My Best Fiend]]''. As the title suggests, the two men had a ''very'' tempestuous... we suppose 'friendship' isn't quite the word, considering that Herzog once had to hold Kinski ''at gunpoint'' on-set in order to get him to behave and work.[[labelnote:Note]]Though, Herzog himself has said [[labelnote:Note]]Herzog claimed that the story was an exaggeration: according to him, he "merely" ''threatened'' Kinski with murder/suicide killing him and then committing suicide unless the actor started behaving, and Kinski could tell believed he was 100% serious.[[/labelnote]]

Probably the most audacious project of Kinski's career was his 1971 one-man show, ''Klaus Kinski is Jesus Christ Savior'' (a documentary about it is now on DVD, and footage appears in ''My Best Fiend''). Notably, even while delivering a monologue about UsefulNotes/{{Jesus}} (who he maintained was [[AnswersToTheNameOfGod his personal idol]]), Kinski ''still'' got into several spats onstage and was nearly mobbed by the entire audience.


Probably the most audacious project of Kinski's career was his 1971 one-man show, ''Klaus Kinski is Jesus Christ Savior'' (a documentary about it is now on DVD, and footage appears in ''My Best Fiend''). Notably, even while delivering a monologue about UsefulNotes/{{Jesus}} (who he maintained was [[AnswersToTheNameOfGod [[ChurchgoingVillain his personal idol]]), Kinski ''still'' got into several spats onstage and was nearly mobbed by the entire audience.
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* ''Film/{{Venus In Furs|Franco1969}}'' (1969) as Ahmed Kortobawi


* ''Film/{{Venus In Furs|Franco1969}}'' Furs|Franco}}'' (1969) as Ahmed Kortobawi
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* ''Film/{{Venus In Furs|Franco1969}}'' (1969) as Ahmed Kortobawi
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* ''Film/GrandSlam'' (1967) as Erich Weiss
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Though hailed as a prolific and capable actor, Kinski had a reputation for being extremely difficult to work with. He raged about anything that did not suit his expectations. Herzog recalls his [[WithFriendsLikeThese colorful]] working relationship with Kinski in the 1999 documentary ''[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Best_Fiend My Best Fiend]]''. As the title suggests, the two men had a ''very'' tempestuous... we suppose 'friendship' isn't quite the word, considering that Herzog once had to hold Kinski ''at gunpoint'' on-set in order to get him to behave and work.


Though hailed as a prolific and capable actor, Kinski had a reputation for being extremely difficult to work with. He raged about anything that did not suit his expectations. Herzog recalls his [[WithFriendsLikeThese colorful]] working relationship with Kinski in the 1999 documentary ''[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Best_Fiend My Best Fiend]]''. As the title suggests, the two men had a ''very'' tempestuous... we suppose 'friendship' isn't quite the word, considering that Herzog once had to hold Kinski ''at gunpoint'' on-set in order to get him to behave and work.
work.[[labelnote:Note]]Though, Herzog himself has said that the story was an exaggeration: he "merely" ''threatened'' Kinski with murder/suicide unless the actor started behaving, and Kinski could tell he was 100% serious.[[/labelnote]]
