RevoBot: the Segway without handles | Trusted Reviews

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RevoBot: the Segway without handles

Segways might be used by staff in a few places – hotel security in Las Vegas, for example – but apart from that, they haven’t taken off as expected. Maybe RevoBot will fare better.

It’s a platform on which you stand and lean to get around. There’s no handle, but balancing on it seems pretty easy if the promo video is anything to go by. Eight-inch wheels means it isn’t built for off-road, and it will cart you along at the leisurely pace of 7mph – a little faster than the average walking speed, but slower than running.

It could be useful for commuting, as long as you’re not in a rush. It will go between 10 and 12 miles on a single charge, and takes only two hours to power up again. You could easily use it on your journey into work, power it up under your desk, then scoot home on it – not forgetting to wave to all the suckers crammed onto the bus en route.

If – like us – you worry about falling off, its developers are keen to allay your fears. They claim it will take you only 10-15 minutes to get used to the RevoBot. The video shows a small boy riding it, so it can’t be that difficult.

The RevoBot even comes with Bluetooth, so you can fire tunes to it from your phone and play them through its speakers.

Read more: Halfbike II is a pedal-powered Segway

We’ve seen more exciting vehicles in the form of electric skateboards and e-bikes, but this looks like a more stable way of getting around. And hey – it’s got to beat walking.

It’s passed its funding goal and will ship in September.


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