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(II) (2007)

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Truth ... The beating of the human heart
ferguson-613 April 2008
Greetings again from the darkness. A quirky, surprising little gem from writer Daniel Taplitz and director Marcos Siega ("Pretty Persuasion"). Not in the traditional Hollywood mode, this one takes us on a very unusual path towards self-actualization.

Ryan Reynolds delivers by far his best screen performance as the OCD dad who seems to have the perfect family, job and life. The trouble is, he runs it through endless lists, often burdening his wife (the always terrific Emily Mortimer) with helping him maintain his "to do" schedule. After a most unusual spouse selection process, Mortimer, becomes disenchanted with the structure ... that is, until it is swept away in a moment of misunderstanding.

Can't give away too much here other than to say Reynolds heads towards an awakening through a bizarre series of events that leads him to a life-changing moment that involves a rowboat and his "friend" Stuart Townsend (also excellent). The story does not follow the traditional story arc, yet we are always invested in the main characters ... trying to urge them to make smart decisions! It's actually a great deal of fun.

This one probably won't reach a wide audience since none of the cast are huge draws, and neither the writer or director are big names. That's too bad because this is quality story telling, acting and overall film-making.
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A surprising gem
Gordon-1127 July 2008
This film is about a very organised man whose life is turned into chaos by an accidental revelation.

Though there are a lot of comedic moments in the film, I think it is more of an drama about Frank finding out that organisation and efficiency does not make him any happier. This realisation and complete personal change is engagingly portrayed throughout the film. Frank's situation connects to the viewers, and easily evokes much sympathy.

The ending is touching and well told. It explores what is more important in life. Is it the job, family or deeper values such as forgiveness? "Chaos Theory" is a surprising gem. It is an engaging, heart warming and yet light hearted and comedic all at the same time. Watch it if you have the chance!
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generally charming comedy
Buddy-5121 December 2008
Spontaneity is not a highly esteemed commodity in Frank Allen's catalogue of virtues. An efficiency trainer by avocation, Frank is a man whose own life is organized entirely around to-do lists, time charts and abstrusely calculated probabilities. Then, one day Frank becomes a victim of circumstances so utterly beyond his control that he is forced to abandon his old way of thinking and adopt a new philosophy of life altogether, that of throwing caution to the wind and letting his every mercurial whim determine the course of his actions (he shuffles index cards to determine what it is he should do next).

"Chaos Theory," a small but insightful movie written by Daniel Taplitz and directed by Marcos Siega, boasts a cleverly addled storyline, some sharp, witty dialogue and energetic performances by Reynolds, Emily Mortimer and Stuart Townsend, the latter two as Frank's wife and best friend, respectively. The plot complications get pretty hot and heavy at times but, as with all good comedy, things have a way of straightening themselves out in the end.

Though there may be a few too many musical montage sequences in the movie for my taste - they always seem to be used as shortcuts to get the heart soaring or the tear ducts flowing - the movie has a fluidity and charm that raise it above any possible shortcomings. Moreover, the Pacific Northwest setting provides a scenic backdrop for all the amusing shenanigans taking place on center stage.
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A Rarity
zyxek16 July 2008
Chaos Theory is a well-acted comedy that delivers laughs a the right moments while weaving an endearing tale. It never achieves greatness, but it is enjoyable throughout.

Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) is a professional speaker who lectures on time management, and his life is perfectly ordered and scheduled, down to the minute. When his wife (Emily Mortimer) sets his clock forward 10 minutes as a joke, his day is thrown off. When he ends up late for an out-of-town lecture, things go awry. A couple of miscommunications leads his wife to question his fidelity, and he ends up making a discovery that causes him to have his own doubts about his family life. Deciding that his strictly ordered life has done him little good, he begins to make multiple choice index cards, choosing one at random and doing what is written on the card.

Reynolds is a very under-appreciated talent, and his work in this film is spot-on. Stuart Townsend gives a strong performance as Frank's best friend, and Matreya Fedor has some great moments as Frank's 7-year old daughter. Sarah Chalke shows up briefly in an interesting role, but she isn't given that much to work with.

The movie is story is well-structured and not entirely predictable, and the pacing and timing are great. The flaw of the film, though, is the third act, which was a little over-the-top for my taste.

But it is a smart and pleasant film overall, perfect for a rental.
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Good performance(s), but I couldn't completely feel the movie vibe
peter-laganis27 May 2019
Ryan Reynolds did a good job, but unfortunately I couldn't sympathize with his character (Frank). The core of the story isn't' original and it could have been executed better. It felt like some events were completely unscripted and developed (badly) during the filming... and I don't mean spontaneous and nice improvisation. We barely know Frank's wife and (especially) daughter which makes really impossible (in my opinion) to completely understand his emotional trip and feelings. Note that the relation with them is what the whole movie story is about ;) So... if you really come across it, than give it a shot. Otherwise I would rather suggest to watch Definitely, Maybe (2008) - same lead actor, same release year, similar content/story, but definitely a more emotionally engaging movie.
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Destiny through chaos.
taysir_t319 July 2008
When I first came across this movie, I was expecting some a sort of personal epiphany that drives the main character to some higher state of being. Essentially a rise-to-nirvana style film. Instead I found something much more appealing and deeply human in this film. There's no bad guy, just a family and a friend who's lives are marked with ups and downs.

Without giving anything away, the movie is about love, but not in finding or keeping it. What starts as a misunderstanding between husband and wife develops quickly into a very intense situation. On a deeper level, the plot raises questions about how simply fate (order) and chance (chaos) bring together and break apart two people. Even further, in the long-run, which force wins out? destiny or circumstance?

This movie is a very pleasant departure from Hollywood and something well worth checking into.

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This man will bring order to the universe...or not.
mr_popcorn2 March 2009
I can't believe this one flew under my radar for almost two years. Chaos Theory is one of those rare gems in between, you never hear it being talked about but has also built quite a fanbase. Chaos Theory is a quirky, surprising little gem with a great script and an impressive vision. Directed by Marcos Siega (Pretty Persuasion), the movie works on both ends. It has enough comedy to give a chuckle or two and exact amount of drama for the love sick. Ryan Reynolds, whether you love him or hate him, is always the impressive actor and this is by far one of his best on screen performance. Emily Mortimer is always terrific and the elusive Stuart Townsend graces us with his charisma and almost-never-seen talent. This is a rarity of a gem with a great cast and a perfect blend of heartwarming drama and spot-on comedic timing.

However, its never gonna get the wide audience that it deserves mainly because the stars aren't exactly top draws in the box office which is just sad really because the wider audience would rather just watch a dude dressed as a lady in a fatsuit (I'm looking at you Tyler Perry) than real good quality film-making.
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Chaos Theory is an honest and well-done look at a man whose world is turned upside down
red_grace19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Chaos Theory is an extremely well done film. It is a serious, emotional and at times humorous look at life and love that is incredibly honest and centers around equally honest and real characters. With the feel of a good indie flick and a strong leading man, Chaos Theory is one of those rare, genuine explorations of the human condition.

Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds), an obsessively organized efficiency expert and top-selling author, has spent his entire life planning out every little detail and following the lists and schedules he makes for himself. He clings to controlling everything because it brings order, which gives him a sense of comfort and peace of mind.

One day, Frank's wife Susan (Emily Mortimer) sets the clocks forward ten minutes to help him be early for his schedule but accidentally sets them back ten minutes instead, making him late for his lecture on efficiency and setting off a chain of events that sends Frank's life spiraling. Through a course of seemingly random events, he learns some new information that, in effect, reveals to him that much of what he believed about his life is based on false information.

Not knowing how to deal with the revelation, Franks throws everything he's ever believed about order and efficiency out the window and starts living life on whim and chance. As he lets chaos overtake his life, he struggles to deal with the new truth that defines his life and forgive those involved.

The movie has its share of funny parts, but it really shines in its dramatic moments - when it's serious and honest. It effectively deals with things like relationships, truth, friendship and forgiveness, and it all feels true to how real people would react. As Frank and Susan try to deal with the new information, they begin to reassess their marriage and Frank questions what he's believed in for so long. His downward spiral into chaos is both interesting and realistic as well; none of it rings false. As you watch it all transpire on the screen, you're able to understand and relate to many of the emotions that Frank is struggling with.

Much of this success comes from the performance of Ryan Reynolds, an actor best known for comedic roles in movies like Waiting… and Van Wilder, but who has an intensity and seriousness about him that translates powerfully to other types of roles. This is evident in Definitely, Maybe as well as Chaos Theory, and the latter is quite a departure from the comedy work he has done previously – one he excels in and should do more often.

One scene where his talent and intensity really comes through is when Frank pulls over onto the side of the road just after he discovers the life-altering news. As he sits on the curb trying desperately not to break down, choking back tears and vomit, his pain is clearly visible in both his eyes and in his physical anguish, and it exudes off the screen. The strength of Reynolds' performance really heightens this scene, as well as the whole movie, and makes the character and his feelings relatable and evocative for the viewer. Reynolds easily carries the movie, which is even better off because of it.

Chaos Theory is an extremely honest, sometimes sad, always emotional and very real exploration of how a person deals with a drastic change in their life. With a strong and atypical performance from Ryan Reynolds, and enough humor, hope and insight to keep it from being depressing, Chaos Theory is definitely one of the more intelligent films of 2008 and shouldn't be missed.
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What is everyone smokin?
jakebrann31 March 2020
20 minutes in and I can't even stand to watch any more of this movie. I hate movies where something stupid happens and the other person's spouse/partner won't listen to them or let them explain anything. You sit there yelling at the TV for the person to "just spit it out already and tell the person the truth and what happened!" I can't even finish this movie!
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silly sitcom setup
SnoopyStyle6 March 2015
Jesse Allen (Elisabeth Harnois) is getting married but her groom Ed (Mike Erwin) has cold feet. He finds out that she was with somebody else when they broke up. Her father Frank (Ryan Reynolds) finds him sneaking out the back door and sits him down for a talk. He tells him about his life with his wife Susan (Emily Mortimer), womanizing best friend Buddy Endrow (Stuart Townsend) and Paula Crowe (Sarah Chalke).

There is a slight comedic tone in the movie that is ill-fitting. The story struggles to get going. The characters are not that appealing. The misunderstanding is ridiculously stupid. It feels like a silly sitcom. When Frank goes crazy, the movie gets better. If only the movie can figure out how to get there without the silly setup.
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imdbbl29 November 2009
Chaos Theory is an enjoyable little film that tells the story of Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds) who's a professional speaker that gives lectures on time management,and his life is perfectly ordered and scheduled.One day his wife sets his clock forward 10 minutes thinking that she had just done the opposite and Frank's day is thrown off.First he arrives late to an out-of-town lecture and then his life starts to unravels in ways he never expected.Along the way he makes several interesting discoveries about his family and comes to the conclusion that being so obsessive, so organized and so uptight did nothing for his life. Smart and well thought, Chaos Theory is enjoyable throughout although it never reaches greatness.There are a few interesting ideas and a lot of potential and the movie could definitely have been taken to another level but still, its a solid movie.The film is very well balanced; it delivers some laughs at the right time,but also has a very serious and dramatic side as well.The soundtrack is was surprisingly very good and its composed mainly by independent bands. Ryan Reynolds is tremendous as the lead character,Frank, and completely believable.He's the driving force of the movie and a pleasure to watch.Stuart Townsend and Emily Mortimer did good too as the best friend and the wife respectively . All in all,Chaos Theory is only slightly above average but still worth seeing.

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REVIEW -- Finally a romantic comedy for the rest of us!
jujube66628 March 2008
I'm not a big romantic comedy fan so I went to Chaos Theory with low expectations. Which is why I was shocked to find myself not only laughing (instead of eye-rolling) but also experiencing a certain moisture in the ocular region.

Yes it is a comedy -- most anal, hyper organized guy totally losing it vintage Steve Martin style with a post-modern twist when he discovers his perfect life is not what it seems. But it's also a story about a guy losing himself, his wife, his daughter, his best friend and everything through a freakish but medically accurate twist of fate and fighting his way back to find himself.

The directing has an indie feel which I much prefer over the overly processed studio fare -- lots of long takes that really draw you into the characters. Ryan Reynolds is hilarious -- great physical comedy but also achieves a whole new level of sincerity. Emily Mortimer has some great spastic moments -- and, in a departure from her usual twinkle toes persona, isn't afraid to show her grumpy side. By the end of the movie, I really felt like I knew these guys. I also really enjoyed the humor -- which had a lot of those "Oh God, I've been there" moments even when the story was ratcheting up to outrageousness.

Go to see it for the shot of buck-naked Ryan Reynolds skidding across the hockey rink if nothing else!
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Plothole City Comes Alive Here
eric2620035 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I enjoy the romantic comedy in all its formulaic glory, I was hoping to enjoy "Chaos Theory". I felt that Ryan Reynolds was custom made to play the part of neurotic public speaker Frank Allen as he conveys the emotion and general likeness that the character possesses. The sad news is that this low-budgeted obscure romantic comedy is an illogical and incoherent mess.

Everyone may look at this movie in different ways and your opinions whether you agree or disagree with me will be respected no matter what, but I just don't see how anyone would give this movie a perfect ten or let alone an eight star rating. The acting which was the least worst thing about this movie only can rendered as average to say the least. The movie's plot seems very disorganized and unsettling throughout and the conflicts within the characters lack in anything considered logical. It also can't decide on a specific genre leaving us scratching our heads in utter confusion. What is the genre? Is it a comedy? Is it a drama? I could never come up with what it's intended to be.

To be blunt, this is not Ryan Reynolds' defining moments in his cinematic career and maybe you might like the movie if you can not think the notion about how this movie is just one big of time.

The opening scenes kick off in a tasteless perspective as a group of chums are talking about retarded nonsense like giving names to their genitals. But the worst part of it all is they all have given them names. Talk about insulting one's intelligence. While at a New Year's Eve party, A woman named Susan (Emily Mortimer) has a resolution to find someone to love and to marry and of course we all know her intentions are to marry Frank (thanks to the traditional usage of sound reasoning you only find in movies) which makes this gimmick both overdone and stale.

Several years later, Frank's life take a turn in a new and very disappointing turn as he arrives late to get on the ferry. How aquatic transportation operates is above my head, but it's stupid that the guy who rides the ferry would not let Frank on. There was no reason for that. It was no like they were other people in back of Frank and they didn't raise the ramps yet so there was no reason for depriving Frank from getting on the ferry. Plus he would have to wait another hour before getting on the next one. There was no excuse to let one more person aboard the ferry. Sure it's a minor quip but the whole script felt like it was written by a high school student working on a class project. It was that amateur.

The movie just runs under the ninety minute mark which is fine for a low-budget romantic comedy, but there are two very distracting subplots that upstage the main plot of the story that goes on for way too long. When Frank drives a pregnant lady (Jocelyne Loewen) to the hospital we are enlightened to over three minutes of him telling her to breathe. And then there's the convoluted subplot where we discover that the daughter he thought was biologically his was really not because he's got Klinefelter's syndrome. In laymen's terms he's sterile. And to top that all off we see our principal character on a melancholy stroll to the lake where he bawls in tears which goes on for another three more minutes. Please stop the torture.

In addition Frank is vexed that Susan tweaked his alarm clock ten minutes late tarnishing his punctual reputation which leads him to succumb to withdrawn activities like drinking and chasing after an attractive young blond (Sarah Chalke) and almost succeeded in getting in bed with her. Here we see another plot hole as to why would a devoted father want to commit an act of promiscuity with another woman as to wound his psychological wounds? Let alone have his friend Buddy (Stuart Townsend) there (who seems to arbitrarily act flirty towards his wife), but it's all null and void because in the end, he never nails her anyways so what's the point? All it sums up to is one pointless cliché that served no purpose to the story.

Another deterring scene that made my blood boil was when the nurse who delivered the pregnant lady's baby seemed to mysteriously know Frank and Susan's phone number and when she tried to call Frank to tell her the news he was not available at the time. The nurse as professional as can be, thought Frank was the father and that's when all hell broke loose. She now thinks he's living a double life behind her back and she kicks him to the curb. If he's sterile and can't have kids then who's the biological father to Jesse? Anyhow, Buddy tries to persuade Susan that Frank loves her and is an honest one-woman man. His dialogue provided was weak and very stone-faced. Up until then, his character was drier then a two week old prune. And how did the pregnant woman know where where Frank lived when she left the hospital. Baffling!

Another illogical scenario is that a week before her marriage to Frank, she slept with Buddy and when Frank points that out, she made the excuse that it was done after he promised to faithful to her. We also see at the beginning how the groom is having second thoughts in marrying his fiancé because during a temporary break-up she made romance to another guy. Then his friend has the audacity to say that it's normal and that he's lucky to have her. Seriously? This guy needs better friends and an honest lady or just stay a single for life. This movie is frustrating.
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Dependable "date flick" with occasion flashes of brilliance
rzajac3 November 2008
The surprising thing about Chaos Theory was the way it was rather staid "date flick" fare, but would occasionally punch through the safety barrier and say something wickedly true and profoundly, deeply passionate and beautiful.

It's a great story about truth and connection, and how sometimes connection needs to be reinstated and preserved even in the face of the failure to fully disclose the truth.

To get a little technical, there were times when I was especially appreciative of the writing. Really great, grabs-you-and-won't-let-go screen writing is rare these days; how weird to find it in a flick like this; but there you have it! Kudos! The writing in the scene leading up to Buddy sitting on the go-'round ride in the playground with Susan had me in tears; right up there with the classics.

You may have noticed a hint of a qualification in the foregoing, and that's because there were those other de rigueur features of the standard date flick I didn't appreciate so much. Didn't care for a lot of the song selections; kind of country-trite. If it weren't for the supremely humanizing bits of writing mentioned above, I feel some of the characters would have come across a bit hollow, and they otherwise sometimes teeter on the edge of falling into that pit.

But... OK: The writing, directing, acting, editing, most of the narrative pacing work just fine and shed real light on love and life.

See this flick! Heck: Take a date!
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Should have kept the chaos in the movie, but left it out of the script
p-stepien15 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Allen (Ryan Reynolds), a motivational speaker/writer specialising in the essential meaning of time in work and life, is privy to having a successful little family. Given that his wife basically decided on Frank based on the fact he had the most intriguing name for his penis (Emily Mortimer), this is quite a freakish accomplishment in itself. They have a beautiful 7-year-old girl Jesse, who is the crown jewel of Frank's life. That is until a series of chance events have him discover that he has been sterile since birth. The revelation casts into chaos not only his marriage, but also his well-organised way of life.

Ryan Reynolds seems to do miles better, when drafted into roles that are more down-to-earth quirky personas. Despite his apparent fandom his attempts at stardom in comiccy roles severely hurt his acting creds, as despite whatever some people in casting believe his comedic timing for one-liners is not good. However Reynolds has a depth in emotion for a comedian, that places him above most other competitors. And that's why Reynolds is a tour-de-force in this romantic comedy with a strong dramatic touch. At least for 2/3 of the movie his performance is captivating and convincing. Coupled with some really fun scenes and relatively inventive ideas behind the script for the most part the movie comes off as a real gem.

That is until the final third. Unfortunately for the movie the scriptwriters chickened out of keeping the situation morally ambiguous - and hence realistic. Instead they decide to keep it safe, when it turns out that Jesse was conceived a couple of days before they were even dating... Despite this feedback Frank is still committed to killing the real father and his best friend... which basically doesn't make sense. The whole script quickly unravels, when the whole plot gets ridiculed in order to keep it 'civil' and by the last couple of scenes interest in the resolution fizzles out. The movie drops any pretence of having some real dramatic message to convey and resorts back to more or less senseless ha-ha's with your obligatory happy-ending.

Very much a shame, but on the plus side I really enjoyed the performances in the movie and would really prefer to see much more of Reynolds in this type of role and less as Barakapool or Green Panties.
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Potentially great.
Panterken6 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The 'Chaos Theory' credits just started rolling here, actually having some pre-viewing excitement, the writers left me out in the cold. A vast array of smug movie 'experts' utilized the title to point out the movie's big flaw, namely a lack of straight-lined writing. Seeing that the script lacked the necessary hilarity to make it a pure comedy, I'd found it better if they'd stuck with a drama, and it could've been a great one too, that's the sucky part. Round the characters more, explore the potentially great plot lines and you've got a wonderful film script, well worth a watch.

You can divide films I dislike into two categories: films that are simply of poor quality (have one very bad aspect or are bad or mediocre all around) or films that waste their potential. 'Chaos Theory' is the latter, I really liked the premise which is why I watched it in the first place: an over-organized guy, with a perfectly fine job, wife and daughter finds his life turned upside down from one day to the next. The situation so it seems, is out of his control. He has made the safe, smart, responsible decisions all his life yet he winds up in a really messy relationship problem, which convinces him to throw all of the principles he clung onto his whole life overboard. He lives, as a he calls it, a life of 'whim', 'chance' and 'passion'.

Sounds good? Well, it did to me too...too bad it's only a 6/10
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Knots In My Stomach
jahremusic8 January 2011
Chaos Theory is a story about choices, and the impact that each choice can have in a person's life. Frank's dilemma begins when he leaves 10 minutes late to present at a seminar. His wife set the clocks back in a misguided attempt to help him. From this point, his very structured life begins to unravel as he and his wife deal with mutual anger and misunderstandings with each other.

It's a fair dramedy, with many dark moments. I think that some of the subject matter was too dark for a romantic comedy genre. It tends to make the movie very uneven as it tries to go for funny moments with the coarse, tragic subject matter. I noticed that I was too hung up on the unfolding story to laugh at moments that may well have been funny in another setting.

I also had a real problem with Frank's wife. From her public challenge to find a suitor among her male friends, I found her to be annoying and conceded. As I found out more about her through the choices that she made and continued to make in the movie, I really found no reason to like her at all, let alone see a genuine reason for Frank to love her. The end of the story really seemed forced and trite. It seemed like Frank really just loved his daughter, and his wife was just an inconvenient afterthought. Really, I would think that a story with so many dark points would survive a more realistic ending between the husband and wife. It seemed like the writer was too timid to do that, and went for the Hollywood ending instead.

Also, the presentation of the story to Frank's daughter's bridegroom seemed like a horrible route. Was this story meant to settle this young man's nerves? What would this young man think of this family after hearing this story? The bridegroom was desperately trying to leave to get some air and take a walk. If I were him I would've preferred the walk.

Oddly enough though, I think that this was the best, most dramatic performance by Ryan Reynolds. It's too bad that such a performance was wasted on such uneven material. I think that with the right material, he could really be seen as a good, well-rounded actor. Unfortunately, this ain't it.

My wife gave this 7 stars. I guess she didn't have the problems that I did, but I also suspect that she has the hots for Ryan Reynolds. ;) As for me, I gave it 3 stars only for the performance of the actors. The story, subject matter and screenplay literally gave me knots in my stomach.
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Original but leads nowhere
Floated221 October 2017
Chaos Theory is a relatively unknown independent drama starring Ryan Reynolds. The acting in this film remains good and watchable and although the overall plot seems original, it does not head in places where it could have been completely interesting and intriguing. A lot of the characters are awful people, mainly the supporting cast of Emily Mortimer and Stuart Townsend's character. Though the film is short in runtime and feels as if some plot points are added to fill up time. It feels like a sitcom television episode at certain points. There is a reason as to why Chaos Theory has become forgettable and is mainly recommend fora one time watch. The message of the film appears to be that one little change (such as changing clocks forward) can affect a person's entire outcome of life.
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Average Fare (with some flare)
finding-something13 December 2008
Let's get my bias out of the way first. Ryan Reynolds can do no wrong. I think he's as close to a Cary Grant as we'll get ever again. His face, and the many expressions it can make, are perfect for both drama and comedy, and he seems perfectly willing to commit to both extremes. In fact, in this movie, he's able to turn the tone of the movie in an instant. Oh right, he's also incredibly attractive.

Frank (Reynolds) is an efficiency expert whose day has been thrown off. The irony of being late to his own lecture on time management is not lost on him either. Through a serious of less than fortunate events, Frank manages to mount up enough circumstantial evidence of his committing adultery at least once, that his wife throws him out.

The twist, when it comes, is not altogether unexpected, but the material is treated with a humanity that makes you happy to keep watching. In one scene, Frank is streaking across a hockey rink and in another, his and Susan's (Mortimer's) foreheads are touching, and their muted sobs are pulling at heartstrings no mere romantic comedy would ever be able to play. The sort of climax of the movie is quite superb. You see great dramedic acting, and a clever script to boot. No, not a clever script, but a sincere one. Its writing makes this movie more of a comedic romance than a romantic comedy. If you don't understand that distinction, you will after watching this movie.
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misleading high rating
pepekwa29 January 2009
my bad for taking IMDb scores too seriously and only a limited number of people have posted comments here and i'd like to inform people that its nowhere near as good as people are making it out to be. The film can't decide if its a comedy or a drama and with that sort of messy hybrid, you're not sure whether to laugh or empathize and the movie is quite short so characters are insufficiently developed before ryan reynolds misses his ferry and things start going off at a tangent for him. The plot twists are interesting enough to keep you involved in the movie but the ending is frankly ridiculous with what went on before as the producers obviously opted to play safe so as not to alienate anyone. Its not a bad film but it left an unsatisfactory taste in the mouth for me.
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Same old Same old
watf-7114415 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly the acting is pretty good and the start of the film is ok, but this film falls into the same old trap where the man has to accept, learn and grow whilst the female seems to get away scot free after some pretty outrageous behaviour.

Susan learns that Frank has made another person pregnant. She doesn't bother to listen to what he has to say and throws him out and refuses to take his calls. Allowing him to see his daughter is seen as having strong morals ( as apparently cheating disqualifies you as a parent - although I am sure this would only be for one gender).

During the film she finds out he is innocent, and apparently expects him to take her calls and come back as normal. In the meantime Frank finds out he cant have children and as such his daughter isn't his.

In the end Frank accepts that life does have challenges and we have to accept them, but I dont know why that would be mean he should accept and trust a partner who wouldn't do the same for him.

The whole movie is about how she keeps the truth from him, from the fact that the child may not be his to who the biological father is.

I am unsure if his daughter finds out to but I guess it doesnt seem to matter.
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The Closed Session (1986) ??!!
elshikh420 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A happily married man, who has a kid, runs into a helpless woman, in the street, whose about to have a baby, gets her by his car to a hospital, after the delivery there is a misunderstanding about her baby being his son, so he gets into analyzing the DNA, to uncover later that he's not the father, AND not any father of any kid, since he's natural born sterile. After a while, he knows the ugly truth; his wife cheated on him once, with their best friend, whose the real father. OK, did I hear all of this story before? No. I heard it and watched it too!

All of the above is in an Egyptian movie named (El Galssa El Seriya) or (The Closed Session) produced in (1986), starring all star cast; (Mahmoud Yassine) as the husband, (Youssra) as the wife, (Shahira) as the pregnant woman, and (Samir Sabri) as the friend, written by (Nabel Esmat), and directed by (Mohamed Abdel Aziz). The thing is while the old one has gone purely melodramatic, with a climax at a Closed Session, (Chaos Theory) went on as some kind of a romantic comedy, with a case of someone rediscovers the world, its facts and systems, along with himself. Yet the resemblance, especially concerning the way how he knew about his barrenness, is striking!

Anyway, (Chaos Theory) is a good movie. (Ryan Reynolds) did very well, unlike himself in other movies. The matter of the lists is funny. The last monologue about "love as the least random thing in the world" proved itself as the movie's best experience. However, it has a good deal of problems as well.

First of all, the characters speak in a way higher than their cultures sometimes (some of the wife's talk to the real father, the blond girl's criticism of the lead's short sex with her; that was so Roger Ebert-ish I must say!). Then, bugging points like how the lead calls his male organ "The Truth"???? What on earth is that?! If it was meant as a comedic thing; then it's bad. And as a serious thing; it's worse! So how about winning the heart of the girl by it?! The story is a bit predictable, and not due to seeing the Egyptian movie first. At least, I knew very much that the lead wouldn't die since I saw him attending his daughter's wedding at first. Which leads us the movie's top problem; that so unnecessary intro. It spoiled the whole thing, being such a cheap excuse for making the speech of "The less random.."!

It has its moments, being a good chance to showcase the true talents of some young actors who Hollywood mostly exploits, not deals with fully respectfully, caring - in most cases - for the nude scenes more than the one where the character wakes up to write a wish with his kid on the steamy glass while dawn.

Still, I can't stop asking; this striking resemblance; is it a coincidence? A telepathy?? Or undeclared remake??!!
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Cliché after cliché, with no heart
samstoia16 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A friend of mine had this crush on Ryan Reynolds, so without knowing what this movie was going to be like, (the back said something about being a hilarious and heartfelt COMEDY) I thought, it has Reynolds, so it will probably have it's moments.

I thought wrong. Emily Mortemer gives one of the most uninspiring roles I have ever seen an actress play, the plot is cliché, and after about 20 or so minutes in, there is not even a hint of comedy to be found. On the other hand, a lack of comedy would not be a disappointment if there was some charm or drama to take it's place, but what is left is an uninspired, and just generally unassuming movie which becomes painful to sit through. The characters have no soul, the movie (titled CHAOS THEORY) is boring and predictable, and really fails at any hint of comedy.

Reading some of the other reviews, it seems some other people enjoyed it. I was not one of them, and those are my two cents.
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Liked this positive film.
AshokePrabha14 June 2008
This is 2008 and we start to see crisis everywhere. Economic crisis in US, food crisis all over the world affecting badly the third world countries, earth quake in China and the cyclone floods in Myanmar.

Chaos theory is a theory about highly unstable, dynamically changing complex systems. It says many of such complex random motions may have some identifiable patterns of behavior though they appear to be random. One real time example about this is the 'weather'. It appears randomly changing. But it is not. Lot of other initial factors those might have occurred quite a long time back(say 100 years) do affect the current weather. This is what I could understand from the detailed wikipedia article.

The movie is about a normal 9 - 5 office going family man(Ryan Renolds) who's life suddenly takes into wild turns and become chaotic. Though everything looked bad and led to a dead-end, he finds some light(initiator) and brings back his life and his town to some liveliness. The story is just that. But the meanings it convey is about taking life at odd times. The voice overs of Danny Devito were good. He also acted in this movie but I did not see his name in the star cast list. Ryan does fit perfectly into his role. And other characters too. The romance between Ryan and the shop counter girl(Emily) was indeed a lovable one. This movie also reveals me that lower and lower-middle class people's lives are same everywhere. No matter the country it is. It could be the richest America or Britain or any. Doesn't matter.

This movie is neither a tear-jerker nor a belly-aching comedy. Its a drama. If you like to see how people want to to go on with positive things with life then watch it.
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Drama movie not comedy not funny
lskknl24 March 2022
It's an okay drama movie but not a comedy. It's not funny at all. Takes some time to getting into. A twist in the plot. Ryan renolds plays an organized freak. It's not a laugh out comedy more subtle. Not comedy It's more of a drama. It's well acted. Ryan reynolds is a good actor so serious in this role.
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