中英對照 - 阿布達比跳島旅遊指南!享受最宜人的島嶼風光 - WORD UP 聰明學習|英文&公職國考學習資源站

中英對照 – 阿布達比跳島旅遊指南!享受最宜人的島嶼風光

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中英對照 - 阿布達比跳島旅遊指南!享受最宜人的島嶼風光


因為疫情的關係,大家可能已經好幾個月沒有辦法出國了,是不是正在思索之後要去哪裡玩呢?大家對於杜拜(阿拉伯聯合大公國)的旅遊印象大多是帆船飯店、沙灘、大海、清真寺、購物,與遊船…等。但其實阿聯有很多很棒的島嶼可以遊玩!趕快跟著 WORD UP 一起來看看 CNN 怎麼介紹的吧!


(CNN) — In May 2018, Abu Dhabi opened a suspension bridge allowing travelers to drive or cycle over the sea.

On one side was Abu Dhabi’s mainland — home of its famous mosque and Louvre museum. At the other? Al Hudayriat Island, an island that offers 600 meters (1,970 feet) of quiet beach.
其中一次是阿布達比的主島,是清真寺和羅浮宮博物館的所在地。那另外一側呢?是 Al Hudayriat 島,一個擁有600米(1,970英尺)安靜海灘的島嶼。

Al Hudayriat is one of more than 200 islands that dot the coast of the UAE’s capital.
Al Hudayriat 是阿拉伯聯合大公國的200多個島嶼之一。

On these islands can be found find eco-retreats, high-end safaris, Maldivian escapes, dolphin snorkeling and so much more.

“The islands of Abu Dhabi are lovely in the right season,” says UAE journalist Ashleigh Stewart. “They’re almost like a mini-break if you’re feeling city fatigue.
阿拉伯聯合大公國的 Ashleigh Stewart 說:「在合適的季節中,阿布達比的這座島嶼很美。」「如果你對城市生活感到疲憊,它們幾乎就像是一個可以小休息的避風港。」

“They’re also incredibly diverse,” she says.


“I’d absolutely recommend them to a visitor. Whereas Dubai’s beaches are beautiful, the islands around Abu Dhabi are quieter, evoking a tropical island feel — and the crowds are thinner,” she adds.

Here are some of the islands worth a visit when you travel here:

一、Yas Island


Arguably the best known of Abu Dhabi’s islands, Yas Island is all things glitz, glam, and family friendly entertainment.
Yas Island 可以說是阿布達比群島中最著名的島嶼,這做島充滿浮華,迷人和對家庭很友善的娛樂活動。

This island is home to the Yas Marina Circuit, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Yas Waterworld, Yas Beach, and the newly opened Warner Bros Abu Dhabi. It’s also conveniently located only a 30-minute drive from Abu Dhabi.
這座島上有 Yas Marina 賽道、阿布達比法拉利世界、Yas 水上世界,Yas 海灘和新開幕的華納兄弟阿布達比遊樂園。同時位置便利,離阿布達比僅30分鐘車程。

The brand new Warner Bros Abu Dhabi spans 1.65 million square feet and six different themed lands. At Yas Waterworld, visitors can hop between 43 rides and the world’s largest hydromagnetic powdered six-person tornado waterslide. For car fanatics, Ferrari World provides the world’s first Ferrari-branded theme park.
全新的華納兄弟遊樂園-阿布達比園區,佔地165萬平方英尺,而且有六個不同的主題樂園。在 Yas 水上世界,遊客可以在43個遊樂設施和世界上最大的六人龍捲風水磁滑道之間跳躍。另外,對於汽車狂熱者來說,法拉利世界提供了世界上第一個法拉利品牌主題公園。

“Adrenaline lovers can book a driving experience at Yas Marina Circuit and cruise at high speed in a racing car or Aston Martin,” says Abu Dhabi resident Gretta Beckett. For a slower thrill, Beckett recommends the free cycling sessions hosted at Yas Marina’s circuit three times a week. “There are even free bikes and helmets.”
阿布達比的居民 Gretta Beckett 說:「腎上腺素的愛好者可以在 Yas Marina 賽道預訂​​駕駛體驗活動,並可以駕駛比賽用的 Aston Martin 高速行駛。」,「對於較不追求刺激的旅客,Beckett 建議每週可以參加三次在 Yas Marina 賽道舉辦的免費自行車比賽。」 「同時比賽用的自行車和安全帽都是免費提供的。」

And for sunbathing? There’s Yas Beach, where admission costs around $13 but comes with a beach towel and sun lounger. The vibe here is certainly busier than some other islands, but it makes for a perfect bit of relaxation after shopping at Yas Mall.
那日光浴呢?在 Yas海灘上有,入場費約為13美元,但配有沙灘巾和太陽椅。這裡的氛圍肯定比其他一些島嶼還要忙碌,但在 Yas 購物中心購物後,這裡是個可以放鬆身心的地方。

閱讀 CNN Travel 原文:An island hopping guide to Abu Dhabi


🌟 hop v. [正式用法] 快速去(某地);快速跳上(或跳下)(車輛)

[例句] We hopped over to Bruges for the weekend.

[中譯] 我們飛速趕到布魯日去度週末。

🌟 coast n. 海岸;沿海地區

[例句] We spent a week by/on the coast (= by the sea).

[中譯] 我們在海濱度過了一個星期。

🌟 fatigue n. 疲憊,勞累

[例句] She was suffering from fatigue.

[中譯] 她勞累不堪。

🌟 fanatics n. 入迷者

[例句] He is a car fanatics.

[中譯] 他是一位對汽車著迷的人。

🌟 splurge v. 亂花(錢);揮霍(尤指購買奢侈品)

[例句] I feel like splurging (out) on a new dress.

[中譯] 我想花大錢買件新裙子。

🌟 mosque n. 清真寺

🌟 hammock n. 吊床

(例句來源:Cambridge Dictionary)


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