Petter Vennerød – Sceneweb

Petter Vennerød

Petter Vennerød (born September 25 1948 in Oslo) is a Norwegian movie director. He is the son of the movie director Øyvind Vennerød, and the brother of the economist Christian Vennerød.

Petter Vennerød is best known for his collaboration with Svend Wam, and the 14 movies they created together. Vennerød is a script writer, director and producer, and has played smaller parts in a number of his own movies. He has also been a manager for the cinema enterprise Asker Kino.


Wikipedia,, 19.03.2012,


(Objekt ID 27690)
Object type Person
Born September 25, 1948
Functions Author, Director, Actor, Producer, Dramatist/Playwright, Film maker
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Website IMDb
Involved in productions (1)
Title Premiere Role
Bjørneboeaksjonen* (The Bjørneboe Campaign) (Perleporten Teatergruppe) March 12, 1977 Other