Causes and modes of transmission |

Causes and modes of transmission

There is a vaccine against hepatitis A and hepatitis B, but there is no vaccine against hepatitis C. Screening for HBV and HCV is recommended for certain at-risk individuals.

What causes hepatitis?

Hepatitis can be caused by:

  • viruses (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV)
  • substances that are toxic to the liver (alcohol, medicines, chemical products, etc.) 
  • an autoimmune disease with no clear cause.

How are the different types of hepatitis transmitted?

Hepatitis A  

Hepatitis A and E are particularly prevalent in countries with poor sanitation. 

Hepatitis B  

  • During sexual relations without using a condom (STD
  • Via contaminated blood (medical injection or drug injection) 
  • From mother to child at birth or from a member of the family to a child

Hepatitis B is the most common worldwide. It is also very contagious: HBV is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV (WHO)

Hepatitis C 

  • Through contaminated blood (drug injection, blood transfusions, medical injections, taking cocaine, tattoos, piercings with unsterilized equipment) 
  • During sexual relations without using a condom (STD
  • From mother to child

Hepatitis D
Only people infected with HBV can contract hepatitis D. The co-infection with HDV and HBV can aggravate the disease but vaccinations against hepatitis B protect against the HDV infection.

Hepatitis E

  • Eating food or water contaminated by faecal matter (genotype 1)
  • Through contaminated blood (transfusion of contaminated blood products)
  • Eating raw pork products (genotype 3)

In conjunction with the Laboratoire Clinique de Saint-Luc (Saint Luc Clinical Laboratory) — UCL Brussels, Sciensano hosts the National Reference Centre for the hepatitis B, C, D, and E viruses, which analyses the viral strains of hepatitis. Sciensano also carries out epidemiological surveillance of the different types of viral hepatitis in Belgium and monitors the quality of the vaccines.

In the media

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