Fred Clark - Hollywood Walk of Fame
Star Facts
  • Category Television

    Address 1711 Vine Street

    Ceremony date 02/08/1960

Fred Clark
Death Date:
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Fred Clark

Frederick Leonard Clark was an American film character actor.

Born in Lincoln, California, Clark made his film debut in 1947 in The Unsuspected. His 20-year film career included almost 70 films, and numerous television appearances. As a supporting player, with his gruff voice, intimidating build, bald pate, and small moustache beneath an often scowling visage, he was cast as a testy film producer, crime boss, landlord, employer, doctor, or general.

Among his films are Ride the Pink Horse, Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid, Flamingo Road, White Heat, Sunset Boulevard, A Place in the Sun, How to Marry a Millionaire, The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell, How to Be Very, Very Popular, Daddy Long Legs, Auntie Mame, and Visit to a Small Planet. Although he continued making films during the 1960s he was more often seen on television, as a regular on Burns and Allen as their neighbor Harry Morton, and guest roles on The Twilight Zone, The Beverly Hillbillies, and I Dream of Jeannie among his many performances.

Clark was married to actress Benay Venuta from 1952-62, then model Gloria Glaser from 1966 until his death from liver disease in Santa Monica, California.

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