The Meaning Behind The Song: Broken Bicycles by Tom Waits - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Broken Bicycles by Tom Waits


The Meaning Behind The Song: Broken Bicycles by Tom Waits

Table of Information

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Broken Bicycles Tom Waits Tom Waits One from the Heart (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) February 1982 Rock Bones Howe

The Song: Broken Bicycles

Tom Waits’ song “Broken Bicycles” is a hauntingly beautiful ballad that captures the essence of lost love and the passage of time. Released in February 1982 as part of the soundtrack for the film “One from the Heart,” the song showcases Waits’ signature gravelly voice and poetic lyrics.

The opening verse sets the tone for the song, with broken bicycles and old busted chains symbolizing discarded and forgotten memories. The image of rusted handlebars out in the rain paints a picture of neglect and abandonment. Waits suggests that these remnants of the past, like broken bicycles, find their way to an orphanage where unwanted things reside.

The chorus continues the theme of passing seasons, emphasizing September’s reminder that it’s time to bid farewell to the joys of summer. Despite the changing seasons, Waits asserts that love will endure, much like old broken bicycles left out in the rain. Through this metaphor, he conveys the resilience of love and the lasting impact it can have.

The second verse delves deeper into the symbolism of broken bicycles. Waits implores them not to tell his folks about the playing cards pinned to their spokes, as they serve as a reminder of lost innocence and youthful adventures. The laying down of the playing cards like skeletons on the lawn evokes a sense of mortality and the inevitable decay of life.

The wheels of the broken bicycles won’t turn when the other has gone, alluding to the interconnectedness of relationships. Like a bicycle that requires two wheels to move forward, a loving relationship needs both partners to thrive. When one is absent, the wheels of love grind to a halt.

Waits acknowledges that the seasons can change suddenly, but he often forgets this fact. However, he recognizes that the things his loved one has given him will always remain, even if they are broken. The sentiment echoes the enduring nature of memories and the sentimental value attached to objects that hold significant meaning.

Personal Connection

“Broken Bicycles” holds a special place in my heart as it evokes memories of my own experiences with lost love. The raw emotion in Waits’ voice and the poignant lyrics resonate deeply, reminding me of moments of heartbreak and longing.

As I listen to the song, I am transported back to a time when I, too, felt like a broken bicycle left out in the rain. The lyrics serve as a cathartic release, allowing me to process and reflect on the pain and healing that comes with moving on.

Moreover, Waits’ skillful use of metaphors and vivid imagery adds another layer of complexity to the song. The broken bicycles symbolize the fragility of relationships and the cycles of life. The passing seasons act as a constant reminder that time waits for no one, and love can be fleeting.

Ultimately, “Broken Bicycles” serves as a reminder that even in the face of loss and decay, the memories and love we hold dear will always endure. It is a bittersweet yet hopeful anthem that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love.

In conclusion, Tom Waits’ “Broken Bicycles” is a profound and introspective song that delves into the complexities of love, loss, and the passage of time. Its haunting melody and evocative lyrics make it a timeless piece of music that resonates with listeners far beyond its initial release.

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