The Meaning Behind The Song: Drinking Again by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane - Old-time music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Drinking Again by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane


The Meaning Behind The Song: Drinking Again by Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Duration Producer
Drinking Again Liz Gillies & Seth MacFarlane Johnny Mercer & Doris Tauber Songs From Home (2021) August 22, 2020 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Drinking Again is a song performed by Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane, released on August 22, 2020. The song is written by Johnny Mercer and Doris Tauber. It is featured on the album “Songs From Home” (2021). Although the genre and producer information is unknown, the emotional depth of the song speaks for itself.

The lyrics of Drinking Again evoke longing, loneliness, and heartbreak. The melancholic melody and soulful performances by Gillies and MacFarlane perfectly capture the emotional turmoil of a lost love. The song explores the theme of seeking solace in alcohol, as the protagonist tries to cope with the pain of a broken heart.

As I listen to Drinking Again, I am reminded of the times in my own life when I have felt the sting of heartache. The lyrics resonate with the raw emotions one experiences when struggling to move on from a love that has been lost. Each verse paints a picture of longing and desperation, as the protagonist yearns for the return of a love that seems out of reach.

The verse sung by Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane beautifully depicts the vulnerability and hopelessness that one can feel when trying to fill the void left by a lost love. The lines “Been sitting here, wishing that I could see you” and “That’s why I’m drinking again, And thinking of when you loved me” encapsulate the longing and nostalgia that often accompanies heartbreak.

One of the most poignant moments in the song is when the lyrics acknowledge the futility of seeking comfort in alcohol. The lines “Sure, I can borrow a smoke, Maybe tell some joker of that joke, But nobody laughs, they don’t laugh at a broken heart” capture the emptiness and isolation that can come from trying to drown one’s sorrows in temporary distractions.

The chorus serves as a reminder that despite the desperate attempts to numb the pain, the dream of what once was cannot be erased. The lines “Oh yes, I’m drinking again, It’s always the same old story, After those kicks, there’s little old mixed-up me, Trying to lose the dream that used to be” echo the struggle of letting go and moving on.

While the song paints a somber picture, it also holds a certain beauty in its vulnerability. The performances by Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane are hauntingly sincere, drawing the listener into the emotion of the lyrics. The instrumentation, including the English Horn, Cello, Viola, and Violin, further enhance the melancholic atmosphere of the song.

In conclusion, Drinking Again by Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane is a heartfelt ballad that explores the pain of heartbreak and the futile attempts to find solace in alcohol. The lyrics, accompanied by the soulful performances and beautiful instrumentation, evoke a powerful emotional connection. Listening to this song takes me back to my own experiences of heartache and serves as a reminder that the journey of healing and moving on is a universal one.

As Liz Gillies and Seth MacFarlane sing the final lines “Drinking again”, the weight of the emotions conveyed in the song lingers, leaving a lasting impact. The song serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is beauty and solace to be found in music that speaks to our innermost feelings.

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