Your 10 best Hendrix posthumous releases | Page 3 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Your 10 best Hendrix posthumous releases

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by phantomime, May 9, 2024.

  1. phantomime

    phantomime Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Albion, London

    Hey there,
    looks like you're covered with many options. Maybe try one of the Dagger records releases {i stick to their studio releases}
    Man at C&A likes this.
  2. Man at C&A

    Man at C&A Senior Member

    Are those expensive now? I think one of my friends has some of the early ones. I'll have to see if I can get copies.
    phantomime likes this.
  3. phantomime

    phantomime Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Albion, London
    ^ Good point,
    am not sure if they are out of print but a while back the website made it very easy to purchase at face value from so def worth having a look to see what they keep in stock.
    Man at C&A likes this.
  4. Dillydipper

    Dillydipper Space-Age luddite

    Central PA
    Somebody (some "enterprising individual", perhaps ;) ) should try and put out some sort of a coffee-table book that tries to anthologize just how many different versions there are of how many times his legacy has been exploited through various ownership change-hands of his catalog (I dunno, I bet that already exists).

    A Mark-Lewisohn-level deep dive- into deadwax inscriptions, CD-ring numbers, catalog numbering, companies and labels, and the best sources for all formats of his once-legitimate recordings.

    If for no other reason, to help the serious fan organize his collection accordingly, and also to take dollars out of the hands of the exploiters, by more principled exploiters! :idea: :evil:
  5. phantomime

    phantomime Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Albion, London
    A good book that comes close to this is called Jimi Hendrix by Frank Moriarty which i got on kindle. I think he's a member here where i found out about it.
    Man at C&A and Dillydipper like this.
  6. Swansong

    Swansong From Planet Earth

    I’m just not interested in top 10 lists, but I personally have loved all of them. More Hendrix, more better :hide:
    DooDee, phantomime and Man at C&A like this.
  7. Man at C&A

    Man at C&A Senior Member

    You're totally right, they should do the same with Marc Bolan too. I think there's even more confusing posthumous stuff with him, including lots of real crap like his hits overdubbed with really bad 80's synths and an acoustic radio session overdubbed with a totally ill fitting full band. I don't think Jimi has had this kind of indignity though some of the mid 70's releases seem to get close. I avoid them.
    Swansong, phantomime and Dillydipper like this.
  8. skisdlimit

    skisdlimit Forum Resident

    Bellevue, WA
    I kind of did that for Hendrix a while back in this thread:

    Rate all of their albums
    Swansong and phantomime like this.
  9. bodine

    bodine Senior Member

    Washington DC
    Winterland box
    DooDee and phantomime like this.
  10. PacificOceanBlue

    PacificOceanBlue Senior Member

    The Southwest
    The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Purple Box)
    Songs For Groovy Children
    Cry of Love
    Rainbow Bridge
    Burning Desire (Dagger)
    The Baggy’s Rehearsals (Dagger)
    West Coast Seattle Boy
    Live At Berkeley
    Miami Pop Festival
    intv7 and phantomime like this.
  11. Dillydipper

    Dillydipper Space-Age luddite

    Central PA
    But the thread doesn't fit in your hand such as the Lewisohn book, does it. That's why I suggested a coffee-table book; lends more cred.
    phantomime likes this.
  12. breakingglass

    breakingglass Forum Resident


    It’s been a LONG time since Electric Gypsy. Mr. Shapiro replied to my inquiry years ago and confirmed he couldn’t possibly consider updating it these days.
    Dillydipper and phantomime like this.
  13. skisdlimit

    skisdlimit Forum Resident

    Bellevue, WA
    Perhaps not, but my post over there should fit on one page, either on-screen or in-hand. :p
    Dillydipper and phantomime like this.
  14. Jim Fixx

    Jim Fixx Forum Resident

    Radio One and the original pressing of Hendrix in The West.
    phantomime likes this.
  15. Dillydipper

    Dillydipper Space-Age luddite

    Central PA
    I'll be honest with you, I don't even listen to Hendrix, not my jam (I'm just not a "rock" guy - that alone has been enough to trigger a number of regulars her over the years); but I am aware of the fungible nature of the catalog, and it always seemed that somebody should do something concrete (and physical, not just posting) about helping fans straighten out their own confusion with the various products, and if nobody does that, that's just leaving money on the table.
    phantomime likes this.
  16. stax o' wax

    stax o' wax Forum Resident

    The West
    Me too.
    phantomime and JeffMo like this.
  17. DooDee

    DooDee Forum Resident

    I have the first three tracks on my I-Tunes/I-Phone. Just received a new small speaker today (Klipsch Nashville). Live at Berkeley album sounds great thru it. Guitar is very clear. Hey Baby now starting. That warm feeling is coming on. :sigh: The Hey Joe is in The Jimi Hendrix Concerts.
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
    phantomime and JeffMo like this.
  18. Purple Jim

    Purple Jim Senior Member

    Cry Of Love
    Rainbow Bridge
    War Heroes
    Nine To The Universe
    Hear My Music
    Burning Desire
    Hendrix In The West
    The Jimi Hendrix Concerts
    Live At Winterland
    intv7 and phantomime like this.
  19. DooDee

    DooDee Forum Resident

    Man, this is part of the soundtrack to the movie. The ending of Machine Gun is out of this world. Phenomenal movie. Another time.





    Last edited: May 13, 2024
    stax o' wax and phantomime like this.
  20. Oatsy

    Oatsy a wind in the willows is the sound

    There’s been ten??
    Well all i know are Crash Lightning and Midnight Landing.

    Just kidding.
    I honestly kinda refused to own them way back in high school cuz we already knew they were tampered albums. I think i had crash landing for a spell. Captain Coconut? Peace in Mississippi was a cruncher, no?

    I remember when the double album Essential came out how exciting it was! Then volume two had a bonus 45!
    Also remember The Concerts double album was a big deal.
    There was this weird almost an ep called Johnny B Goode i think with a mermaid and a TV set or something. I always rhought it an odd release but it had some killer cuts!

    of course Rainbow Bridge and In The West.

    the 2LP soundtrack to the film about him was my first Jimi album. I bought it cuz it seemed to have all the live classics.

    that’s all i lnow.
  21. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    Cry of Love
    Rainbow Bridge
    Burning Desire
    South Saturn Delta
    West Coast Seattle Boy
    Purple Box
    Songs for Groovy Children
    Live in Berkeley
    Live in Maui

    Though the sound quality isn't necessarily ideal, I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of that Maui set, which reveals Jimi & co. at their most freewheeling and exploratory, featuring compelling versions of a lot of his later material.
    stax o' wax and phantomime like this.
  22. EndOfTheRainbow

    EndOfTheRainbow I Want To See the Bright Lights Tonight

    I have always liked the Winterland Ryko disc with Hey Joe, sounds great and a great performance
    I think the CD is easy to find, and I there was the later 4 CD box set.
    Oatsy, Man at C&A, phantomime and 2 others like this.

  23. You may enjoy the Dagger Records releases, kinda like official Hendrix fan club releases: jams, live shows, rehearsals, etc., They originally came out on cd, and now they are doing vinyl releases.

    Releases | Dagger Records
    phantomime and Man at C&A like this.
  24. Man at C&A

    Man at C&A Senior Member

    Winterland seems to be an essential I'm missing. I've just ordered People, Hell and Angels for a ridiculously cheap price.
    phantomime likes this.
  25. Man at C&A

    Man at C&A Senior Member

    I'd certainly like some, especially Experience era live stuff. It seems wrong to say as a Jimi fan, but I never like jam sessions and rehearsal type stuff from anyone. I'm a songs and melodies guy at heart! Dagger Records seem to be US only and the postage from the US to the UK is incredibly expensive. I think one of my friends has some of the live ones. I'll have to be tight and illegal and get CD copies.
    Taxman, zphage and phantomime like this.

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