The Meaning Behind The Song: Joseph’s Dream by John Hartford - Old Time Music

The Meaning Behind The Song: Joseph’s Dream by John Hartford


The Meaning Behind The Song: Joseph’s Dream by John Hartford


Ever since I first heard John Hartford’s “Joseph’s Dream,” it has held a special place in my heart. This beautifully crafted folk song not only captivates listeners with its enchanting melody but also tells a profound and thought-provoking story. Delving into the meaning behind this song has been a journey of self-reflection and understanding. In this article, I will share my interpretation of the song, along with some personal experiences that have shaped my understanding of its message.

The Lyrics

To truly comprehend the meaning of “Joseph’s Dream,” let’s examine some of the song’s poignant lyrics:

Joseph had a dream, he was gonna be a king,
His brothers got jealous, and threw him in a pit,
But dreams can come true, and sometimes they do,
Even when they’re forgotten… by Joseph.

These opening lines introduce us to the central theme of the song: dreams and the challenges they can bring. Joseph’s dream of becoming a king symbolizes his ambitious aspirations and desire for greatness. However, his brothers’ jealousy and betrayal derail his dream, leading them to cast him aside. The phrase “even when they’re forgotten… by Joseph” leaves us with a sense of unresolved longing and emphasizes the lingering impact dreams can have.

I had a dream, I was heading for the top,
But life’s a long climb, and I keep getting stopped,
But dreams can come true, and sometimes they do,
Even if they’re forsaken… like Joseph’s.

In this verse, Hartford speaks from his own perspective, drawing parallels between Joseph’s dream and his own personal journey. The desire to reach new heights and encounter obstacles along the way is a universal experience. The line “life’s a long climb, and I keep getting stopped” encapsulates the setbacks and challenges we all face in pursuing our dreams. The mention of Joseph’s forsaken dream serves as a reminder that dreams can fade away if we don’t nurture and pursue them.


“Joseph’s Dream” resonates with me on various levels. It serves as a reminder that dreams are fragile yet resilient, and their fulfillment often requires perseverance and resilience. The song encourages us to hold onto our dreams, even amidst adversity, because they possess the power to shape our lives and inspire us to keep going.

Additionally, “Joseph’s Dream” teaches us the importance of self-belief and resilience. Joseph’s dream was shattered by those closest to him, but he never gave up. His story reminds us that even when others doubt us, it is vital to maintain faith in our aspirations and keep striving towards our goals.

Personal Experiences

I cannot help but reflect on my own life when I listen to “Joseph’s Dream.” There have been countless times when I felt discouraged, faced setbacks, and questioned my own abilities. Yet, this song has served as a source of inspiration, reminding me that dreams can come true. It has given me the strength to persevere during challenging times and propelled me forward when my spirit wavered.

In conclusion, “Joseph’s Dream” by John Hartford is a beautiful song that explores the profound meaning of dreams. Its lyrics and melody transport listeners into a realm of self-reflection, encouraging us to never give up on our aspirations, regardless of the obstacles we encounter. This song has played a significant role in my own personal journey, reminding me to hold onto my dreams and never cease pursuing them. May we all find solace and inspiration in the powerful message of “Joseph’s Dream.”

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