The Official Vinyl Collection - Tegan and Sara Skip to main content

The Official Vinyl Collection

First off, today is On Directing video premiere day! Today Canadians can view it at and the rest of the world can see it at

Now to even more exciting news…


Our parents had a lot of vinyl. Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, The Pretenders…an Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas Collection… The record player was stacked on top of an amp with impossibly large speakers on the floor layered with dust next to it. I was too young to be trusted with actual operation of the stereo, so I busied myself staring at the album artwork and torturing my cats with the vinyl brush. Soon enough I was DJ of my own Cassette Tape player and shed no tears when the turntable and vinyl collection disappeared from our lives.

Who knew what we were all missing!

Over the years we’ve manufactured small runs of vinyl for our tours and for limited sales online, but today we’re so thrilled to announce that we’ve gone ahead and collected ALL of our albums into one sleek box set! This Business of Art, If It Was You, So Jealous, The Con and Sainthood, plus we’ve included a special record called Home Recordings that includes demos of Fix You Up, Dark Come Soon, the Ocean and more!

This was particularly fun because some of them haven’t been heard publicly before! Just like my parent’s vinyl collection (that really only exists in my memories now…) these demos are audio snapshots of the songs that went on to become very important parts of our musical history. I’m so glad that we’re able to offer them with this really special collection!!

The box artwork is designed by EE STOREY, and pre-orders will also include a special limited edition poster (signed by us) inside as well.

The pre-order starts this Wednesday, July 28. Check back here then for more info and links to buy!
