Department of Computer Science | Stevens Institute of Technology
A photo of a female student wearing a hijab working in a dimly lit computer lab with code on the screen in the background

Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at Stevens is one of the leading computer science departments in the country, with globally-recognized experts in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision.

Computer Science and cybersecurity are the fastest growing fields globally, with applications that touch nearly every area of society. Our community of researchers and computer scientists is dedicated to advancing the field for the betterment of the world, and educating our students to become leaders in the development and application of computer science technology.

We afford our students a strong foundation in the principles of computer science and offer a wide range of courses in cutting-edge areas such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, programming languages, computer vision, and security and privacy. Our proximity to New York City yields numerous opportunities for internships, and our graduates accept jobs at some of the best-known names in the industry, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM.

Scholarships are available for select students through grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Read about Stevens' Scholarship for Service program to learn more.

Academic Programs

Our programs prepare graduates to lead the development and application of breakthrough computer science technology that shapes the modern information world.

Catalyze Your Career

Hands-on learning is built into the Stevens educational experience. Here, you'll harness your curiosity to catalyze your career.
computer illustration of blockchain
Portokalidis with a student

Learn About Our Research

We conduct research that shapes the modern information world and benefits society through advancements in cybersecurity, computer vision, machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence.

Four high school boys smile as they build a tower on a table

STEM Outreach at the Schaefer School

The Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science is dedicated to science, technology, engineering, and math education and enrichment at all levels. Our numerous STEM outreach and education programs are designed to instill a love of science and technology in both teachers and students from K - 12 throughout the New York and New Jersey area, and beyond.

A woman in the foreground wearing a light blue and white striped shirt reviews code on two computer screens and multiple print-outs.

We're Hiring

The Department of Computer Science is hiring for teaching and tenure-track faculty positions. Learn more about our available positions and apply.

Upcoming Seminars & Events

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Department of Computer Science

Location on campus

Gateway South Hall


e. [email protected]
e. [email protected]

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