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United States History

Reconstruction was the period after the American Civil War, from roughly 1865 to 1877, during which attempts were made to implement full freedom and constitutional rights for African Americans following emancipation and to solve the problems arising from the readmission to the Union of the 11 states that had seceded. One of the most misunderstood periods in American history, Reconstruction was long characterized as a time when vindictive Radical Republicans in Congress imposed corrupt rule by incompetent African Americans and thieving Northern interlopers on the defeated Confederacy. Since the late 20th century, it has been viewed more sympathetically as a revolutionary experiment in interracial democracy.

Lincoln's version

Under Pres. Abraham Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction, any Southern state would be allowed to reconstitute its government once at least 10 percent of the number of the state’s prewar voters had pledged to support the Constitution and the Union and to emancipate their slaves.  Lincoln pocket vetoed the Wade-Davis Bill, under which Congress had required a majority of the white male citizens in each Southern state to participate in the Reconstruction process and insisted upon an oath of past, not just of future, loyalty in order for the state resume self-rule. Lincoln’s role in Reconstruction ended with his assassination on April 14, 1865.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

In January 1865 Gen. William T. Sherman’s Field Order No. 15 set aside land along the coast of South Carolina and Georgia for the exclusive settlement of black families, for whom it promised “40 acres and a mule,” but in the summer of 1865 Pres. Andrew Johnson ordered land in federal hands to be returned to its former owners.

Wade-Davis Bill

The Wade-Davis Bill, pushed by the Radical Republicans, called for the appointment of provisional military governors in the former Confederate states and required that a majority of a state’s white citizens swear allegiance to the Union as prerequisite for the state’s readmission to the Union.

Pocket Veto

If the president does not sign a bill within 10 days of its passage by Congress, it automatically becomes law. However, if Congress adjourns within the 10-day period and the president does not sign the bill, it is automatically vetoed, and the veto is absolute. The latter action is referred to as a pocket veto.

John Wilkes Booth

Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a member of a family of celebrated actors, a vigorous supporter of the Southern cause, and an outspoken advocate of slavery. His attack on Lincoln was part of a broader conspiracy that included an attempt on the life of Secretary of State William H. Seward.

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

By April 1865 Lincoln was said to be moving toward the position of the Radical Republicans, but while attending a play at Ford’s Theatre with his wife on April 14 he was shot and mortally wounded by Southern sympathizer John Wilkes Booth.

Video: Abraham Lincoln

Learn about Abraham Lincoln’s rise to the presidency, fight to save the Union, actions to end slavery, and assassination.

Presidential Reconstruction

From 1865 to 1867, Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln as president, controlled the federal policies regarding the readmission of the former Confederate states to the Union and the treatment of freedmen. Other than requiring that the states abolish slavery, repudiate secession, and annul their Confederate debt, Johnson largely allowed their governments to “reconstruct” themselves. The states responded to his lenient approach, which was called Presidential Reconstruction, by enacting black codes that required African Americans to sign annual labour contracts and effectively recreated the social control of slavery.

Video: Andrew Johnson

Learn about Andrew Johnson’s assumption of the presidency following the Lincoln’s assassination, his battles with Congress during Reconstruction, and his impeachment.

Andrew Johnson

Johnson become president upon Lincoln’s assassination and oversaw Presidential Reconstruction. His vetoes of legislation extending the life of the Freedman’s Bureau and of the 1866 Civil Rights Act were overridden by Congress. Impeached by the House of Representatives in 1868 for violating the Tenure of Office Act, Johnson escaped conviction in his Senate trial by one vote.

Black Codes

Enacted in the former Confederate states in 1865-66 to perpetuate white supremacy, Black Codes included laws that limited the types of property that African Americans could own and that excluded black people from certain occupations. They forced many freedmen into sharecropping arrangements that mirrored the conditions of slavery.

Tenure of Office Act

Passed over Pres. Andrew Johnson’s veto by Radical Republicans in Congress, the Tenure of Office Act was aimed specifically at preventing Johnson from removing the Radicals’ ally Secretary of War Edwin Stanton from the Cabinet. Johnson’s attempt to thwart this law by dismissing Stanton led directly to his impeachment.

Radical Reconstruction

Viewing Presidential Reconstruction as a failure, the Radical Republicans pushed Congress to take control of Reconstruction and passed the Reconstruction Acts of 1867-68, which dispatched federal troops to the South to oversee the establishment of more democratic state governments. Congress also amended the Constitution to guarantee the civil rights of freedmen and African Americans in general. This process and period are known as Radical Reconstruction.

Reconstruction Acts

The first of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867-68 divided 10 “rebel states” into five districts under military control (Tennessee had already rejoined the Union). The act required the states to craft new constitutions including universal male suffrage and to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to be readmitted to the Union. Three later acts concerned how the constitutions would be created and passed.

Freedmen’s Bureau

The Freedmen’s Bureau was established in 1865 by the U.S. government to provide practical aid to the roughly four million newly freed former slaves (freedmen) in their transition from slavery to freedom. Under Commissioner Oliver O. Howard many schools were established for African Americans, including many of the higher educational institutions that would become known as historically black colleges and universities.

Force Acts

The Force Acts passed by Congress from 1870 to 1875 authorized federal authorities to enforce penalties (including summary arrests) upon anyone interfering with the registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of African Americans. The acts set the stage for a legal and military offensive that destroyed the Ku Klux Klan.

Reconstruction Amendments

Often referred to as the Reconstruction Amendments, the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments extended civil and legal protections to former slaves and African Americans in general. The Thirteenth Amendment (1865) abolished slavery; the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) granted citizenship to all persons “born or naturalized in the United States” and provided “equal protection under the laws” for all; and the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) prohibited states from preventing individuals from voting “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”


Learn how the celebration of the end of slavery in Texas began and spread throughout the country.

Radical Republicans

The Radical Republicans were members of the Republican Party who were committed to the abolition of slavery and, following emancipation, to equal treatment and suffrage for African Americans. They initiated Radical Reconstruction by pushing Congress to seize control of the Reconstruction process and pass the Reconstruction Acts of 1867-68. The Radical Republicans were led by Thaddeus Stevens and Henry Winter Davis in the House and Charles Sumner and Benjamin Wade in the Senate.

African American office holders and political leaders

By enforcing the right to vote for African American men (universal manhood suffrage) the military administration of the Reconstruction South paved the way for the election of interracial Republican state governments. An estimated 2,000 African Americans throughout the South become office holders, from mayors and sheriffs to the 16 black politicians who served in Congress during Reconstruction.

Video: Top Questions: Frederick Douglass

Learn about the life and accomplishments of Frederick Douglass

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Clergyman, educator, and politician Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first African American to serve in the U.S. Senate (1870–71), representing Mississippi as a Republican during Reconstruction. On leaving the Senate, Revels became president of Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Alcorn State University).

Blanche K. Bruce

The second African American to sit in the U.S. Senate (following Hiram Revels), Blanche K. Bruce he represented Mississippi as a Republican in the U.S. Senate from 1875 to 1881. Earlier he had served a as supervisor of elections, sergeant at arms in the Mississippi state senate, county assessor, and sheriff.

Frederick Douglass

One of the most eminent human rights leaders of the 19th century, a brilliant orator and writer, Frederick Douglass stood at the forefront of the U.S. abolition movement. He also served as assistant secretary of the Santo Domingo Commission, as a marshal and recorder of deeds in the District of Columbia, and as U.S. minister and consul general to Haiti.

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

In addition to African Americans, Southern Republicanism was made up of two other large groups. Carpetbaggers, or recent arrivals from the North, were former Union soldiers, teachers, Freedmen’s Bureau agents, and businessmen. Scalawags, or native-born white Republicans, included some businessmen and planters, but most were non-slaveholding small farmers from the Southern up-country. Loyal to the Union during the Civil War, they saw the Republican Party as a means of keeping Confederates from regaining power in the South.


Coined by Southern conservatives, the pejorative term carpetbagger referred to Northerners who came to the South during Reconstruction supposedly to use the newly enfranchised freedmen as means of obtaining political office or financial gain. It is likely that the actions of most of them were motivated by a combination of the pursuit of personal advancement and a desire to participate in the process of transforming the South from a slavery-based society to a more egalitarian one.


Scalawag was the pejorative term for white Southern Republicans or any white Southerner who supported the federal plan of Reconstruction after the Civil War or who joined with African American freedmen and carpetbaggers in support of Republican Party policies. They included both wartime Unionists and secessionists, Whigs of the planter-merchant aristocracy, Yeomen farmers, former slaveholders, and Confederate veterans.

William Mahone

Former Confederate general, hero of the Battle of the Crate during the Petersburg Campaign, and railroad magnate after the war, William Mahone was the leader of the Readjuster reform movement, a coalition of blacks and poor whites that governed Virginia from 1879 to 1882.
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The Ulysses S. Grant administrations

For much of Reconstruction Union Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant occupied the White House (1869-77). A champion of the rights of the former slaves, he signed the Fifteenth Amendment and oversaw the imposition of the Force Acts, which employed martial law to enforce penalties upon anyone interfering with the registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of blacks, and which put a stranglehold on the terrorism of Ku Klux Klan. However, his administration was compromised by scandal.

Video: Ulysses S. Grant

Learn how Ulysses S. Grant rose to command the victorious Union army during the Civil War and became the 18th president of the United States.

The End of Reconstruction

During the 1870s, many Republicans retreated from both the racial egalitarianism and the broad definition of federal power spawned by the Civil War. As the older Radical leader such Wade and Stevens died, leadership in the Republican Party fell to technicians such as Roscoe Conkling and James G. Blaine who were devoid of the idealistic fervor that had marked the early Republicans. Reconstruction began to wane.

Video: Rutherford B. Hayes

Learn how Rutherford B. Hayes became president in the disputed election of 1876 and ended Reconstruction as a consequence

Reaction and Terrorism

The political revolution of Reconstruction spawned increasingly violent opposition from white Southerners. White supremacist organizations that committed terrorist acts, such as the Ku Klux Klan, targeted local Republican leaders for beatings or assassination. African Americans who asserted their rights in dealings with whites also became targets. There were frequent clashes, some of which erupted into race riots, but acts of terrorism against individual African American leaders were more common.

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Meanwhile, the Democratic Party gradually regained its strength in the South and waited for the North to tire of supporting the Radical regimes. The Panic of 1873 initiated an economic depression that distracted many Americans from events in the South. Northern fatigue with Reconstruction was reflected in Supreme Court decisions such as the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873) which limited the scope of Reconstruction legislation. The elections of 1874 gave the Democrats control of the House of Representatives for the first time since the Civil War. All of this set the stage for the disputed presidential election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877, which result in the presidency of Rutherford B. Hays, the ayeshays, removal of federal troops from the South, and the end of Reconstruction.

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Redemption and Reunion: the New South

Rutherford B. Hayes’s inauguration as president in 1877 marked the restoration of “home rule” for the South. The North would no longer interfere in Southern elections to protect African Americans. Southern whites again took control of their state governments. Jim Crow laws were imposed throughout the South that cemented white supremacy, codified racial segregation (legitimized by the U.S. Supreme Court’s “Separate but Equal” ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson), limited opportunities for African Americans, and suppressed the black vote.  

White supremacy

A set of beliefs and ideas purporting natural superiority of the lighter-skinned, or “white,” human races over other racial groups, white supremacy enjoyed broad political support in the South in the era of slavery and during the subsequent Jim Crow period.

Jim Crow law

Jim Crow laws were any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.

Plessy v. Ferguson

In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) the Supreme Court ruled that laws mandating racial segregation in public accommodations were constitutional provided that the separate facilities for each race were equal. It essentially established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the Jim Crow laws .

Lost Cause

An interpretation of the Civil War known as the Lost Cause, which attempted to preserve the honor of the South by casting the Confederate defeat in the best possible light, became the philosophical foundation for the terrorism employed to reverse Reconstruction and for the re-imposition of white supremacy. It attributed the Confederate loss to the overwhelming Union advantage in manpower and resources, nostalgically celebrated an antebellum South of supposedly benevolent slave owners and contented enslaved people, and downplayed or altogether ignored slavery as the cause of war. It focused on Robert E. Lee as the noble symbol of the defeated South and would be long reflected in popular culture, most notably on the films Birth of a Nation (1915) and Gone with Wind (1939).

Robert E. Lee

Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, the most successful of the Southern armies during the American Civil War, became a symbol of honor and pride for the defeated South and the central figure in the Lost Cause myth.

Jubal A. Early

After the Civil War, Confederate Gen. Jubal A. Early published the first memoir by a major participant in the war, wrote historical essays, and, as the first president of the Southern Historical Society, was one of the prime architects of the Lost Cause.

The Birth of a Nation

The landmark silent film The Birth of Nation (1915), a Civil War epic and critique of Reconstruction, has long been hailed for its technical and dramatic innovations but condemned for its inherent racism and its positive portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan.

What Is the Origin of the Term Jim Crow? ​

From the late 1870s until the triumphs of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and ’60s, regimented racial segregation blighted America’s water fountains, restrooms, restaurants, lodging, and transportation, along with “separate but equal” schools. All of these were legally sanctioned by the U.S. Supreme Court (Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896) and codified by so-called Jim Crow laws.


While flagrantly violated, the Reconstruction amendments remained in the Constitution during the Jim Crow era, and they were used by subsequent generations who sought to redeem the promise of genuine freedom for the descendants of slavery. In the 1950s and ‘60s, the civil rights movement, sometimes called the “second Reconstruction,” again attempted to fulfill the political and social agenda of Reconstruction.

W.E.B. Du Bois

in his book Black Reconstruction: An Essay Toward a History of the Part Black Folk Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860–1880 (1935), African American protest leader W.E.B. Du Bois challenged the then dominant interpretation of Reconstruction as a time when white Southerners were vanquished by thieving Northern carpetbaggers and African Americans who were incapable of self-government.

American civil rights movement

A mass protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s, The American civil rights movement had its roots in the centuries-long efforts of African slaves and their descendants to abolish the institution of slavery and resist racial oppression.