January 25, 2006

Former KITTIE guitarist Lisa Marx (also ex-SCARS OF TOMORROW) has officially joined DAY OF CONTEMPT.

DAY OF CONTEMPT are on tour now with AVENGED SEVENFOLD and CKY in support of their "The Will to Live" EP on Pulse/Epitaph. Marx is featured in the current issue of Revolver magazine as part of their "sexiest women of metal" cover story.

DAY OF CONTEMPT have caused quite a stir since relocating from Australia to Orange County, California. The band have toured with THE USED, GOOD CHARLOTTE and BLEEDING THROUGH, played several dates on last year's Vans Warped Tour, and were featured on MSNBC's "Entertainment Hot List" TV show. They also supported ATREYU at their 2005 Los Angeles Halloween show. More recently, DAY OF CONTEMPT have been in the process of writing new material for a full-length album to be released on an as-yet undetermined record label.

"The Will to Live" was produced by Josh Abraham (VELVET REVOLVER, LINKIN PARK).

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