
  • The Believe sign in Apple TV+'s Ted Lasso symbolizes Ted's approach to life and his coaching philosophy based on belief and perseverance.
  • The sign initially faced skepticism but eventually inspired and motivated the players and coaching staff.
  • Nate's decision to rip the Believe sign in half in the season 2 finale revealed his own insecurity and misunderstanding of Ted's philosophy, but he ultimately learned that belief is exhibited through actions, not a physical sign.

Apple TV +'s Ted Lasso is a series filled with symbols, but few were as powerful as Ted's Believe sign that hung in the locker room. Debuting in 2020, the irreverent sports comedy series follows an American Football coach who is hired to help a struggling English soccer team. A hit right off the bat, Ted Lasso found the perfect mixture of head and heart through its witty characters and relatable storylines. Despite being a sports-based show, it has something for everyone, from its hearty laughs to its thought-provoking symbolism that speak to everyday struggles.

Introduced during the first season, the believe sign was Ted's way of motivating the players, and it pays homage to the popular American TV series Friday Night Lights. While it seemed silly at first, it soon became a rallying point for not only the players, but also the team's coaching staff, and even Ted himself who often struggled with his own problems off the field. Though shows like Ted Lasso are best remembered for their humor, the Believe sign is a perfect example of the series' thoughtful approach to storytelling that uses visual symbols to match up with what was happening in the characters' hearts and minds.

The Believe Sign Symbolizes Ted's Biggest Value (& The Show's Theme)

the players touch the Believe sign in Ted Lasso

At its heart, Ted Lasso was a show about perseverance, and doing one's best in every endeavor, even if that isn't enough to succeed. Early on in the series, it became clear that Ted's can-do attitude wasn't enough to turn the team around on its own, and his Believe sign was looked upon with a fair amount of skepticism. However, as his fellow coaches and players got to know Ted better, they too began to see that the sign was a symbol of Ted's approach to life, and it began to wear off on them.

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The "Lasso Way", Ted's coaching philosophy, is founded on the idea of belief, and he even backed it up through several of Ted Lasso's most inspirational quotes. In the season 1 finale, Ted expounded upon that thought when he famously said "I believe in hope, I believe in belief" which is perhaps the most succinct way to sum up the character and show simultaneously. Even when the sign was destroyed, Ted himself saw through its symbolism and acknowledged that it was merely a sign and that the real power came from those who put the idea into practice.

Nate Ripped Ted Lasso's Believe Sign Because He's Insecure

Nate looking smug on the sidelines in Ted Lasso

Nate's character arc throughout Ted Lasso brought him to the Believe sign, and it was essentially his antithesis. During the shocking season 2 finale, Nate ripped the Believe sign in half, and it said as much about him as it did about Ted and his personal philosophy. Ultimately, Nate was insecure about his place in the locker room, and faith was not enough for him to get by on. By tearing the sign in half, Nate thought he could harm Ted and the "Lasso Way" but as he eventually learned, the method of belief was not tied to a piece of paper, but was exhibited by Ted and the players.