FM WhatsApp Download APK (v10.06) Latest Update May 2024

WhatsApp is well-known for enabling unified apps all over the world while also giving users exciting and unique features. All the modified versions include additional features such as FM WhatsApp and GB WhatsApp. In this article, we will share more advanced insights about a customized version of FM WhatsApp. Furthermore, we shall discuss what is the difference between FM WhatsApp and other WhatsApp.

FM WhatsApp Parameters

Powerful Security

security on FM WhatsApp


privacy on FM WhatsApp


Fingerprint on FM WhatsApp


What is FM WhatsApp Download APK?

FM WhatsApp is a customized form of WhatsApp. It offers unique features that are not present in official WhatsApp. FM WhatsApp has various features or functionalities such as to hide
your online status, save other people’s statuses, hiding blue ticks, and many more. FM WhatsApp Download attempts to upgrade the user experience by launching numerous customization options. In the themes store of FM WhatsApp, thousands of themes are available. So, people prefer FM WhatsApp Download over official WhatsApp. It is the same as GB WhatsApp. FM WhatsApp can also be used for Business Communication.

FM WhatsApp APK

Features of FM WhatsApp

Customization Option

FM WhatsApp offers expansive customization options. Users can customize their chats with font style and rare themes. This feature allows you to shape the home screen of FM WhatsApp. Custom emojis and icons are also available in it. You can enjoy it.

Customized Option of FM WhatsApp

Hide Online Status

This FM WhatsApp feature enhances your privacy settings by hiding your Online Status. It is accessible to FM WhatsApp users and allows them to hide their stories and posts. This feature allows users to communicate without continually broadcasting.

Hide online status on FM WhatsApp

Enhance Privacy

This feature allows you to block contacts that you do not like. Your online status and typing status will be hidden if you choose this. You can also protect the privacy of your FM WhatsApp by using a password, lock, or fingerprint. It will be possible to turn off your video calling option, but this feature is not currently available on the official WhatsApp. Your last seen of WhatsApp will freeze through it.

Enhance Privacy in FM WhatsApp

Anti-delete messages and status

This feature is more important than any other feature in FM WhatsApp. FM WhatsApp’s Latest version(10.06) contains other deleted or status messages sent to the users. You can save any deleted messages or the status of the users.

Anti-Delete messages and status setup on FM WhatsApp

App lock for added security

FM WhatsApp has an app lock feature secures your WhatsApp data and increases your privacy. You can use any password or PIN to access WhatsApp. It is the best feature of FM WhatsApp for protecting your WhatsApp data.

App lock for added security on FM WhatsApp

Emojis and Themes

Emojis are useful for conveying your messages, situations, and experiences. You can also add emojis from other apps. Different emojis are easily found because they are saved in a group shape. You can also change the themes by visiting the FM WhatsApp setting. Emojis can also be added to this iOS, which FM WhatsApp does not support.

Many emojis and themes in FM WhatsApp

Ghost Mod

Nobody can see your activity on FM WhatsApp while your ghost mod is active because your last scene will freeze. You will also see the message, but the blue tick will not show. Through this feature, you can also see other status secrets, and your name will not appear in the list of viewing statuses.

Ghost mod found in FM WhatsApp
Message Scheduler

Message Scheduler

Through this feature of FM WhatsApp, you can schedule your message at your specific time. If you have sent birthday or other special event wishes to send to your friends or others, you can use this feature to have your message delivered at a specific time.

Auto Reply

Auto Reply

FM WhatsApp supports the Auto Reply feature for busy people. Auto-Reply allows you to send automated messages to anyone when you are unable to respond. This feature is easy to use for communicating with friends or others. The option is not available on the official WhatsApp.

Do not Disturb Mode

Do not Disturb Mode

It is the most crucial feature of FM WhatsApp, aside from official WhatsApp. When you enable DND mode, WhatsApp notifications do not make a sound or vibrate, but they still arrive. This feature of FM WhatsApp APK Download provides you an advantage when attending a meeting or sleeping.

Untitled design 28

Media Sharing Options

FM WhatsApp has more space for sharing files than official WhatsApp. You can share 100-plus photos by sending a single message. Audio sending space is more than 100 MB for a single message. Media files can be shared up to 700 MB. We can upload a status for up to 7 minutes. Official WhatsApp does not offer this feature.

FM WhatsApp Download

How to Download and Install FM WhatsApp APK?

Here is the easiest and most appropriate method for installing FM WhatsApp.

  • First, locate the mod app’s download source.
  • Then you search for the FM WhatsApp app within it.
  • Open your device file manager and then install it.
  • Install the FM WhatsApp app from a trusted source.
  • Open your device file manager and then install it.
  • After the installation, it will ask you for some permissions, which you must grant in reasonable amounts.
  • Then you enter your phone number, and usually within a minute, a code is sent to your specified number.
  • Enter this code, and then the page will open. You can create your profile and enjoy the fantastic features.
  • You can use FM WhatsApp on your PC/Laptop for business or other purposes.
How to Download and Install FM WhatsApp?

How to Update FM WhatsApp Download?

  • Frequently updated notifications appear on the FM WhatsApp APK.
  • Clicking on this notification will take you to the page.
  • You can search for the latest version of it and update it.
  • The other option is to open your FM WhatsApp on your device and navigate to the settings.
  • The update option is mentioned in the settings. Click the update option, then enjoy the latest version features. Note: Migrate from official WhatsApp to FM WhatsApp.
How to done Setting of FM WhatsApp?

Required Permissions after Installation of FM WhatsApp

When you install FM WhatsApp, some permissions are required, which are very important to providing FM WhatsApp. When you grant permission to first use WhatsApp features, you will then gain access. FM WhatsApp loses some functionality when you turn off permissions. Some required permissions are listed below:

  • Permission of Contacts
  • Permissions for Camera
  • Microphone Permit
  • Permissions for Mobile Notifications
  • Permissions for Memory Device

Pros and Cons of FM WhatsApp


  • Unique themes give this App a fantastic look.
  • In this App, you can transfer many files and documents with one click.
  • It contains a security feature that limits the use of your communication.
  • FM WhatsApp contains many privacy features. Therefore, when you are using this App, no one knows.


  • There are some security risks because The version of FM WhatsApp is not official.
  • FM WhatsApp is an Unofficial. So, it may be banned at any time.
  • FM WhatsApp is not downloaded from the Play Store. So you need to update it.

History of FM WhatsApp Download

FM WhatsApp Old Version 2018

In group chats, contact pictures were exposed to outdoor messages and files in air pockets in the 2018 version of FM WhatsApp. The FM WhatsApp widget provides rapid access to offline/online statuses, profile pictures, unread messages, and FM Mods. It also improved your text style.

FM WhatsApp Old Version 2020

In 2020, the updated version enhanced flexibility to improve the utility of sharing media and files. You can enjoy dynamic affixes by clicking on Enable and Disable new affixes of the user interface(UI) on FM WhatsApp. In 2020, FM WhatsApp enhanced the customized options.

FM WhatsApp Old Version 2021

The 2021 version of FM WhatsApp carries important features for downloading stories, offering the ability to replicate descriptions and easily share them. FM WhatsApp themes change your device’s light and dark mode. Moreover, FM WhatsApp enhances your privacy settings.

FM WhatsApp Old Version 2022

In FM WhatsApp APK 2022, you have the elasticity to selector translation mode within the App and change the communication process in many languages. Moreover, You can easily count the total messages through the newly added button and view all the messages on the screen.

Comparison Chart



FM WhatsApp

Ghost Mod

Auto Reply

Hide View Status

Freez last seen

DND Mode

Message Scheduler

Custom Themes

Airplane Mode

Font Customization


The FM WhatsApp mod app was not designed from the official WhatsApp. So, there are many security and privacy risks involved. However, we can minimize the security and privacy risks by using mod apps from the proper sources whose security risks are mentioned.

There are the following instructions to switch off ads on FM WhatsApp

First, go the the FM WhatsApp Setting.

Then choose the “Privacy option” and select the “Ads” option to turn it off.

After that, Ads will be disabled in your FM WhatsApp.

When we update the FM WhatsApp then the app is purely updated in the new version. While our data remains safe. So, we do not lose the data after updating the FM WhatsApp.

FM WhatsApp is specially designed for only one device. You can download it on your devices. You can use FM WhatsApp on your PC and smartphone at any time.

You can easily use both apps alongside the Official WhatsApp and the FM WhatsApp Mod APK. FM WhatsApp allows the users to use the two accounts on one device.

Personal Review

I was surprised when I used FM WhatsApp APK Download. It is an interesting app because it provides enhanced privacy settings and customized features. This App improves your chatting experience with friends, family members, and others. FM WhatsApp is a modified form of simple WhatsApp. Many mods are found on WhatsApp, but FM WhatsApp is more advanced than other WhatsApp mods.

I use FM WhatsApp on my smartphone; FM WhatsApp’s latest version indeed provides extra features, but some security risks were found because it is a third-party app. It offers a powerful communication platform to the users. You can easily private your chat on FM WhatsApp for anyone. You can use FM WhatsApp for Business Communication.


Authorized WhatsApp is moving swiftly. It is an excellent decision to replace standard WhatsApp with the modified version of FM WhatsApp APK Because It offers adaptation and functionality for the user. FM WhatsApp is a very famous version of WhatsApp; it is an anti-ban version of WhatsApp. FM WhatsApp is for you if you are bored using regular WhatsApp as your chatting app. You can customize fonts and color your chatting app according to your flavor. Install the updated version of this App and get benefits through FM WhatsApp.