【2023 DSE Speaking 題目】即時更新每日題目,輔以高分答題範例!

Picture of Spencer Lam
Spencer Lam
英文補習名師,港大一級榮譽,多年英文補習經驗,歷年來曾教授超過1000名學生,學生遍及各大名校,由初中至成人英語皆可因材施教,獲《TVB 星期日檔案》、《Now TV》、《ViuTV》、《晴報》、《明珠台》、《UMagazine》等專訪

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2023 dse speaking 題目

21/3是2023 dse English speaking開考的日子。

闊別3年,dse speaking終於重出江湖,相信不少同學都為此感到既期待又擔憂。

為了幫助同學更好的準備speaking考試,小編 每天 都會為大家更新最新題目,並附上高分答題範例讓大家參考。


21/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Plant-based meat

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why is plant-based meat popular?
  • Should the school have a vegetarian diet?
  • Will people eat less meat in the future?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Why is plant-based meat popular?

Plant-based meat is becoming increasingly popular because it addresses environmental concerns. Traditional meat production is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and water pollution. Plant-based meat, on the other hand, requires fewer resources to produce and has a lower carbon footprint.

For example, Beyond Meat claims that its products use 99% less water, 93% less land, and generate 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than beef.

Furthermore, a recent study by the University of Michigan found that producing a Beyond Burger requires 99% less water, and 93% less land, and generates 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a quarter-pound beef burger.

As people become more conscious of the environmental impact of their food choices, plant-based meat is increasingly seen as a viable and sustainable alternative to traditional meat products.

Should the school have a vegetarian diet?

Stance: Yes

In my opinion, schools should have a vegetarian diet. The reason for this is that it promotes a healthier lifestyle and has a positive impact on the environment. A vegetarian diet is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and fibre, which are essential for a growing child’s body. Vegetarian meals also tend to be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, reducing the risk of obesity and related health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Furthermore, vegetarianism is an environmentally conscious way of living. Animal agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. Choosing a vegetarian diet helps reduce these harmful effects and promotes sustainable living.

For example, schools that have implemented a vegetarian diet have reported improvements in students’ health and academic performance. The Redwood City School District in California has a successful vegetarian program, which has received positive feedback from parents and students alike.

In summary, a vegetarian diet in schools is not only beneficial for students’ health but also promotes environmental sustainability. It’s a win-win situation that schools should consider implementing for the betterment of their students and the planet.

Stance: No

I believe that schools should not have a strictly vegetarian diet. While I understand the health benefits of a plant-based diet, it is important for schools to provide a variety of food options to accommodate different dietary needs and preferences.

For instance, some students may have specific dietary requirements due to medical conditions or religious beliefs. For example, some students may need to consume animal protein to maintain a healthy diet due to iron deficiency, while others may not consume certain types of plant-based proteins due to allergies or sensitivities.

Furthermore, a vegetarian-only menu may limit the cultural diversity of the school’s food offerings. Many cultures have traditional dishes that include meat or animal products as important ingredients. By excluding these foods, schools may inadvertently marginalize students from these backgrounds and limit opportunities for cross-cultural exchange.

In conclusion, while promoting healthy eating habits is important, it is equally important for schools to provide a diverse range of food options to meet the needs of all students.

Will people eat less meat in the future?

Stance: Yes

Yes, people will eat less meat in the future due to the increasing popularity of plant-based diets. In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards plant-based eating, with more and more people opting for vegetarian or vegan options. This is due to several reasons, including health concerns, environmental awareness, and animal welfare concerns.

For instance, a study by the National Institutes of Health found that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, the environmental impact of meat production is becoming more widely recognized, with research showing that meat production contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Furthermore, animal welfare concerns have also played a role in the shift towards plant-based diets. Many people are becoming more aware of the inhumane treatment of animals in factory farms and slaughterhouses and are choosing to reduce or eliminate their consumption of meat as a result.

In conclusion, the trend towards plant-based eating is likely to continue, and we can expect to see a reduction in meat consumption in the future as people become more conscious of the health, environmental, and ethical implications of their food choices.

Stance: No

No, people will not eat less meat in the future because meat consumption has been a fundamental part of human diets for thousands of years. Despite the rising popularity of plant-based diets, meat continues to be a significant source of protein and essential nutrients for many people.

Moreover, the demand for meat is increasing in many parts of the world as incomes rise, and people can afford to buy more meat. For instance, countries such as China and India, with a growing middle class, have seen a significant increase in meat consumption over the past few decades.

Additionally, the meat industry is continually evolving, with advancements in technology and sustainability practices, reducing the environmental impact of meat production. For instance, some farms are using innovative methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as capturing and utilizing methane produced by livestock.

In conclusion, meat consumption has been an essential part of human diets for thousands of years, and it will likely continue to be so in the future. The increasing demand for meat, advancements in sustainable meat production practices, and the nutritional benefits of meat suggest that people will not eat less meat in the future.

Individual response

  1. Will you eat plant-based meat?
  2. Will you be a vegetarian?
  3. Is it easy to change our meal habit?
  4. Do you prefer eating meat or a vegetarian diet?
  5. Do you think young people nowadays eat healthily?
  6. Do you think meat is essential in Chinese cuisine?
  7. Why is it difficult for people to change their eating habits?
  8. How to promote vegetarianism in Hong Kong?

Theme 2: watching movies in theatres vs online streaming services

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Do you hthink going to the cinema is a popular pastime in Hong Kong ?
  • What do you think cinemas can do to compete with movie streaming platforms?
  • Disadvantages of movie streaming platforms
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Do you think going to cinema is a popular pastime in Hong Kong?

Stance: Yes

Yes, going to the cinema is a popular pastime in Hong Kong. According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2019, around 50 percent of the Hong Kong population visited a cinema at least once in the past 12 months. This indicates a significant portion of the population enjoys watching movies on the big screen.

Moreover, Hong Kong is known for its vibrant film industry, producing a variety of local and international films. The city also hosts several film festivals throughout the year, such as the Hong Kong International Film Festival and the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival, which attract movie enthusiasts from all over the world. The success of these events further demonstrates the popularity of cinema-going culture in Hong Kong.

In conclusion, the high percentage of people visiting cinemas and the thriving film industry in Hong Kong are clear indications that going to the cinema is a popular pastime in the city.

Stance: No

In my opinion, going to the cinema is not a very popular pastime in Hong Kong. One reason for this is the high cost of movie tickets. The average price for a movie ticket in Hong Kong is around HKD 100, which is quite expensive compared to other forms of entertainment such as streaming services or outdoor activities.

Moreover, Hong Kong has a fast-paced lifestyle, and people are always on the go. Most Hong Kong residents are busy with work, family, and social commitments, leaving little time for leisure activities like going to the cinema.

To illustrate this point, a recent survey conducted by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society found that only 25% of respondents go to the cinema once a month or more. On the other hand, the majority of respondents stated that they prefer to watch movies at home or on their mobile devices.

In conclusion, while going to the cinema may have been a popular pastime in the past, it is not as popular today in Hong Kong due to the high cost of movie tickets and the fast-paced lifestyle of its residents.

What do you think cinemas can do to compete with movie streaming platforms?

Cinemas can enhance the movie-watching experience by providing unique features that cannot be replicated by streaming platforms. One way to achieve this is through immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). By utilizing VR/AR, cinemas can create a more immersive and interactive movie-watching experience that cannot be replicated at home.

For example, in 2018, IMAX launched a new VR experience in partnership with Warner Bros. to promote the release of Steven Spielberg’s “Ready Player One.” The experience allowed audiences to enter the movie’s virtual world and interact with characters and objects from the film. This type of immersive experience could be a unique selling point for cinemas and a reason for audiences to leave their homes and come to the cinema.

In conclusion, cinemas can compete with streaming platforms by embracing immersive technologies like VR and AR to enhance the movie-watching experience and offer something that cannot be replicated at home.

Disadvantages of movie streaming platforms

One major disadvantage of movie streaming platforms is the lack of ownership and control over the content. Unlike physical copies of movies, which can be owned and watched indefinitely, streaming services only allow access to the content for a limited time. Once a movie is removed from a streaming platform, it may not be available again for an extended period, if at all.

Additionally, streaming services can alter or remove content without the viewer’s consent or knowledge. This can occur if a platform decides to remove a movie or if licensing agreements change. For example, in 2019, Netflix removed an episode of the show “Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj” that was critical of Saudi Arabia, reportedly due to pressure from the Saudi government.

In summary, the disadvantage of lack of ownership and control over content on movie streaming platforms can limit access to desired movies and potentially limit free speech.

Individual response

  1. Do you go to cinema often?
  2. Do you use movie streaming platforms?
  3. Do you prefer joying watching movie at cinema or online streaming platfor?
  4. What is your most unforgetable experience in cinema?
  5. Will you pay for online movie streaming platforms?
  6. What can you learn from watching movies?
  7. Do you think movie streaming platforms make people less socialised?
  8. Do you think cinema will be totally replaced by movie streaming devices?

Theme 3: Unmanned convenience store

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Advantages of unmanned convenience stores
  • Limitations of unmanned convenience stores
  • Do you think it is a good choice to have these stores in Hong Kong?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Advantages of unmanned convenience stores

Unmanned convenience stores have become increasingly popular in recent years, and one major advantage they offer is convenience. These stores are typically open 24/7 and can be accessed through a mobile app or a card reader, which means customers can shop at any time without having to wait in long queues or interact with sales personnel.

For instance, Amazon Go is a well-known example of an unmanned convenience store that uses advanced technologies like computer vision, deep learning algorithms, and sensor fusion to detect when items are removed from shelves and automatically charge customers for their purchases. This eliminates the need for checkout counters and reduces the time and effort required to shop.

In summary, unmanned convenience stores offer the advantage of convenience, allowing customers to shop at any time without having to wait in long queues or interact with sales personnel. Amazon Go is a concrete example of such a store that uses advanced technologies to make shopping more efficient and hassle-free.

Limitations of unmanned convenience stores

While unmanned convenience stores offer convenience, they also have limitations that should be considered. One significant limitation is the potential for technical glitches and errors that can disrupt the shopping experience.

For example, in 2018, Amazon Go experienced technical difficulties that prevented customers from entering the store, causing frustration and inconvenience. Similarly, another unmanned store in Japan had to temporarily close down due to glitches in the facial recognition system that was used to identify customers.

These technical issues not only inconvenience customers but also add to the cost of operating an unmanned store, as more resources need to be allocated to maintain and repair the technology.

In conclusion, the limitations of unmanned convenience stores include potential technical glitches and errors that can disrupt the shopping experience and add to operating costs. Examples such as Amazon Go and a Japanese unmanned store demonstrate the impact of these limitations on the overall efficiency and reliability of such stores.

Do you think it is a good choice to have these stores in Hong Kong?

Stance: Yes

I believe that having unmanned convenience stores in Hong Kong is a good choice as it aligns with the city’s fast-paced and technologically advanced culture. With the high population density and busy lifestyle, having access to a 24/7 convenience store without the need for staff interaction would be a valuable convenience for many Hong Kongers.

Moreover, unmanned stores can provide an innovative shopping experience that enhances the overall customer experience. For example, some unmanned stores in Japan have interactive displays that provide customers with product information and suggestions based on their previous purchases.

In addition, the implementation of unmanned stores can also support the development of Hong Kong’s technology industry, creating job opportunities and attracting investments.

Overall, the introduction of unmanned convenience stores in Hong Kong would bring convenience, innovation, and economic benefits to the city, making it a good choice for its citizens.

Stance: No

In my opinion, having these stores in Hong Kong is not a good choice. One reason for this is that it can have a negative impact on local businesses. When big chain stores move into an area, they often have the advantage of lower prices due to economies of scale, which can make it difficult for smaller, local businesses to compete. This can result in the closure of these businesses and the loss of jobs for local residents.

For example, in the United States, Walmart has been accused of driving local stores out of business and contributing to the decline of small towns. Similarly, in Hong Kong, the opening of large chain stores could have a similar effect on local businesses, which are an important part of the city’s economy and culture.

In conclusion, while having these stores in Hong Kong may provide consumers with more options and convenience, it is important to consider the potential negative effects on the local community. It is essential to strike a balance between promoting economic growth and preserving the unique character of the city.

Individual response

  1. Have you been to the convience store?
  2. When will you go to the convenience stores?
  3. What kinds of things would you like to buy from the convenience store?
  4. Do you think theft is more common in unmanned convenience stores?
  5. Do you prefer self-checked or check-out with real people?
  6. Do you think consumer services are important?
  7. Do you think unmanned convenience stores are impersonal?
  8. Do you think unmanned convenience stores will grow in the future?

22/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Regular sleeping pattern

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Advantages of being a “night owl”
  • Advantages of getting up early
  • Should companies offer employees flexible working time?
  • Anything else you think is important

Sggested answers

Advantages of being a “night owl”

As a night owl, there are numerous advantages to staying up late and being active during the nighttime hours. One of the primary benefits is increased productivity.
For example, while others are sleeping, night owls have the opportunity to focus without interruption and complete tasks more efficiently. This could include catching up on work projects, studying for exams, or simply tackling household chores without distraction. Night owls also tend to be more creative during these hours, as the stillness and solitude of the night can help to inspire new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Moreover, night owls may find that their schedules offer more flexibility and freedom, as they have more time during the day to relax or pursue hobbies.

Additionally, many night owls report feeling more alert and energized at night, which can be advantageous in certain situations such as emergency response or night shift work.

In summary, being a night owl offers numerous advantages, including increased productivity, creativity, flexibility, and energy. While some may prefer early mornings, there is no doubt that staying up late can be a highly rewarding lifestyle choice.

Advantages of getting up early

One advantage of getting up early is that it allows you to establish a healthy morning routine. When you wake up early, you have more time to engage in activities that promote self-care and well-being. For instance, you can start your day with a healthy breakfast, meditate, or do some light exercise.

Establishing a morning routine can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. It can help you feel more organized, reduce stress levels, and increase your productivity throughout the day. By taking the time to care for yourself in the morning, you set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling day.

Additionally, waking up early can also give you more time to plan out your day, set goals, and prioritize your tasks. You can use the extra time to plan out your schedule, make a to-do list, and break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help you stay focused, achieve your goals, and make the most of your time.

In conclusion, waking up early allows you to establish a healthy morning routine, which can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. It gives you the time you need to care for yourself, plan out your day, and prioritize your tasks.

Should companies offer employees flexible working time?

Stance: Yes

Certainly, companies should offer employees flexible working time because it can have numerous benefits for both the employees and the company.

One advantage of flexible working time is that it can improve employee satisfaction and retention. For instance, allowing employees to work from home or set their own hours can reduce the stress of commuting and allow them to spend more time with their families. This, in turn, can increase employee morale and loyalty to the company.

Moreover, flexible working time can also increase productivity. Some employees work better in the morning, while others are more productive in the afternoon or evening. By allowing employees to choose their own working hours, companies can maximize their productivity and ensure that they are working when they are most focused and productive.

Additionally, offering flexible working time can also reduce overhead costs for the company. By allowing employees to work from home, companies can save on office space, equipment, and utilities. This can result in significant cost savings and increased profits for the company.

In conclusion, offering flexible working time can benefit both employees and companies in numerous ways. It can improve employee satisfaction, increase productivity, and reduce overhead costs for the company. Therefore, companies should consider implementing flexible working time policies to stay competitive and attract and retain top talent.

Stance: No

While flexible working time may seem like a good idea, it could also have several disadvantages for both employees and companies.

One disadvantage of flexible working time is that it can make it challenging to maintain a consistent work schedule. If employees are allowed to work whenever they choose, it can be challenging to schedule team meetings or coordinate projects. This can lead to delays and a lack of communication among team members, which can negatively impact the quality of work produced.

Moreover, flexible working time can also make it difficult for managers to monitor employee performance. If employees are not working during regular business hours, it can be challenging to ensure that they are meeting their performance goals and completing their work on time. This can result in lower productivity and a decrease in overall company performance.

Furthermore, offering flexible working time can also make it difficult for companies to maintain a cohesive company culture. If employees are not working in the same physical location or at the same time, it can be challenging to build relationships and foster a sense of community among team members. This can lead to a lack of collaboration and teamwork, which can negatively impact the company’s bottom line.

In conclusion, while flexible working time may seem like a good idea, it could also have several disadvantages for both employees and companies. It can make it challenging to maintain a consistent work schedule, monitor employee performance, and maintain a cohesive company culture. Therefore, companies should carefully consider the potential drawbacks before implementing flexible working time policies.

Individual response

  1. Do you have problems waking up early?
  2. Would you wake up early at weekends?
  3. Do you prefer having a job which requires you to work at night?
  4. Are you a night owl or people who gets up early?
  5. Have you tried to oversleep and missed important things?
  6. When is your most productive time in a day?
  7. What will you do when you cannot fall asleep?
  8. What will you do to keep awake when you feel sleepy?

Theme 2: Social media apps for communication between teachers and students

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why do students like to connect with teachers on social media?
  • Problems of students being friends with teachers on social media
  • Do you agree with the proposed policy? (not allowing students to be friends with teachers on social media)
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Why do students like to connect with teachers on social media?

One reason why students like to connect with teachers on social media is that it allows for easier communication and access to educational resources.
Through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, students can easily reach out to their teachers for help with assignments or questions about course material. This can be particularly helpful for students who may be hesitant to ask questions in class or who may have conflicting schedules with their teachers.

Additionally, social media can also provide students with access to educational resources and materials outside of the classroom. Teachers can share links to relevant articles, videos, or podcasts that can help students better understand the course material. This can help students stay engaged with the course and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, social media can also provide students with a more personal connection to their teachers. By following their teachers on social media, students can learn more about their interests, hobbies, and personal experiences. This can help foster a sense of community and rapport between students and teachers, which can ultimately lead to a more positive and enriching learning experience.

In conclusion, students like to connect with teachers on social media because it allows for easier communication and access to educational resources. It can also provide students with a more personal connection to their teachers, which can help foster a sense of community and rapport in the classroom.

Problems of students being friends with teachers on social media

Becoming friends with teachers on social media can create several problems, including potential inappropriate behaviour or interactions. For instance, a teacher may post inappropriate images or content that are not suitable for their students to view. This can create an awkward or uncomfortable learning environment and damage the relationship between the teacher and students.

Furthermore, social media can also create a sense of favouritism or bias in the classroom. If a teacher is friends with certain students on social media, it may be difficult for them to remain impartial in their interactions with all students. This can create a feeling of inequality or unfairness among students and damage the learning environment.

Additionally, social media can also create a lack of boundaries between a teacher’s personal and professional life. Teachers may feel pressured to share personal information or engage in inappropriate behaviour to maintain social media relationships with students. This can create conflicts of interest and lead to negative consequences for both teachers and students.

In conclusion, while connecting with teachers on social media may seem beneficial, it can create several problems. These include potential inappropriate behaviour, bias in the classroom, and blurred personal and professional boundaries. It is essential for teachers and students to establish clear guidelines and boundaries for social media interactions to ensure a positive and healthy learning environment.

Do you agree with the proposed policy? (not allowing students to be friends with teachers on social media)

Stance: Yes

I agree with the proposed policy of not allowing students to be friends with teachers on social media. While some may argue that it is a way to foster positive teacher-student relationships, it can lead to several problems.

For example, it can create an inappropriate learning environment. Teachers may share content or images that are not suitable for their students to view, creating an uncomfortable or awkward learning environment.

Moreover, it can create a lack of boundaries between a teacher’s personal and professional life. Teachers may feel pressured to share personal information or engage in inappropriate behavior to maintain social media relationships with students. This can create conflicts of interest and lead to negative consequences for both teachers and students.

Furthermore, social media can also create a sense of bias or favoritism in the classroom. If a teacher is friends with certain students on social media, it may be difficult for them to remain impartial in their interactions with all students. This can create a feeling of inequality or unfairness among students and damage the learning environment.

In conclusion, the proposed policy of not allowing students to be friends with teachers on social media is necessary to ensure a positive and healthy learning environment. It can prevent inappropriate behavior, maintain professional boundaries, and prevent bias in the classroom.

Stance: No

While it is important to establish boundaries between teachers and students, I do not agree with the proposed policy of not allowing students to be friends with teachers on social media. Social media can be an effective tool for communication and can foster positive teacher-student relationships.

For instance, social media can provide an informal platform for students to ask questions and seek academic guidance from their teachers outside of the classroom. This can help students who are struggling with their coursework and improve their academic performance.

Additionally, social media can also help teachers to engage with students who are otherwise reluctant to participate in the classroom. By interacting with students on social media, teachers can create a more personalized learning experience and develop a deeper understanding of their students’ interests and learning styles.

Furthermore, social media can also be a valuable tool for teachers to showcase their work and connect with other educators in their field. This can help to foster a sense of professional development and create a community of educators who can support and learn from one another.

In conclusion, while there are risks associated with students being friends with teachers on social media, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that social media can provide in fostering positive teacher-student relationships and improving the overall learning experience. The key is to establish clear guidelines and boundaries for social media interactions to ensure that they remain professional and appropriate.

Individual response

  1. Do you think social media affects your study?
  2. What have you posted on social media?
  3. Do young people spend more time on social media?
  4. Do you think teachers are being more active on social media?
  5. Why the school should teach= their students to use social media?
  6. Should parents monitor their children’s followers on social media?
  7. Should schools teach their students to use social media safely?
  8. Do you think schools should check how students use social media?

Theme 3: Graduation celebration

2023 dse speaking 題目


The 3 events proposed:

  1. Helicopter ride in Hong Kong
  2. Cooking lesson with celebrity chef
  3. Zipline 
  • What to consider when planning a graduation event?
  • Whether any of the above 3 events are suitable
  • What else can be done for a graduation event?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

What to consider when planning a graduation event?

When planning a graduation event, there are several factors to consider. One important factor is the venue for the event. For example, the venue should be large enough to accommodate all the guests and provide ample space for the ceremony and any other activities that are planned.

Additionally, the venue should also be easily accessible for all guests, including those with disabilities. It should have adequate parking facilities and be located in a safe and convenient area.

Another important consideration is the timing of the event. The date and time should be chosen carefully to ensure that it does not conflict with other important events or holidays. It should also be scheduled at a time when the majority of the guests are likely to be available to attend.

Furthermore, the event should be well-planned and organized to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This includes hiring reliable vendors for catering, decorations, and other services, as well as coordinating with school officials, staff, and volunteers.

In conclusion, when planning a graduation event, it is important to consider factors such as the venue, timing, and organization of the event to ensure that it is a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Whether any of the above 3 events are suitable

When considering the suitability of the above-mentioned events, it’s important to take into account the nature of the event and the group of people attending it. For example, a helicopter ride in Hong Kong might not be suitable for those who are afraid of heights or suffer from motion sickness. Similarly, a zipline adventure might not be suitable for those who are physically unfit or have health issues.

Another important consideration is the cost of the event. For instance, a cooking lesson with a celebrity chef might be expensive, which could limit the number of people who can attend. On the other hand, a zipline adventure might be more affordable and attract a larger group of people.

Furthermore, the event should be planned according to the preferences of the attendees. For example, if the majority of attendees prefer outdoor activities, a zipline adventure might be a good choice. However, if most attendees are foodies and enjoy culinary experiences, a cooking lesson with a celebrity chef might be more appropriate.

In conclusion, the suitability of the events mentioned above depends on several factors such as the nature of the event, the cost, and the preferences of the attendees. These factors should be taken into account when planning an event to ensure that it is enjoyable and suitable for everyone involved.

What else can be done for a graduation event?

In addition to the traditional graduation ceremony, there are several other activities that can be organized to celebrate this milestone event. For example, a graduation party or reception can be held, where graduates and their families can socialize and enjoy good food and music.

Another option is to organize a photo booth, where graduates can take fun and memorable photos with their friends and family. The photos can be printed and given as keepsakes to remember the special occasion.

Furthermore, a personalized gift or souvenir can be given to each graduate as a memento of their time at school. For instance, a customized keychain or mug with the school’s logo or the graduate’s name can be a great idea.

Finally, a community service project can also be organized to give back to the community and celebrate the graduates’ accomplishments. For example, graduates can volunteer at a local charity or organize a fundraiser to support a cause they care about.

In conclusion, there are several creative and meaningful ways to celebrate a graduation event beyond the traditional ceremony. By incorporating these ideas, graduates and their families can enjoy a memorable and meaningful celebration of their achievements.

Individual response

  1. Do you like to go to graduation celebrations?
  2. Would you prefer your graduation celebration to be held on a large scale or small scale?
  3. Would you prefer your graduation celebration to be held indoor or outdoor?
  4. Do you want to be a member of the graduation celebration committee?
  5. What do people normally do for their graduation celebration in Hong Kong?
  6. Would you like your teachers to join your graduation celebration?
  7. How would you attract the students to join the graduation celebration?
  8. What graduation activities would you like to suggest to the students?

23/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: How the pandemic changes the way people dress/the fashion industry

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • How has the pandemic changed the way people dress?
  • How has the pandemic changed the way people buy clothes?
  • How can the fashion industry cater for these changes?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

How has the pandemic changed the way people dress?

The pandemic has brought about significant changes in the way people dress. One of the most notable changes is the rise of comfortable and practical clothing. People are now more likely to wear loungewear, activewear, and casual clothing instead of formal attire. For instance, yoga pants, leggings, and sweatpants have become popular choices for everyday wear. This shift is largely due to the rise of remote work and virtual meetings, which require less formal dress codes.

Another change is the increased emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness. People are now more aware of the potential risks of contamination from clothing and accessories, leading to more frequent washing and disinfection of clothes, shoes, and bags. For example, face masks have become an essential accessory in many countries, and people have adapted their wardrobes to accommodate them.

In conclusion, the pandemic has significantly impacted the way people dress. Comfort and practicality have become more important, while hygiene and cleanliness have become top priorities. As we continue to navigate the pandemic, it will be interesting to see how fashion evolves to meet these changing needs.

How has the pandemic changed the way people buy clothes?

The pandemic has significantly changed the way people buy clothes. For instance, with many physical stores closed due to lockdowns, people have shifted to online shopping. According to a report by Digital Commerce 360, e-commerce fashion sales in the US alone increased by 18.6% in 2020.

This has also led to an increase in demand for sustainable and ethical clothing, as consumers are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment. In fact, a survey by McKinsey & Company found that 75% of consumers have changed their purchasing behavior in favor of sustainable fashion.

Additionally, with many people now working from home, there has been a rise in the demand for comfortable and casual clothing, such as loungewear and activewear.

In conclusion, the pandemic has forced a shift in the way people buy clothes, with a greater emphasis on online shopping, sustainable and ethical clothing, and comfortable attire.

How can the fashion industry cater for these changes?

The fashion industry is experiencing a significant shift in consumer behavior and preferences, which demands a rethinking of how it operates. One way the industry can cater to these changes is by becoming more sustainable. Many consumers are now looking for clothing made from eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, hemp, or recycled fabrics. Some fashion brands have already responded to this shift by incorporating these materials into their collections. For example, Levi’s created a line of jeans made from recycled plastic bottles.

Another way the industry can cater to these changes is by embracing inclusivity and diversity. Some brands are creating lines of clothing for people with disabilities or designing clothing that fits a wide range of body types. Furthermore, technology can also play a significant role in the industry’s transformation. The use of virtual reality and 3D printing can help reduce waste and improve efficiency in the design and production process.

By embracing sustainability, inclusivity, and technology, the fashion industry can adapt to the changing consumer landscape and thrive in the future.

Individual response

  1. Do you like shopping?
  2. Do you like online shopping or physical stores?
  3. Will you wear different clothes at home?
  4. Would you prefer buying clothes in-store or online shop?
  5. Do you think teenagers follow the trend?
  6. Where do people find their fashion inspiration?
  7. What would you prefer when you buy clothes? Comfort or beauty?
  8. Do you think following the latest trend is a waste of money?

Theme 2: Adding a cleaning session to the students' timetable

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • The benefits of adding cleaning sessions to the timetable
  • Problems that might be caused by the cleaning session
  • What cleaning tasks are suitable for students?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

The benefits of adding cleaning sessions to the timetable

Firstly, adding cleaning sessions to our timetable helps to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. For example, if we allocate 30 minutes every day to clean our workspace, it will help to reduce the accumulation of dirt and dust, which can lead to health issues such as allergies and respiratory problems.

Moreover, having a clean environment can increase productivity levels. For instance, a study by the American Society of Interior Designers showed that employees who work in a clean and well-organized environment are 15% more productive than those who work in a cluttered environment.

In addition, regular cleaning sessions can help to extend the lifespan of our equipment and furniture. For example, if we regularly clean and maintain our computers, they will last longer and perform better, which means that we can avoid costly repairs and replacements.

In conclusion, adding cleaning sessions to our timetable has numerous benefits, including maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, increasing productivity levels, and extending the lifespan of our equipment and furniture. It is a simple and effective way to improve our work environment, and I believe that we should seriously consider implementing it.

Problems that might be caused by the cleaning session

Cleaning sessions can sometimes lead to unexpected problems, one of which is the potential for slips and falls. Wet floors or surfaces can be hazardous, especially if they are not properly marked or if people are not warned of the potential danger. For instance, if a cleaning crew mops a hallway but fails to put up “wet floor” signs, someone might unknowingly walk on the wet surface and slip, potentially resulting in injury.

This problem can be further exacerbated if cleaning crews work during peak hours when there is a lot of foot traffic. For example, a cleaning crew may be working in a busy restaurant during lunch service, and if they do not properly mark their cleaning areas or warn customers of potential hazards, someone could slip and fall.

To avoid these issues, it’s important for cleaning crews to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of everyone in the area. This can include using “wet floor” signs, cordoning off cleaning areas, and avoiding peak hours if possible. By taking these steps, cleaning crews can help ensure that their work is effective and safe for everyone involved.

What cleaning tasks are suitable for students?

When it comes to cleaning tasks that are suitable for students, one great option is cleaning their living space. Many students live away from home for the first time and learning to maintain a clean and organized living space is an important life skill. For instance, they can learn to dust, sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly to keep their space clean and tidy. By taking on this responsibility, students can learn to appreciate the value of a clean environment and the importance of staying organized.

Moreover, cleaning their living space can also be a stress-relieving activity for students. Studies show that a clean and organized environment can reduce stress levels and improve mental health. By taking the time to tidy up their living space, students can create a relaxing and comfortable environment where they can focus on their studies and recharge their batteries.

Furthermore, cleaning their living space is a task that can be easily integrated into a student’s daily routine. Students can set aside a few minutes each day to make their bed, pick up clutter, and wipe down surfaces. They can also set aside a longer period of time each week to do a more thorough cleaning of their living space.

In conclusion, cleaning their living space is a great cleaning task for students to take on. It teaches important life skills and promotes good mental health.

Individual response

  1. Do you like doing housework?
  2. Do you help out with housework?
  3. What can be done to make cleaning less boring?
  4. How can parents motivate their children to do housework?
  5. Do you agree that teenagers are messier than adults?
  6. Do you agree that housework can bring family members closer?
  7. Should cleaning staff receive more respect in society?
  8. Will technology change housework in the future?

Theme 3: Growing plants at school

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • What are the benefits of growing plants for students and schools?
  • Whether plants become popular among students
  • What other activities can be introduced to promote students’ well-being?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

What are the benefits of growing plants for students and schools?

Growing plants in schools can provide numerous benefits for students and the schools themselves. One significant benefit is that it can improve the students’ mental health and well-being.

For example, research has shown that interacting with plants can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve mood and self-esteem. By growing plants in schools, students have the opportunity to connect with nature and learn about the environment, which can promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Furthermore, growing plants can also be an excellent educational tool, providing opportunities for hands-on learning and teaching about various scientific concepts. For instance, students can learn about the plant life cycle, photosynthesis, and the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem.

In addition, growing plants can have environmental benefits for schools and the surrounding communities. Plants help to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen, which can improve the overall health of students and staff. Furthermore, growing plants can also help to create a more sustainable environment by reducing the carbon footprint of the school and promoting eco-friendly practices.

In conclusion, growing plants in schools can provide a range of benefits for students and the schools themselves, including improved mental health, educational opportunities, and environmental benefits. By incorporating plant growing activities into the curriculum, schools can help students develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the natural world, while also promoting well-being and sustainability.

Whether plants become popular among students

Growing plants has become increasingly popular among students in recent years.

One reason for this is the growing awareness of the benefits of plants on mental and physical health. Many schools have recognized the positive impact that plants can have on students’ well-being and have started to incorporate plant growing activities into the curriculum. For example, some schools have started to set up community gardens or have indoor plants in classrooms to create a more natural and calming environment.

Furthermore, the popularity of plant-based diets has also contributed to the increased interest in plants among students. Many students are now aware of the environmental impact of animal agriculture and are opting for plant-based diets. This has led to an increased interest in growing plants and understanding how to cultivate them.

Moreover, social media has played a significant role in making plants popular among students. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have popularized plant-related content, including plant care tips, plant-based recipes, and home decor ideas. This has led to a surge in interest in growing plants among young people, with many students using social media to share their plant-growing experiences and connect with other plant enthusiasts.

In conclusion, plants have become increasingly popular among students due to the growing awareness of their benefits to health and the environment, the popularity of plant-based diets, and the influence of social media. As more schools incorporate plant growing activities into their curriculum and students continue to explore the benefits of plants, it is likely that plants will remain a popular trend among young people.

What other activities can be introduced to promote students’ well-being?

There are many activities that schools can introduce to promote students’ well-being, but one particularly effective method is mindfulness practices.

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, and it has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental health, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus and attention, and increased self-awareness.

For example, schools can introduce mindfulness practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and mindful movement, such as yoga or Tai Chi. These practices can be incorporated into the daily routine of the school, either as a separate class or as a brief activity at the beginning or end of each lesson.

Furthermore, schools can also introduce mindfulness-based programs that teach students how to apply mindfulness to their everyday lives. These programs can include training in mindful communication, managing emotions, and cultivating gratitude and compassion.

Moreover, schools can also encourage outdoor activities to promote students’ well-being. Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental health, including reduced stress, increased creativity, and improved mood. Schools can organize outdoor activities, such as nature walks or hikes, gardening, or outdoor sports, to help students connect with nature and reap the benefits of being outdoors.

In conclusion, introducing mindfulness practices and outdoor activities are effective ways to promote students’ well-being. By incorporating these activities into the school’s curriculum, schools can help students cultivate healthy habits and coping mechanisms that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Individual response

  1. Do you like going to country parks?
  2. Do you like gardening?
  3. Do more young people or other people enjoy caring for plants?
  4. Are there enough green spaces in Hong Kong?
  5. Is gardening a popular hobby in Hong Kong?
  6. Do you prefer caring for plants or keeping a pet?
  7. Should there be plants in the work environment?
  8. Which do you prefer: real or artificial plants?

24/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Adaptability quotient

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why adaptability becomes more important nowadays?
  • Adaptability vs intelligence, which is more important?
  • Whether it is possible to teach adaptability
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Why adaptability becomes more important nowadays?

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability has become an increasingly important trait to possess. This is because of the constant changes happening in our society, economy, and technology. People who are able to adapt and evolve with these changes are more likely to succeed and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

One of the indicators of the importance of adaptability is the rapid pace of technological advancements. For instance, jobs that were once popular and in-demand may become obsolete due to automation and artificial intelligence. Those who can quickly adapt and learn new skills will be better equipped to secure new jobs and remain relevant in the workforce.

Another example of the importance of adaptability can be seen in the way businesses operate. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had to rapidly shift their operations to remote work. Those that were able to adapt quickly were more likely to survive and even thrive, while those that were slow to adapt struggled.

Overall, adaptability has become more important than ever before, and those who possess this trait will have a distinct advantage in today’s ever-changing world.

Adaptability vs intelligence, which is more important?

Stance: Adaptability more important

Adaptability has become a critical skill in today’s rapidly changing world. The pace of technological advancement, geopolitical shifts, and the ongoing pandemic have created an environment where the ability to adapt is paramount.

For instance, remote work has become the new norm, and employees who are not adaptable struggle to perform well in this environment. In contrast, those who can quickly adapt to new technologies and communication platforms thrive. Similarly, businesses that can pivot and adjust their operations to changing circumstances are more likely to succeed.

Indicators show that adaptability is becoming increasingly important. A survey conducted by the World Economic Forum identified adaptability as one of the top ten skills that will be in demand in 2025. In addition, a study by Deloitte found that 90% of executives believe that adaptability is essential for their organization’s success.

In conclusion, the world is changing rapidly, and adaptability is crucial for individuals and businesses to thrive. By being adaptable, individuals can stay relevant in their careers, and businesses can remain competitive in their respective industries.

Stance: Intelligence more important

When it comes to success in life, there is often a debate on whether adaptability or intelligence is more important. While both are undoubtedly valuable traits, intelligence stands out as the more critical factor in achieving success.

Intelligence is the foundation upon which adaptability is built. It enables individuals to learn and acquire new skills quickly, making it easier for them to adapt to changing circumstances. For instance, a highly intelligent person will be able to understand new concepts and ideas faster, and this will help them quickly adapt to new job roles and industries.

On the other hand, adaptability alone does not guarantee success. For example, a person with great adaptability skills but limited intelligence may struggle to comprehend complex concepts or perform complex tasks required for the job. Even in situations where they can adapt to changes in their environment, they may lack the ability to innovate or come up with creative solutions to problems.

Furthermore, intelligence is often an indicator of potential success. Intelligence tests such as the IQ test have been shown to have a high correlation with success in various fields. For instance, individuals with higher IQ scores tend to have higher earnings and better job performance.

In conclusion, while adaptability is an essential trait, intelligence is undoubtedly more important. It is the foundation upon which adaptability is built and is a critical indicator of potential success. Therefore, individuals who wish to achieve success in their personal and professional lives should focus on developing and improving their intelligence.

Whether it is possible to teach adaptability

Stance: Yes

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new situations, environments, and challenges. Some people believe that adaptability is a natural trait that cannot be taught. However, research has shown that adaptability can be learned and developed through deliberate practice.

For instance, in a workplace setting, employees are often required to adapt to changes such as new software, systems, or processes. By providing employees with training and support, they can develop the skills needed to adapt to new situations. This may involve providing opportunities for employees to practice problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.

Another example of how adaptability can be taught is in the context of personal growth. For instance, someone who struggles with anxiety may work with a therapist to develop coping strategies and tools to manage their symptoms. Through this process, they may learn how to adapt to challenging situations and develop resilience.

In conclusion, adaptability is a skill that can be taught and developed with practice. Whether in a workplace or personal setting, individuals can learn to adjust to new situations and challenges by developing problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills. With the right support and training, anyone can learn to be adaptable.

Stance: No

Adaptability is a highly desirable trait in today’s fast-paced world, but the notion that it can be taught is questionable. While it is true that individuals can learn new skills and behaviors, adaptability is a complex mix of personality traits, experience, and situational factors that are not easily replicated in a training program.

For example, some people are naturally more open to new experiences, while others tend to resist change. This fundamental difference in temperament makes it difficult to teach adaptability as a one-size-fits-all approach.

Furthermore, adaptability is often situational and context-dependent. What works in one situation may not work in another, and the ability to adapt successfully requires a deep understanding of the nuances of each unique situation.

While it may be possible to teach specific skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication, these skills alone do not guarantee adaptability. Adaptability also requires the ability to manage emotions, be flexible in thinking, and have a growth mindset.

In conclusion, while adaptability is a desirable trait, it is not necessarily something that can be taught. Rather, it is a complex mix of personality traits, experience, and situational factors that cannot be easily replicated in a training program. While it may be possible to teach specific skills that support adaptability, the ability to adapt successfully ultimately depends on the individual and their unique combination of traits and experiences.

Individual response

  1. Do you like trying new things?
  2. Do you think you can adapt to a new environment quickly?
  3. Do you consider yourself a risk taker?
  4. Do you think teenagers nowadays are adaptable?
  5. Why some people are more adaptable than others?
  6. Do you think younger people or older people are more adaptable?
  7. Do you think changes are always good?
  8. Do you think change is important in the future?

Theme 2: Wearable smart devices

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why wearable smart devices become popular?
  • Disadvantages of wearable smart devices
  • Should wearable smart devices be banned at school?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Why wearable smart devices become popular?

Wearable smart devices have become increasingly popular in recent years due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is their convenience and ease of use. These devices are designed to be lightweight, comfortable, and easy to wear, allowing users to monitor their health, fitness, and daily activities without much effort.

For example, smartwatches like Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch can track heart rate, count steps, and monitor sleep patterns. Fitness trackers like Fitbit can help users set and achieve fitness goals by tracking steps, calories burned, and distance traveled. Smart glasses like Google Glass and Snapchat Spectacles can capture photos and videos, making it easy for users to document their experiences.

Another reason for the popularity of wearable smart devices is their integration with smartphones and other smart devices. These devices can be synced with smartphones and other devices to provide a seamless user experience. For instance, smartwatches can display notifications, messages, and calls from smartphones, making it easier for users to stay connected.

Finally, the increasing focus on health and wellness has also contributed to the popularity of wearable smart devices. With the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, wearable smart devices provide users with real-time health data and insights, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Overall, the popularity of wearable smart devices can be attributed to their convenience, integration with other smart devices, and focus on health and wellness. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that these devices will become even more advanced and widespread, making them an essential part of our daily lives.

Disadvantages of wearable smart devices

Wearable smart devices have become increasingly popular over the years. However, there are several disadvantages associated with using these devices. One major disadvantage is that they can be quite expensive. For example, the latest Apple Watch costs over $300, which may not be affordable for everyone.

Another disadvantage of wearable smart devices is that they can be quite distracting. People who wear these devices may become overly reliant on them, constantly checking notifications and messages. This can be a major distraction and may even lead to accidents or injuries, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery.

In addition, wearable smart devices can also pose a threat to privacy and security. For instance, some devices collect sensitive data, such as health and fitness information, which could be used for malicious purposes if it falls into the wrong hands. Moreover, the devices themselves may be vulnerable to hacking or data breaches.

Overall, while wearable smart devices offer several benefits, including improved health tracking and convenience, it is important to be aware of their potential disadvantages as well. It is crucial to consider the cost, distraction, and privacy risks associated with these devices before making a decision to invest in one.

Should wearable smart devices be banned at school?

Stance: Yes

In my opinion, wearable smart devices should be banned in schools. Firstly, the presence of smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices can be a significant distraction for students. For example, during class, students may receive notifications on their devices and get tempted to check them. This distracts them from the lesson, causing them to miss important information. Furthermore, wearable smart devices could be used for cheating during exams, and this could significantly impact the academic integrity of the school.

Secondly, wearable smart devices can be used for inappropriate activities such as taking pictures or videos of other students without their consent. This can lead to bullying or other harmful behavior, which is not acceptable in any school.

Thirdly, the use of wearable smart devices can also cause privacy concerns. For instance, some devices can collect personal data, such as location or health information, without the user’s knowledge. This could be a significant threat to student privacy and safety.

In conclusion, while wearable smart devices offer several benefits, they should be banned in schools due to the potential distractions, cheating, inappropriate behavior, and privacy concerns they pose. Therefore, schools should prioritize the academic and personal safety of their students by implementing a ban on wearable smart devices.

Stance: No

In my opinion, wearable smart devices should not be banned in schools. Firstly, these devices can offer many benefits for students, such as helping them stay organized, on track with their schedule, and improving their physical fitness. For example, some smartwatches come with built-in features that remind students to drink water or take breaks, which can significantly improve their productivity and overall well-being.

Secondly, wearable smart devices can also enhance the learning experience for students. For instance, students can use smartwatches to access online resources, such as textbooks or study materials, which can help them learn more effectively. In addition, wearable devices with GPS tracking capabilities can improve student safety, as they can be used to locate students during emergencies.

Thirdly, a ban on wearable smart devices can be difficult to enforce and could create unnecessary conflicts between students and teachers. Instead of banning these devices, schools can educate students about responsible usage and establish clear guidelines on when and where they can use them. This can help minimize potential distractions and inappropriate behavior while still allowing students to benefit from the use of wearable smart devices.

In conclusion, wearable smart devices should not be banned in schools as they offer numerous benefits for students, including improved organization, enhanced learning experiences, and increased safety. Rather than imposing a ban, schools should focus on educating students on responsible usage and setting clear guidelines to ensure a positive and productive learning environment.

Theme 3: Use of social media apps

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • What kind of people would be popular on social media?
  • The negative effects of social media users
  • What can the club do to promote better online habits?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

What kind of people would be popular on social media?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and popularity on these platforms is a coveted status. So, what kind of people tend to be popular on social media? There are several indicators that can help us identify such individuals.

Firstly, those who are charismatic and have a magnetic personality tend to attract a large following. For example, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, with his charm and humor, has amassed over 250 million followers on Instagram.

Secondly, individuals who are experts in their field and have a unique perspective tend to attract a dedicated following. For instance, Bill Gates’ informative and thought-provoking posts on his blog and social media channels have earned him millions of followers.

Thirdly, celebrities who give their fans a glimpse into their personal lives tend to be popular on social media. Kim Kardashian, for example, has over 200 million followers on Instagram, where she shares her daily life with her fans.

Lastly, social media influencers who create engaging content and have a loyal following tend to be popular. For instance, PewDiePie, a YouTuber, has over 110 million subscribers who tune in to watch his video content.

In conclusion, a combination of factors such as charisma, expertise, relatability, and creativity tends to make individuals popular on social media.

The negative effects of social media users

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and people from all over the world. However, there are negative effects associated with social media users that cannot be ignored. For instance, studies have shown that social media can lead to increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

One reason for this is the constant comparison to others that occurs on social media. Users often present a carefully curated version of their lives, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Additionally, cyberbullying has become a major issue on social media, with users hiding behind anonymity to attack others.

Another negative effect of social media users is the spread of misinformation. False information can spread rapidly through social media, leading to misunderstandings, confusion, and even harm. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, false information about the virus and vaccines spread quickly on social media, leading some people to make dangerous decisions about their health.

In conclusion, while social media can be a valuable tool for communication and connection, it is important to recognize the negative effects of social media users. By being aware of these negative effects, we can take steps to use social media in a way that promotes positive mental health and well-being for ourselves and others.

What can the club do to promote better online habits?

In order to promote better online habits, the club can take a number of practical steps. For instance, they could organize workshops and seminars to educate members about online safety, etiquette, and privacy. These events could cover topics such as how to create strong passwords, how to recognize and avoid phishing scams, and how to protect personal information online.

Another strategy would be to encourage members to take regular breaks from technology and engage in offline activities, such as exercise or spending time with friends and family. This can help prevent addiction and burnout, as well as promote a healthier work-life balance.

Additionally, the club could set guidelines and standards for online behavior, and enforce them consistently. This could include rules around respectful communication, avoiding hate speech and discrimination, and not sharing personal information without consent.

By taking these steps, the club can promote a culture of responsible and positive online behavior, which can help members stay safe and productive in the digital age.

Individual response

  1. Do you use social media?
  2. Would you like to be popular on social media?
  3. How do you feel when someone like your social media posts?
  4. Do people become addicted to social media?
  5. What would you do to prevent spending too much time on social media
  6. Do social media posts show someone’s real life?
  7. Do you agree that people on social media lack compassion?
  8. Do you think social media affect people’s self-esteem?

27/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Family history & DNA test

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why do people want to know about their family history?
  • Disadvantages of DNA testing
  • Alternatives to find out family history
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Why do people want to know about their family history?

People have always been curious about their family history for serveral reasons.

Knowing where you come from can help you understand yourself better and give you a sense of identity and belonging. For example, if you find out that your great-grandfather was a successful entrepreneur, you may be inspired to pursue a similar path. On the other hand, if you discover that your family has a history of certain medical conditions, you can take steps to prevent or manage those conditions.

Furthermore, learning about your family history can provide a deeper appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of your ancestors. For instance, if you learn that your great-grandparents immigrated to a new country with very little and worked hard to build a new life, you may feel a sense of pride in your heritage.

In addition, exploring your family history can also help you connect with relatives you may not have known existed. For example, you may discover distant cousins through genealogical research and be able to form new relationships with them.

Overall, understanding your family history can enrich your life in many ways and provide a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

Disadvantages of DNA testing

While DNA testing can provide a wealth of information about a person’s ancestry, health, and potential genetic risks, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider.

For example, DNA testing results can reveal unexpected family relationships, which can be emotionally challenging to process. For instance, a person may discover that they were conceived through donor sperm or that their parentage is not as they originally thought.

Additionally, DNA testing can also reveal sensitive health information that a person may not want to know. For instance, a person may discover that they have a high risk of developing a serious medical condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease, which can cause anxiety and distress.

Moreover, there are concerns about privacy and the use of DNA data. Some DNA testing companies may sell or share genetic information with third parties, which can raise ethical and legal concerns. For example, insurance companies could potentially use genetic information to deny coverage or charge higher premiums based on a person’s genetic risks.

Lastly, there are issues around the accuracy and reliability of DNA testing. False positives or false negatives can lead to incorrect conclusions or unnecessary medical procedures.

Overall, while DNA testing can provide valuable insights, it’s important to carefully consider the potential disadvantages and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Alternatives to find out family history

While DNA testing has become a popular way to learn about one’s family history, there are also alternative methods that can provide valuable information.

One option is to conduct genealogical research through historical records and documents. For example, census records, immigration records, and birth and death certificates can provide information about ancestors’ names, birthplaces, and occupations. This type of research can be time-consuming and may require some skill in conducting searches, but it can yield rich and interesting details about family history.

Another alternative is to speak with living relatives and collect their stories and memories. For instance, interviewing grandparents or great-aunts and uncles can provide insights into family traditions, migration patterns, and personal anecdotes. This type of information can help fill in gaps in family history and create a richer understanding of family dynamics.

Lastly, there are online resources and communities that can offer guidance and support in exploring family history. Websites such as Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org provide access to historical records and offer tools for building family trees. There are also online forums and social media groups dedicated to genealogy, where individuals can connect with others who are researching their family histories.

In conclusion, while DNA testing may be a popular way to learn about family history, there are also other options that can provide valuable information and insights.

Individual response

  1. Do you visit your relatives regularly?
  2. How would you record family history?
  3. Would you like to take a DNA test?
  4. Are you closer to your friends or relatives?
  5. Do you think that today’s young people are familiar with their ancestry?
  6. What would you do to stay in touch with the people in your family?
  7. Which influences people’s personality more, the environment or their DNA?
  8. How would you feel if you were related to a famous person genetically?

Theme 2: Buying and selling online


Background information: Selling items donated by students on Carousel for a fundraising event.

  • Advantages of buying and selling online
  • How to organise the fundraising event 
  • Problems one may face when shopping online
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Advantages of buying and selling online

Online buying and selling have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.

There are many advantages to this method of commerce. One major advantage is the convenience it offers. You can shop or sell from the comfort of your own home, without having to leave your house.

Another advantage is the wider selection of products and services available. Online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay offer an extensive range of products and services from all over the world. For instance, you can easily buy speciality products that may not be available in your local area.

Additionally, online shopping and selling can often be cheaper than traditional brick-and-mortar stores. For example, online retailers often have lower overhead costs and can pass those savings on to their customers.

Furthermore, online buying and selling offer more transparency, as you can easily compare prices and reviews from other customers. This helps ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money.
Finally, online shopping and selling are more environmentally friendly, as it reduces the need for transportation and paper receipts.

Overall, the advantages of buying and selling online are numerous and varied. From convenience to cost savings, wider selection to greater transparency, there are many reasons to consider this method of commerce.

How to organise the fundraising event 

If we’re looking to organize a fundraising event centred around selling items donated by students on a carousel, here are a few tips that I’ve found useful in my experience.

Firstly, we need to determine our goals and target audience. What do we hope to achieve with this event and who are we hoping to reach out to? For instance, if we’re raising money for our school’s music program, our target audience could be parents, teachers, and music lovers in our community.

Secondly, we should set a budget and plan our expenses accordingly. We need to account for the cost of the carousel rental, decorations, refreshments, and other event-related expenses. For example, we could allocate a budget for buying supplies to make the items look more attractive and eye-catching.

Thirdly, we should start collecting items donated by students. We can encourage them to donate high-quality items that will attract buyers. For instance, items like homemade jewellery, baked goods, or unique crafts can be great for fundraising.

Finally, we need to promote our event to ensure a good turnout. We can utilize social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to create buzz around the event. For example, we can post pictures of some of the items on sale and promote the event to attract more visitors.

By following these tips and making use of indicators like “for example” and “for instance,” we can organize a successful fundraising event that will help us achieve our goals and raise funds for a good cause.

Problems one may face when shopping online

Shopping online has become increasingly popular, but it’s not without its challenges. Here are some of the problems one may face when shopping online.

Firstly, one may encounter issues with product quality. For instance, a product may look different in person than it did online or may not be made from the materials described in the product listing.

Secondly, there may be problems with delivery times and shipping. For example, a package may arrive late, damaged, or not at all. Also, shipping fees could be unexpectedly high, and the item may not arrive in time for a special occasion.

Thirdly, security concerns can be a significant problem when shopping online. Cybercriminals can obtain sensitive information like credit card details, usernames, and passwords, which can lead to identity theft and financial loss.

Lastly, customer service can be problematic when shopping online. For example, it may be difficult to get in touch with a company’s customer support team, and resolving issues can take a long time.

To mitigate these problems, it’s important to shop at reputable websites and read product reviews before making a purchase. Also, it’s essential to use secure payment methods and avoid sharing sensitive information with unknown sites.

Individual response

  1. Do you make online purchases?
  2. Can you make a living off of online product sales?
  3. Do you want to have your own business?
  4. What difficulties do you think you would face if you were to run your own business?
  5. What advice would you offer a friend looking to start an online business?
  6. What traits should a successful entrepreneur have?
  7. Do you agree that the internet’s development will result in more job opportunities?
  8. Is it likely that more businesses will make use of the Internet in the future?

Theme 3: Online fitness classes

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Advantages of having online fitness classes
  • Things to consider when joining online fitness classes
  • Whether online fitness classes can continue to be popular
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Advantages of having online fitness classes

Online fitness classes have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. Here are some advantages of having online fitness classes.

Firstly, online fitness classes provide flexibility and convenience. For instance, you can take a class from anywhere and at any time, which is perfect for those with busy schedules or who live far away from a gym or fitness centre.

Secondly, online fitness classes can be more affordable than traditional classes. For example, you can find many free online fitness classes or sign up for a subscription service that provides access to a variety of classes at a lower cost than in-person classes.

Thirdly, online fitness classes offer a wide variety of options to choose from. For instance, you can find classes tailored to specific fitness goals or interests, such as yoga, dance, or strength training.

Finally, online fitness classes can provide a sense of community and support. For example, many online fitness classes offer chat functions or forums where participants can connect and encourage one another.

Overall, online fitness classes are a convenient, cost-effective, and customizable way to stay active and healthy. By utilizing indicators like “for example” and “for instance,” we can see that online fitness classes offer numerous advantages that make them a popular choice for many people.

Things to consider when joining online fitness classes

When we decide to join online fitness classes, there are some important things we should consider. Firstly, we need to ensure that the class is suitable for our fitness level and goals. For instance, if we’re new to exercising, we should look for beginner-friendly classes that will help us build a solid foundation.

Secondly, it’s important to consider the instructor’s qualifications and experience. We want to make sure we’re learning from someone who is knowledgeable and can guide us through exercises safely and effectively. We can look for instructors who hold relevant certifications or who have a strong background in the fitness industry.

Thirdly, we should take into account our schedule and availability. We want to make sure we can commit to attending the class regularly, so we can achieve our fitness goals. We can look for classes that fit our schedule and offer flexible options, such as on-demand videos or live sessions at different times.

Lastly, we should consider the equipment and space we need for the class. Some classes may require specific equipment, such as weights or resistance bands, while others may only require a yoga mat. We should also ensure that we have enough space to move around comfortably and safely.

By considering these factors, we can choose the right online fitness class that suits our needs and helps us achieve our fitness goals.

Whether online fitness classes can continue to be popular

Online fitness classes have exploded in popularity over the past couple of years, thanks to the convenience and accessibility they offer. With the pandemic driving people to exercise at home, platforms like Peloton, Glo, and Beachbody On Demand have seen a significant surge in their user base. However, as the world slowly returns to normal, it remains to be seen whether online fitness classes can continue to be as popular as they have been.

One reason why online fitness classes may continue to thrive is that they cater to a diverse range of needs and preferences. Whether you’re into yoga, HIIT, or dance workouts, there’s an online class for you. Additionally, online classes allow for flexibility in scheduling, allowing people to exercise at their own pace and on their own time.

Moreover, online fitness classes can be more cost-effective than gym memberships or in-person classes. For example, Peloton’s monthly subscription costs $39 compared to a boutique fitness class that could cost upwards of $30 per session.

Finally, online fitness classes have also helped build a sense of community among participants. Platforms like Peloton and Glo offer live classes, where participants can interact with their instructors and other members, fostering a sense of accountability and motivation.

In conclusion, while the popularity of online fitness classes may wane as the world returns to normal, the convenience, flexibility, affordability, and community aspect they offer may continue to make them a go-to option for many fitness enthusiasts.

Individual response

  1. Are people in Hong Kong becoming healthier?
  2. Do you consider yourself a sporty person?
  3. Have you joined an online fitness class before?
  4. What do you consider to be the drawbacks of taking fitness classes online?
  5. Do you think that online fitness classes will grow in popularity?
  6. Do you prefer working out alone or with a group?
  7. Do you think that schools should offer students fitness classes?
  8. Do you think people would still go to physical fitness rooms in the future?

28/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Storytelling & Advertisement

2023 speaking 題目


Background information: discuss how to promote a new sports drink “champion”

  • Whether storytelling is a good way for advertisement
  • What idea would you add to your story
  • How to make an advertisement memorable
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Whether storytelling is a good way for advertisement

Stance: Yes

Storytelling is an excellent way to capture the attention of potential customers and create a lasting impression about a brand or product. By using narratives and characters, advertisers can create an emotional connection with their audience that is more memorable than a simple list of product features.

For instance, Coca-Cola’s famous “Share a Coke” campaign used storytelling to great effect by printing popular names on their bottles and encouraging customers to share them with friends and loved ones. The campaign leveraged the power of personalization and social connections to increase brand awareness and drive sales.

Similarly, Nike’s “Dream Crazy” campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick used storytelling to promote a message of social justice and inspire a sense of empowerment in their audience. The campaign generated significant media coverage and sparked conversations about the role of brands in social issues.

In conclusion, storytelling can be a powerful tool in advertising, allowing brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level and create a lasting impression. By using narratives and characters, brands can tap into emotions, inspire action, and generate buzz around their products or services.

Stance: No

While storytelling may seem like an effective way to advertise, it may not always be the best approach for every brand or product. Sometimes, focusing on the unique features and benefits of a product or service can be more persuasive than using a narrative.

For example, a technical product like a computer or software may be better marketed by highlighting its specifications and performance capabilities rather than telling a story. In such cases, consumers may prioritize functionality over emotional connections.

Moreover, some consumers may find storytelling in advertising manipulative or insincere. They may perceive it as an attempt to manipulate their emotions rather than providing straightforward information about the product. In these cases, a more direct and factual approach may be better received.

While storytelling can be a powerful tool for some brands, it may not always be the most effective or appropriate approach for every product or audience. It is important for advertisers to consider their target market and messaging when deciding on the best approach to take.

What idea would you add to your story 

One idea that could be added to the story is to showcase the drink’s ability to help athletes overcome challenges and achieve their goals. The story could focus on a fictional athlete who is struggling to improve their performance and reach the next level in their sport.

For example, the story could follow a young soccer player who dreams of making it to the professional leagues but is held back by their lack of stamina and endurance. After discovering Champion, the athlete begins incorporating the drink into their training regimen and quickly starts seeing improvements in their performance. The story could culminate in the athlete’s triumphant success, with Champion playing a pivotal role in helping them achieve their goal.

Another idea could be to emphasize the natural ingredients and health benefits of Champion. The story could feature a health-conscious athlete who is hesitant to consume traditional sports drinks due to their high sugar and artificial ingredient content. Upon discovering Champion’s natural ingredients, the athlete is relieved to find a sports drink that aligns with their values and helps them perform at their best.

Overall, by highlighting the benefits and unique qualities of Champion, a compelling story can be created to promote the drink and appeal to athletes looking for a competitive edge.

How to make an advertisement memorable

Creating a memorable advertisement is key to capturing the attention of potential customers and making a lasting impression. One effective way to do this is by focusing on the emotional impact of the message.

For instance, the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial “Lost Dog” became a viral hit due to its heartwarming story of a puppy finding its way back home with the help of the iconic Clydesdale horses. The commercial resonated with viewers on an emotional level, making it a memorable and effective ad.

Another way to make an advertisement memorable is by using humor or surprise. The Geico “Hump Day” commercial, featuring a talking camel in an office, became a cultural phenomenon due to its unexpected and humorous premise.

Additionally, incorporating memorable music or jingles can help make an ad stick in a viewer’s mind. The “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle has become synonymous with McDonald’s due to its catchy and memorable tune.

Finally, incorporating unique visuals or storytelling techniques can make an advertisement stand out. The Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” commercial, featuring a shirtless man speaking directly to the viewer, used a distinctive and humorous approach to promote their product.

Overall, creating a memorable advertisement requires a combination of emotional impact, humor or surprise, memorable music or jingles, and unique storytelling techniques. By incorporating these elements, advertisers can create an ad that resonates with viewers and stays in their minds long after they’ve seen it.

Theme 2: Giving advice to S.4 students

2023 speaking 題目


Background information: you are going to prepare a sharing section for S.4 students.

  • What challenges mat S.4 students face when they are promoted to senior form?
  • How can S.4 students develop good habits?
  • Any other advice for S.4 students?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

What challenges mat S.4 students face when they are promoted to senior form?

When students in Secondary 4 (S.4) are promoted to senior forms, they face a number of challenges as they prepare for the next stage of their academic journey.

One of the main challenges is the increased academic rigor and workload. Senior forms require students to study more advanced subjects and take on more responsibilities. For example, in Hong Kong, S.4 students are required to take a total of eight subjects, with some students also taking additional elective subjects. This increased workload can lead to stress and anxiety, especially for students who are not used to managing their time effectively.

Another challenge is the pressure to perform well in public exams. In Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) is the primary public exam that students in senior forms take. These exams are extremely competitive and can have a significant impact on a student’s future academic and career opportunities. The pressure to perform well can lead to anxiety and stress, as well as a lack of sleep and a decline in overall well-being.

Finally, S.4 students may also face social and emotional challenges as they navigate their way through the senior forms. They may need to adapt to new classmates and teachers, and may struggle to balance schoolwork with extracurricular activities and social life.

Overall, S.4 students face a range of challenges as they transition into senior forms. By acknowledging these challenges and providing support and resources, schools can help students navigate this important time in their academic journey.

How can S.4 students develop good habits?

Developing good habits is essential for success in school and life. As S.4 students, they can adopt many habits to improve their academic performance and overall well-being.

Firstly, establishing a regular study routine is important. They can set aside a specific time and place for studying every day and stick to it. For example, they could schedule a daily study session from 7pm-9pm in a quiet room in their home. This will help them develop discipline and consistency in their studies.

Secondly, practicing good time management is crucial. They should prioritize their tasks and allocate their time effectively. Using a planner or a to-do list to keep track of their assignments and deadlines will help them avoid procrastination and reduce stress.

Thirdly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key. Getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet will improve their concentration, energy levels, and overall mood.

Lastly, seeking help when needed is important. They should not hesitate to ask their teachers, peers, or parents for assistance when struggling with a concept or subject.

By developing these good habits, S.4 students can achieve their academic and personal goals. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements over time.

Any other advice for S.4 students?

In addition to developing good habits, S.4 students can follow other pieces of advice to succeed in their studies.

Firstly, they should stay organized. They can keep their notes, textbooks, and assignments in order, and make sure to label them clearly. For example, they could use colour-coded folders or binders for each subject.

Secondly, they should stay motivated. They can set goals for themselves and reward themselves when they achieve them. For instance, if they finish a difficult assignment, they can treat themselves to their favourite snack or activity. This will help them stay focused and committed to their studies.

Thirdly, they should engage with their teachers. Attending their classes regularly, participating in class discussions, and asking questions when they’re unsure about something can help them build a good relationship with their teachers. This can also help them understand the material better and get valuable feedback on their work.

Lastly, they should explore their interests. Joining extracurricular activities, clubs, or groups that align with their passions and hobbies can make their school experience more enjoyable. It can also help them develop new skills and broaden their perspectives.

By following these pieces of advice, S.4 students can enhance their academic performance and personal growth. Remember, every student is unique, so they should find what works best for them and not be afraid to try new things.

Theme 3: Performance for celebrating school anniversary

2023 speaking 題目


3 given options:

  1. rock song
  2. comedian
  3. lion dance 
  • What do students like about each option?
  • What should we consider when choosing among these performances?
  • Which performance is the most suitable?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

What do students like about each option?

Students have varying preferences when it comes to the available performance options for celebrating a school anniversary.

For the rock song option, students may appreciate the energetic and upbeat vibe that can get them pumped up and excited. They may enjoy singing along with the lyrics and dancing to the rhythm of the music. Additionally, if the rock band is composed of schoolmates, students may feel a sense of pride and support for their fellow students’ talents.

Regarding the comedian option, students may appreciate the opportunity to laugh and relax. They may enjoy the light-hearted humour and witty jokes that can ease the tension of academic pressure and stress. Moreover, if the comedian is skilled in engaging the audience, students may feel a connection with them, making the event more memorable.

As for the lion dance option, students may appreciate the cultural and historical significance of the performance. They may enjoy learning about the traditions and symbolism behind the dance and appreciate the visual spectacle that comes with it.

Furthermore, the lion dance can represent strength and power, which can inspire and motivate students to strive for excellence.

In conclusion, students can find something to like about each of the available performance options for celebrating a school anniversary, whether it be the energizing music of a rock song, the humorous antics of a comedian, or the cultural richness of a lion dance.

What should we consider when choosing among these performances?

When choosing among the available options for celebrating a school anniversary, which include a rock song, comedian, and lion dance, we should consider several factors.

Firstly, we should consider the audience and their preferences. For example, if the majority of the attendees are young students, they might prefer a rock song performance. However, if the audience is diverse in age and culture, a lion dance may be more appropriate as it is a traditional and cultural performance that can be enjoyed by all.

Another factor to consider is the theme of the event. For instance, if the school’s anniversary celebration is centred around laughter and fun, then a comedian may be the best option. On the other hand, if the theme is more focused on strength and power, a lion dance performance may be more fitting.

Lastly, we should consider the availability and budget for each option. For instance, if the school has a limited budget, then a rock band or comedian may be more affordable than a lion dance performance.

Overall, when choosing among these performance options for a school anniversary celebration, we should consider the audience, theme, availability, and budget to ensure that the event is a success and enjoyed by all.

Which performance is the most suitable?

When it comes to celebrating a school anniversary, choosing the right performance can make all the difference in creating a memorable event. While there are many options available, such as a rock song, a comedian, or a lion dance, the most suitable performance ultimately depends on the goals and preferences of the school.

If the school is looking for a high-energy, crowd-pleasing performance, a rock song may be the way to go. A talented band or musician can get the audience on their feet and create a fun atmosphere. For example, a cover band that plays popular songs from different decades can be a hit with both students and staff.

On the other hand, if the school wants to inject some humour into the celebration, hiring a comedian can be a great option. A well-crafted set can provide laughs and create a light-hearted mood. For instance, a comedian who specializes in satire and jokes about school life can entertain the audience and make them feel at ease.

Lastly, if the school wants to showcase cultural diversity and tradition, a lion dance can be a meaningful and visually stunning performance. The colourful costumes, energetic movements, and traditional music can captivate the audience and give them a glimpse into a different culture.

In conclusion, the most suitable performance for a school anniversary celebration depends on the school’s goals and preferences. A rock song can create an upbeat atmosphere, a comedian can bring laughter, and a lion dance can showcase cultural diversity.

29/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Different culture's view of time

2023 dse speaking 題目


Topic: Your group is doing a project about how different cultures view time.

  • Hong Kong people’s attitude towards time
  • Whether the attitude is changing
  • How to have a slow-paced life?
  • Anything else you think is important

Suggested answers

Hong Kong people’s attitude towards time

Hong Kong people are known for their efficient and punctual attitude towards time. They value being on time and expect others to do the same. For example, if a meeting is scheduled for 2 pm, it is expected that everyone will arrive at least 5 minutes early.

In Hong Kong, the MTR (Mass Transit Railway) is a popular mode of transportation. The trains run like clockwork and if you miss one, the next one will arrive within minutes. This reflects the city’s emphasis on punctuality and reliability.

Another example is the way Hong Kong people line up. For instance, when waiting for a bus or train, they will form a neat and orderly queue. This not only shows respect for others but also ensures that everyone gets on board in an efficient and timely manner.

In the workplace, being on time is crucial. Hong Kong employees are expected to arrive at work on time and not leave until their work is completed. For instance, if an employee finishes their work early, they are expected to use their time wisely and not leave the office until the end of the workday.

In summary, Hong Kong people’s attitude towards time is one of efficiency, punctuality, and respect. This is reflected in the way they use public transportation, line up, and approach their work.

Whether the attitude is changing

Stance: Yes

Hong Kong, known for its fast-paced lifestyle, has always placed a high value on time. However, in recent years, there have been indications that Hong Kong people’s attitudes towards time may be changing.

For example, there has been a growing trend towards work-life balance, with more people taking time off for leisure activities and prioritizing their mental health. Additionally, the government has implemented measures to encourage employers to provide flexible working hours and telecommuting options, which have been well-received by employees.

Another indicator of changing attitudes towards time is the rise of the slow movement. For instance, there has been a surge in the popularity of slow food and slow travel, with more people seeking out experiences that allow them to slow down and appreciate the moment.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in shifting attitudes towards time. With travel restrictions and social distancing measures in place, people have had to find new ways to spend their time, such as taking up hobbies or spending more time with family.

In conclusion, while Hong Kong’s reputation for a fast-paced living still holds, there are signs that attitudes towards time are shifting towards a more balanced and mindful approach.

Stance: No

Certainly, it can be argued that Hong Kong people’s attitude towards time remains largely unchanged. Despite some recent trends towards work-life balance and the slow movement, many people in Hong Kong still prioritize efficiency and productivity over leisure time.

For instance, the city’s long working hours and lack of vacation time are well-known, with many employees working six or seven days a week. Moreover, the pressure to succeed in a highly competitive environment means that people often sacrifice personal time for career advancement.

Additionally, the rise of technology has made it easier than ever to stay connected and work around the clock, blurring the boundaries between work and personal life.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has actually intensified this trend, with remote work becoming the norm for many and blurring the line between work and home life even further.

In conclusion, while there may be some indications that attitudes towards time are changing in Hong Kong, the dominant culture of efficiency and productivity continues to shape the way people approach their time.

How to have a slow-paced life?

In today’s fast-paced world, many people crave a slower, more relaxed lifestyle. But how can you achieve a slower pace of life? Here are a few tips.

Firstly, try to simplify your schedule. This means cutting out unnecessary commitments and making time for relaxation. For example, you could try saying no to invitations that don’t truly interest you, or scaling back your workload to a more manageable level.

Another way to slow down is to focus on the present moment. This means practising mindfulness and being fully present in the here and now. For instance, you could take a few moments each day to breathe deeply and appreciate your surroundings, or try to fully engage with your daily tasks rather than rushing through them.

Finally, try to disconnect from technology and spend more time in nature. For example, you could take a leisurely walk in the park or go on a weekend camping trip with friends. By prioritizing slow-paced activities, you’ll find that you feel more relaxed and less stressed overall.

Overall, achieving a slow-paced life requires intentional choices and a willingness to prioritize relaxation over constant busyness. But by simplifying your schedule, practising mindfulness, and spending more time in nature, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life for yourself.

Theme 2: Video game student internships

2023 dse speaking 題目


Background information: Decide whether the above advertisement (about the video game internship) should be posted on the notice board of the Carrer Team.

  • How students can benefit from internships?
  • Whether the video game internship is a suitable choice for students
  • How can the Career Team promote the internship?

Suggested answers

How students can benefit from internships?

Internships are a fantastic way for students to gain valuable experience and skills that will benefit them in the long run. For example, internships provide a practical understanding of the industry and its dynamics, allowing students to get a feel for what it’s like to work in their chosen field. This firsthand knowledge is invaluable and can help students make informed career decisions.

Additionally, internships offer students the opportunity to build a professional network. For instance, by working alongside industry professionals, students can establish relationships that may lead to future employment opportunities. These connections can be incredibly valuable, particularly in highly competitive fields.

Internships also provide students with the chance to develop practical skills that are directly applicable to their future careers. For example, they can learn how to manage their time effectively, work collaboratively with others, and communicate professionally. These skills are essential in any workplace, and having them will give students a significant advantage in the job market.

In summary, internships offer students a unique opportunity to gain practical experience, establish professional connections, and develop essential skills. For students looking to jump-start their careers, internships are an excellent way to gain a competitive edge.

Whether the video game internship is a suitable choice for students

Stance: Yes

If you’re a student who is passionate about video games and is considering pursuing a career in the industry, then a video game internship could be an excellent choice for you. Interning with a video game company can offer you invaluable real-world experience, networking opportunities, and a chance to build up your resume.

For example, interning with a company like Nintendo can provide you with hands-on experience working with the latest gaming technology and software. You could learn about the game development process, from concept to launch, and have the chance to work alongside experienced professionals.

Additionally, a video game internship can help you stand out to future employers. For instance, if you intern with a company like Blizzard Entertainment, you could learn how to collaborate with a team and hone your project management skills. This kind of experience can be invaluable in the competitive job market of the gaming industry.

In conclusion, if you’re a student who is passionate about video games and is looking for a way to gain valuable experience and skills, then a video game internship is definitely worth considering. With the right company and opportunities, you could set yourself up for a successful career in the gaming industry.

Stance: No

While video game internships may seem like a good idea for students who are passionate about gaming, they may not be the best choice for everyone. Firstly, video game companies can be very competitive and selective, and landing an internship may require a high level of skill and experience. For many students, this may be too difficult to achieve, particularly if they do not have a strong background in gaming.

Furthermore, while interning with a video game company can offer real-world experience, it may not necessarily be the best way to gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the industry. For example, some internships may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the development process, leaving students with only a superficial knowledge of the industry.

Finally, internships can be a significant investment of time and resources, and for some students, it may not be worth the effort. For instance, students may find that they are not as passionate about gaming as they thought they were after completing an internship, leaving them with little to show for their time and effort.

In conclusion, while video game internships may be a good choice for some students, they may not be the best choice for everyone. Students should carefully consider their goals and interests before investing in an internship, and explore other ways to gain the skills and experience needed to succeed in the gaming industry.

How can the Career Team promote the internship?

The Career Team can promote a video game internship by utilizing various methods to reach a wide audience.

Firstly, they can advertise the internship on the company’s website and social media platforms, highlighting the unique aspects of the internship such as the chance to work on a popular game, learn from experienced professionals, and gain valuable industry experience.

Additionally, the team can reach out to relevant academic institutions and student organizations to promote the internship opportunity to their members. They can also attend career fairs and gaming events to network with potential applicants and spread the word about the internship.

To make the internship more attractive, the team can offer incentives such as a stipend, free game merchandise, or the opportunity to attend gaming conventions. Lastly, they can showcase success stories of past interns and the impact the internship had on their career development.

By implementing these strategies, the Career Team can effectively promote the video game internship and attract top talent to their company.

Theme 3: Can wild animals be kept as pets?

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Advantages of keeping wild animals as pets
  • Disadvantages of keeping wild animals as pets
  • How does social media affect people’s choice of pets

Suggested answers

Advantages of keeping wild animals as pets

Firstly, having a wild animal as a pet can be a unique and exciting experience. The bond between owner and pet can be incredibly strong, and the owner may feel a sense of pride and wonder in their ability to care for a creature that is not typically domesticated.

Secondly, some wild animals may have practical benefits as pets. For example, a falconer may keep birds of prey for hunting purposes, or a farmer may keep a wild boar for truffle hunting. In these cases, the animal serves a specific purpose that can be valuable to the owner.

Finally, having a wild animal as a pet may allow for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world. By observing and caring for a wild animal up close, the owner may gain a greater appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the natural world.

Disadvantages of keeping wild animals as pets

Keeping wild animals as pets may seem exciting and exotic, but it comes with many disadvantages. One major disadvantage is the risk of injury to both the animal and the owner. Wild animals have unpredictable behavior and instincts that can lead to dangerous situations, especially if they feel threatened or stressed. For example, a pet tiger may attack its owner if it becomes agitated or feels trapped.

Another disadvantage is the difficulty in providing proper care for these animals. Wild animals have specific dietary and environmental needs that may be difficult to meet in a home setting. For example, a pet monkey may require a specialized diet and an elaborate enclosure to mimic its natural habitat.

In addition, keeping wild animals as pets can have negative effects on their conservation status. Many wild animal populations are already under threat due to habitat loss and poaching. Capturing and keeping these animals as pets can further reduce their population and disrupt their natural ecosystem.

Furthermore, owning a wild animal as a pet can be illegal in some jurisdictions. Laws exist to protect both the animal and the public, and owning a wild animal as a pet can result in fines and legal consequences.

In conclusion, while keeping wild animals as pets may seem exciting, it is not a responsible or safe choice. It can lead to injury, is difficult to provide proper care for the animal, can negatively impact their conservation status, and may be illegal. It is important to appreciate and respect wild animals in their natural habitats and leave their care to trained professionals.


How does social media affect people’s choice of pets

Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people interact with pets, and it’s no different when it comes to choosing one. With social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, people have access to a wide range of information about different breeds, their characteristics, and how they behave in various environments.

One of the ways social media affects people’s choice of pets is by creating trends around certain breeds. For instance, when the French Bulldog gained popularity on social media a few years ago, there was a surge in demand for the breed. Similarly, videos and photos of exotic pets like sugar gliders, hedgehogs, and chinchillas often go viral, leading people to consider them as potential pets.

Social media also allows people to learn more about animal welfare and adoptable pets. Animal shelters and rescue organizations have used social media to showcase adoptable pets, share their stories, and raise awareness about the importance of adoption. Seeing these posts on social media can inspire people to adopt pets they may not have otherwise considered.

However, social media can also create unrealistic expectations and misconceptions about pets. For instance, some people may see pictures of celebrity pets living glamorous lives and assume that owning a pet is easy and only entails taking cute photos. Others may see videos of pets performing tricks and assume that all pets are easy to train and perform such tricks.

In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative effects on people’s choice of pets. While it can inspire people to adopt pets and learn more about animal welfare, it can also create unrealistic expectations and fuel trends around certain breeds. It’s important for individuals to do their research and consider all factors before making a decision to bring a pet into their lives.

30/3 speaking 題目

Theme 1: Insect food

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • What are the benefits of eating insects as food for people and the environment?
  • Why do people not want to eat insects food?
  • How can we promote insect food?

Suggested answers

What are the benefits of eating insects as food for people and the environment?

Firstly, insects are packed with nutrients. For example, crickets contain around 65% protein, making them an excellent source of this essential macronutrient. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as iron and zinc. Incorporating insects into our meals can help address issues of malnutrition and food insecurity in developing countries.

Secondly, insect farming has a lower environmental impact compared to traditional livestock farming. Insects require less land, water, and food, and they produce fewer greenhouse gases. For instance, mealworms need just 10% of the land and 4% of the water required to produce the same amount of protein as beef. By supporting insect-based food production, we can contribute to a more sustainable food system.

Lastly, eating insects can promote biodiversity and reduce waste. Black soldier flies larvae, for example, can be fed on agricultural byproducts and organic waste, thus recycling nutrients back into the food chain. By adding insects to our plates, we can help preserve precious resources and support a healthier planet.

In conclusion, incorporating insects into our diets offers numerous benefits, such as improving nutrition, reducing environmental impacts, and promoting biodiversity. So, why not give these crunchy critters a try and make a positive change for both your health and the environment?

Why do people not want to eat insects food?

Insects have been a part of human diets for centuries, but today, many people still shy away from eating them. One reason for this aversion is cultural, as insects are not traditionally consumed in many Western countries. Additionally, the thought of eating insects may simply be unappealing to some due to their appearance or texture.

However, there are also practical reasons why people may not choose to eat insect-based foods. For example, insect farming is not yet as efficient as traditional livestock farming, meaning that insect-based products can be more expensive. Furthermore, there may be concerns about food safety and regulations surrounding the consumption of insects.

Despite these barriers, there are growing efforts to promote the consumption of insects as a sustainable and nutritious food source. Insects are high in protein, low in fat, and require far fewer resources to produce than traditional livestock. Insects can also be ground into flour and used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes, from protein bars to pasta.

As more people become aware of the environmental benefits of eating insects, it is likely that attitudes towards insect-based foods will shift. However, it may take time for cultural and practical barriers to be overcome before insects become a common part of Western diets.

How can we promote insect food?

Promoting insect food as a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional meat and plant-based diets requires a multi-faceted approach. One way to increase public awareness is through education campaigns that highlight the environmental benefits of insect farming and the nutritional value of insect-based products.

Another way to promote insect food is through innovative product development. For example, companies can create insect-based protein bars, energy drinks, and other snacks that appeal to health-conscious consumers. Insect-based flours and powders can also be used as an ingredient in a variety of recipes, from pasta to baked goods.
Insect food festivals and tastings can also be effective in introducing people to the taste and texture of insects. These events can showcase a variety of insect-based dishes and allow people to try them in a fun and social setting.

Finally, policy changes may be necessary to promote the consumption of insect food. For example, governments can provide incentives for insect farming and processing companies, or create regulations that make it easier for insect-based products to be sold in grocery stores and restaurants.

Overall, promoting insect food requires a combination of education, product development, social events, and policy changes. As more people become aware of the environmental benefits and nutritional value of insect-based products, it is likely that insect food will become a more common part of global diets.

Theme 2: Walking habit

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Why hong kong is suitable for walking?
  • What discourages hong kong people from walking?
  • Whether Hong Kong People are active

Suggested answers

Why hong kong is suitable for walking?

Hong Kong is a bustling city known for its skyscrapers, shopping, and nightlife. However, it is also a great destination for those who love walking and exploring on foot. There are several reasons why Hong Kong is particularly suited to walking.

First, Hong Kong has a well-developed network of pedestrian paths and trails. From the city’s famous Victoria Peak to the outlying islands, there are countless walking routes that offer stunning views and unique cultural experiences.

Second, Hong Kong’s compact size and efficient public transportation system make it easy to get around on foot. Many of the city’s top attractions, such as the Star Ferry, the Mid-Levels Escalators, and the street markets of Mong Kok, are within walking distance of each other.

Third, walking in Hong Kong allows visitors to experience the city’s vibrant energy and diverse neighbourhoods up close. From the bustling streets of Central to the peaceful temples of Tai Po, walking in Hong Kong provides a window into the city’s rich history and culture.

Finally, because Hong Kong is a safe city, walking around is a great way to explore without worrying about safety concerns. The city’s low crime rate and bustling street life make it a welcoming and enjoyable place to stroll, even at night.

Overall, whether you’re interested in nature, culture, or just getting some exercise, Hong Kong is a great destination for walking. With its pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, compact size, vibrant neighbourhoods, and safety, it’s no wonder that walking is a popular way to explore this dynamic city.

What discourages hong kong people from walking?

While Hong Kong is a great city for walking, there are still several factors that can discourage locals from walking as much as they might like. One of the biggest barriers to walking in Hong Kong is the city’s hot and humid climate, particularly during the summer months. This can make walking uncomfortable, especially during the middle of the day.

Another factor that discourages walking in Hong Kong is the city’s hilly terrain. While the hills and mountains provide stunning views and great hiking opportunities, they can also make walking on footpaths and sidewalks challenging, especially for older adults or people with disabilities.

In addition, Hong Kong’s busy streets and high levels of air pollution can make walking less pleasant. Pedestrians often have to navigate crowded sidewalks and deal with noise and fumes from passing vehicles. This can be particularly discouraging for those who are sensitive to air pollution or have respiratory issues.

Finally, Hong Kong’s culture of convenience and efficiency can also discourage walking. Many locals prefer to take public transportation or drive, as it can be faster and more convenient than walking, especially for longer distances.

Despite these challenges, there are still many reasons to walk in Hong Kong, including the city’s pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, vibrant neighbourhoods, and beautiful scenery. By addressing these barriers and promoting the benefits of walking, it’s possible to encourage more people in Hong Kong to embrace walking as a healthy, sustainable mode of transportation.

Whether Hong Kong People are active

Stance: Yes

Hong Kong people are known to be highly active and engaged in a variety of physical activities. There are several reasons why this is the case.
Firstly, the city’s compact size and efficient public transportation system make it easy for locals to get around on foot or by bike. Many people in Hong Kong choose to walk or cycle to work or school, which helps to keep them active and healthy.

Secondly, Hong Kong has a strong culture of outdoor sports and recreation, with activities such as hiking, trail running, and cycling being very popular. The city’s stunning natural landscapes, including mountains, beaches, and country parks, provide ample opportunities for people to get outside and be active.

Thirdly, Hong Kong has a high population density, which means that many people live in apartments with limited living space. As a result, locals often turn to outdoor activities as a way to stay active and socialize.

Finally, the city’s government and community organizations promote physical activity and healthy living through a variety of initiatives, such as public fitness classes, sports events, and community health programs.

Overall, Hong Kong people are highly active and engaged in physical activity, which contributes to their overall health and well-being. Through continued support for physical activity and healthy living, it is likely that this trend will continue to grow in the years ahead.

Stance: No

Hong Kong people are not particularly active compared to other cities. Despite having a well-connected public transportation system and ample opportunities for outdoor activities, many locals still lead sedentary lifestyles.

One reason for this is the city’s fast-paced and stressful work culture, which can leave people feeling exhausted and unmotivated to exercise. Long work hours and a lack of work-life balance can also make it difficult for people to find time to be active.

Another factor that discourages physical activity in Hong Kong is the city’s high pollution levels. Poor air quality can make outdoor activities uncomfortable, particularly for people with respiratory issues.

In addition, the high cost of living in Hong Kong can make it difficult for locals to access fitness classes or gym memberships, which can be prohibitively expensive.

Finally, Hong Kong’s high population density can make it difficult for people to find space to exercise, particularly in urban areas where parks and outdoor facilities are limited.

Overall, while there are certainly opportunities for physical activity in Hong Kong, many locals struggle to find the time, motivation, and resources to stay active. Addressing these barriers and promoting the benefits of physical activity will be key to encouraging more Hong Kong people to lead active and healthy lifestyles.

Theme 3: Harbourside Concert Series in Hong Kong

2023 dse speaking 題目


  • Whether Harbourside Concert Series would be popular with young people
  • Ways to promote the event in school
  • Other possible activities to promote classical music in school

Suggested answers

Whether Harbourside Concert Series would be popular with young people

Stance: Yes

The Harbourside Concert Series, a series of outdoor concerts held in Hong Kong, would be highly popular with young people. There are several reasons why this is the case.

Firstly, the series offers a diverse range of music genres, from indie rock to electronic dance music, which appeals to a broad range of musical tastes. Young people, in particular, are known for their eclectic music preferences and desire for new and emerging artists.

Secondly, the outdoor setting of the concerts provides a unique and dynamic atmosphere that can be enjoyed with friends. The Harbourside Concert Series takes place in a scenic location with stunning views of Victoria Harbour, making it a popular destination for young people to socialize and enjoy music in a lively and vibrant environment.

Thirdly, the series is relatively affordable compared to other music festivals and events, which can be cost-prohibitive for young people with limited budgets. The affordable ticket prices and free admission to some events make the concerts accessible to a wider audience.

Finally, the Harbourside Concert Series provides an opportunity for young people to connect with the local music scene and discover new Hong Kong-based artists. This can be particularly appealing to young people who are interested in supporting local talent and fostering a sense of community.

Overall, the Harbourside Concert Series would be highly popular with young people, offering a unique and affordable way to enjoy music and connect with the local community.

Stance: No

The Harbourside Concert Series may not be as popular with young people as expected. While the series offers a diverse range of music genres and an outdoor setting, there are several factors that could discourage young people from attending.

Firstly, the series may not feature the most popular or mainstream artists that young people are interested in. The diverse range of music genres may not appeal to everyone, and some young people may prefer to attend concerts featuring more well-known and established artists.

Secondly, the outdoor setting of the concerts may not be appealing to everyone, particularly during hot and humid weather. Young people may prefer indoor venues with air conditioning and comfortable seating, rather than standing outside for extended periods of time.

Thirdly, the cost of attending the concerts, while affordable compared to other music festivals, may still be too high for some young people with limited budgets. The cost of transportation, food, and drinks can add up quickly, making it difficult for some young people to justify the expense.

Finally, the Harbourside Concert Series may not offer enough opportunities for socializing and meeting new people. While the outdoor setting can be lively and vibrant, young people may prefer events that offer more structured social activities or opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

Overall, while the Harbourside Concert Series may appeal to some young people, there are several factors that could discourage attendance, including the music genres, outdoor setting, cost, and social opportunities. Addressing these concerns and promoting the benefits of the series will be key to attracting a wider audience.

Ways to promote the event in school

Promoting the
Habourside Concert Series in schools is a great way to encourage young people to attend and enjoy the series. There are several effective ways to promote concerts in schools.

Firstly, schools can partner with the organizers of the Harbourside Concert Series to offer discounted tickets or special promotions for students. This can make the concerts more accessible and affordable for young people, and incentivize them to attend.

Secondly, school music programs can promote the concerts by featuring artists from the series in their curriculums or performances. This can help to build excitement and interest in the series among students who are passionate about music.

Thirdly, schools can organize field trips or outings to concerts, providing transportation and supervision for students. This can be a fun and safe way for young people to attend the concerts and experience the vibrant atmosphere.

Fourthly, schools can promote the concerts through social media and online platforms, reaching out to students and parents through school websites, social media pages, and email newsletters.

Finally, schools can organize pre-concert events or activities, such as meet-and-greets with artists or music workshops, to build excitement and interest in the concerts among students.

Overall, promoting the Harbourside Concert Series in schools can be an effective way to attract young people and build a wider audience for the series. By offering discounts, featuring artists in music programs, organizing field trips, promoting online, and organizing pre-concert events, schools can help to make the concerts more accessible and appealing to young people.

Other possible activities to promote classical music in school

While the Harbourside Concert Series is a great way to promote classical music in schools, there are several other activities that can be effective in building interest and enthusiasm among students.

One possible activity is to invite classical music performers or ensembles to schools for workshops or performances. This can provide students with an opportunity to learn about classical music and interact with professional musicians in a more intimate setting.

Another activity is organizing field trips to classical music concerts or events in the community. This can expose students to a wider range of classical music performances and build excitement and interest in the genre.

Schools can also incorporate classical music into their curriculums, by offering music appreciation classes or incorporating classical music into English or history classes. This can help students to understand the cultural and historical significance of classical music and its impact on society.

Finally, schools can promote classical music through community events, such as outdoor concerts or charity fundraisers. This can help to build connections between schools and the wider community and showcase the importance of classical music in cultural life.

Overall, promoting classical music in schools requires a multi-faceted approach, including concerts, workshops, field trips, curricular integration, and community events. By providing a range of opportunities and experiences, schools can help to build a new generation of classical music enthusiasts and ensure the continued vitality of the genre.

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