Women's Wisdom Network - Terri Murphy

Terri Murphy, Launches the Women’s Wisdom Network through RealtyTimes as Executive Editor for Women in Business

Terri saw a need for there to be support for women in business.   She knew that there needed to be a safe place where women of expertise could collaborate, share and connect with others to build and expand their businesses and sphere of influence.

When the opportunity arrived for Terri to launch the Women’s Wisdom Network under the long time online community, RealtyTimes.com, she jumped at the chance to expand the reach of the WWN, through three distinct online segments: Women in Business, Women in Real Estate and a special segment designed to showcase the collaborative expertise of men.  She named it: In the Men’s Room with Murph” where Terri interviews top experts in various areas of business and professional development.

Even the smartest women can use a little help both in their personal and professional lives. Terri shares and showcases high impact women of purpose and leverages their expertise with and through the collective intelligence of powerful women across the globe.  She shares her own coaching and consulting expertise with women on her new Facebook community: Women’s Wisdom Network Community. The purpose is to connect the richness of a well-built network of women that Terri has developed over many years of business with other women and their sphere of influence as a channel to support women in all phases of personal and professional development.   She sincerely invites you to join today for high level support, tips and share in a community of like-minded women who are open to sharing their best practices thorough women helping women.

847-970-2717​ | terri@terrimurphy.com | 456 Tennessee St. #106, Memphis, TN 38103

©2023 Terri Murphy Communications