Key West is taking back its streets for parades as COVID-19 numbers drop | WLRN
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COVID-19 canceled Key West's parades — but now they're back

An image of a human powered parade float shaped like a sailboat.
Nancy Klingener
Key West's annual holiday parade includes kids, animals, the high school marching band, bikes done up as boats, actual boats, utility trucks — and only one Santa, at the end.

Key West loves a parade but the pandemic put a stop to a lot of them. Now with COVID-19 numbers dropping, the parades are returning to island streets.

There was a Fantasy Fest this year but … in some ways it was hard to tell. No big Saturday night parade down Duval Street. No Masquerade March through Old Town. No Zombie Bike Ride along the Atlantic.

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Organizers canceled those big events back when the delta variant had COVID numbers climbing.

But now the numbers have dropped, so people are encouraged to take to the streets again.

Powerboats paraded down Duval Street Sunday. The Veterans Day parade is also back on the schedule, it's scheduled to start at 4 p.m. Thursday on Duval at United Street.

And on Dec. 4, the city of Key West will put on the parade that is a local favorite — the holiday parade. The city started the parade in the mid-1990s, after the Lower Keys Ministerial Association refused to accept the Metropolitan Community Church in its parade.

The city is accepting entry forms for floats until Nov. 22.

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Nancy Klingener was WLRN's Florida Keys reporter until July 2022.