Sabbatical leave request letter template | Jobsite Skip to main content
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Sabbatical leave request letter template

Free sabbatical leave request email template.

Customise the template for your personal circumstances by replacing the [placeholder text] that’s situated within square brackets.

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Sabbatical leave request for [insert number of] weeks

Hi [manager name here],

With everything running smoothly in my [insert team, department or region], I wonder whether now is a good time to discuss a sabbatical from work.

I’d like to take a sabbatical of X weeks [add a number within the organisation’s policy] from [insert start date] to [insert end date] when I will definitely be back.

The reason I ask is that I [insert a valid reason such as training, a family issue, or a career break].

[Insert paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 depending on your situation].

[Paragraph 1] Having been with the organisation for X years [insert number of years], I feel that I need [insert a break or training] to benefit myself and bring fresh insight into the organisation.

[Paragraph 2] I’ll need to take time off to deal with the outcome of the [illness or accident].

I’ve created a plan to cover my work during my absence and attach it, along with any documents you might find useful, including [add relevant papers such as a doctor’s note or a course you’d like to go].

[Insert name of your substitute] is well able to take on my tasks and has volunteered to step into my shoes while I’m away.