How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)
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Writing a resignation letter that’s effective and professional

June 15, 2023 - 15 min read


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What’s a resignation letter?

What to include in a professional resignation letter

What to avoid in a resignation letter

5 sample resignation letters

Feel good about your decision

You likely won’t stay in one job forever. Your career might plateau and you’ll be up for a new challenge to broaden your skills, or you might become dissatisfied with your work environment and want a change of scenery.

Regardless of how long you’ve been with your current company, you’ve decided now’s the time to quit your job. The first step to doing so effectively and professionally is to send your resignation letter.

Writing an effective resignation letter reduces the stress of breaking the news to your employer because it gives you time to say everything you’d like to say in a professional manner. It advises your direct or human resources (HR) manager of your decision to leave, provides them with notice to plan for your position, and ends your employment positively.

What’s a resignation letter?

A resignation letter highlights your intention to leave the company. This letter should include your last day and how you’ll support the team through the transition process. You’ll typically send this message via email to your direct manager or an HR professional.

If you want to leave your job on good terms or ask your current employer for a letter of recommendation, handing in a letter of resignation is a simple way to show respect.

This formal notification informs your employer of your action plan while expressing consideration for the position that your departure places them in. Departing in such a respectful manner increases the chance they’ll write you a great reference letter.

What to include in a professional resignation letter

Deciding to resign isn’t always easy, especially if you feel emotionally invested in your company, projects, and team members. The decision to move on likely developed as you assessed your career goals and determined that leaving was the right choice. 

Whether you accepted a job offer at a new company, are beginning your search, or are wanting to take time for yourself, you’ve decided to continue your development elsewhere. But knowing how to formalize this to your higher-ups and HR team can feel intimidating. After all, you want to leave on a good note.

Following these four steps will help you handle this difficult task and compose an effective resignation letter:

  1. State your intentions: After addressing the email to your manager (Dear [name]), state your intention to resign and departure date. Although giving two weeks’ notice is an accepted standard, you may provide more or less time or have a predetermined notice period in your contract to follow.
  2. Give a thoughtful thank you: Express gratitude for your experience at the company to set the tone for your future relationship. Discuss key lessons, great moments, and how they’ve helped you develop professionally. This will make the remainder of your time there amicable and leave your employer with a positive impression of you.
  3. Offer your assistance: Extending an offer to assist during the transition shows your employer you care about them and the company. Briefly mention your intention to wrap up current projects and your availability to train team members. 
  4. Sign off with your contact information: Finish the letter by sending your best wishes and extending a cordial invitation to keep in touch. This shows your manager you want to remain on good terms. If you’d like, you can add your personal contact information after your signature.


What to avoid in a resignation letter

Consider a formal resignation letter your chance to put your best foot forward. Even if you feel excited to leave, you don’t want to seem too enthusiastic or behave informally.

To keep your letter professional, avoid the following:

  • Extensive details about why you’re resigning
  • Your future plans/where you’re going next
  • Complaints about the company or team members
  • The words “quitting” or “leaving”

5 sample resignation letters

Learning how to professionally quit a job is a valuable skill, and doing it the right way takes practice and planning. Using a resignation letter template makes it easier to keep your thoughts in order and express yourself respectfully.

Here are five resignation letter examples tailored to various scenarios. Fill in the blanks or use them as inspiration to draft your own letter. 

1. Standard resignation letter

Concise, professional, and respectful. This simple resignation letter covers all the basics when communicating your departure to HR or your manager.


Dear [manager’s name],

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as [job title] with [company name]. My last day will be [date].

Thank you for your support during my time at [company name]. It’s been a pleasure to work alongside such a talented team. I’ve appreciated the opportunity to contribute to [mention two projects]. And I’ve learned so much about [mention focus areas of your role], knowledge that I’ll carry throughout my career. 

During my last [mention time left], I’ll do everything possible to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please let me know if there’s anything in particular I can do to support you and the team. 

I wish you and the company continued success and hope to stay in touch. 


[your name]
[contact information]


2. Resignation letter with advance notice 

Finding your replacement can take time when you work in a specialized field. Giving more than two weeks’ notice is a thoughtful way of showing your employer you understand this challenge. Although this isn’t mandatory, it expresses your sympathy and allows adequate time to train team members or your replacement.


Dear [manager’s name],

Please accept this notice as my formal resignation from my position as [job title] with [company name], effective [final day]. I understand that preparing someone for this role will take time, so I wanted to provide as much notice as possible. 

It’s been a pleasure to learn from you and see the growth we’ve achieved in the [name of department]. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had during my [amount of time] at [company name], and I know I’ll bring these valuable learning experiences forward in my career. 

During the next [mention time left], I’m committed to wrapping up my duties and making this transition smooth. Please let me know how I can further assist you and the team throughout this period of time. 

I wish you the best and look forward to seeing the company’s continued growth.


[your name]
[contact information]

3. Resignation letter to a mentor

A mentor-mentee relationship is extremely valuable, and breaking the news of your resignation to someone you respect is challenging. When addressing a letter to someone important, keep it professional and include a personal sentiment to make your departure more amiable. 


Dear [manager’s name],

I’m writing to give my formal notice of resignation from my position as [job title] with [company name] on [last day of employment].

Thank you for your guidance and support during my time at [company name]. It’s been a wonderful experience working for such an exceptional leader, and I’ll carry the knowledge and lessons you’ve shared with me throughout my professional career. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to [list a couple of work accomplishments] and work alongside such an inspiring team. 

During my final [mention time left], I want to assist you throughout this transition. Please let me know what steps I can take to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

Thank you again for making my time at [company name] a great experience. I look forward to keeping in touch. 

Best regards, 

[your name]
[contact information]


4. Resignation letter for a new job

If you’ve recently started a position and quickly realized it’s not the right fit, writing a resignation letter is still good practice. You may not have learned much from your role yet, but you can still thank your HR department or manager for their time during your onboarding.


Dear [HR employee],

I’m writing to give formal notification of my resignation from my position as [job title] with [company name], effective [end date]. I realize I’ve only been here a short while but I feel it’s best to pursue other opportunities. 

Although my time at [company name] was short, I appreciate the opportunity you’ve given me and the time you invested in my onboarding.

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do during the rest of my employment to ensure a smooth transition.

I wish you and the company continued success.


[your name]
[contact information]

5. Resignation letter without notice

Sometimes life throws you a curveball. If you need to leave your role immediately, use this resignation letter example to model an appropriate message to your employer.


Dear [manager’s name],

I regret to inform you that I must resign from my position as [job title] with [company name]. My last day will be [end date]. 

Due to unforeseen events, I can’t handle my role’s responsibilities at this time. I offer my sincerest apologies that I’m unable to provide two weeks’ notice because of circumstances requiring my immediate attention.

I’ll dedicate the rest of my time within the next few days to finishing my tasks and providing as much assistance as possible. 

Thank you for making my time at [company name] so impactful. It’s been a pleasure to learn so much under your leadership. And I wish you and the company continued success.


[your name]
[contact information]


Feel good about your decision

Deciding to quit your job is daunting, even when it’s the right choice. But offering a resignation letter can make you feel more at peace with your decision and optimistic about your future. You’ll leave on a good note and ensure you’ve retained healthy relationships with your coworkers. You never know when you’ll need to leverage this professional network.

Invest in your career

Get your promotion. Make your career change. Build the future you dream about. And do it faster with a world-class BetterUp Coach by your side.

Invest in your career

Get your promotion. Make your career change. Build the future you dream about. And do it faster with a world-class BetterUp Coach by your side.

Published June 15, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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