38 Facts about the movie Roma - Facts.net
Melli Winkle

Written by Melli Winkle

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Mubi.com

Roma is a highly acclaimed Mexican film directed by Alfonso Cuarón that captivated audiences worldwide with its stunning visuals and heartfelt storytelling. Released in 2018, this black-and-white masterpiece takes place in 1970s Mexico City and follows the life of Cleo, a domestic worker for a middle-class family. With its intimate portrayal of Cleo’s experiences and the turbulent political backdrop of the time, Roma offers a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of class, family, and personal resilience.

In this article, we will delve into 38 fascinating facts about the movie Roma, from its production process and historical context to behind-the-scenes anecdotes and its impact on the film industry. Whether you are an avid fan of the movie or simply curious about its hidden gems, prepare to be immersed in the world of Roma as we uncover the captivating details surrounding this cinematic masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • Roma, directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is a powerful black and white film set in 1970s Mexico City. It explores love, class division, and the importance of empathy, making it a must-watch for all movie lovers.
  • With stunning cinematography and a deeply emotional story, Roma pays tribute to Cuarón’s childhood and the often overlooked domestic workers. It’s a timeless masterpiece that transcends language and culture.
Table of Contents

Roma was directed by Alfonso Cuarón

Roma, a critically acclaimed film, was directed by the talented Alfonso Cuarón. Known for his other notable works such as Gravity and Children of Men, Cuarón brought his unique vision to Roma.

The movie is set in Mexico City in the 1970s

Roma takes place in Mexico City during the 1970s. The film provides a glimpse into the lives of Cleo, a domestic worker, and the middle-class family she works for.

It is a semi-autobiographical film

Cuarón drew inspiration from his own childhood to create the story of Roma. The film reflects his memories and experiences growing up in Mexico City during that time period.

It received numerous awards and nominations

Roma was highly praised by critics and received several awards and nominations. It won three Oscars, including Best Director and Best Foreign Language Film.

The film is shot in black and white

Cuarón made a deliberate choice to shoot Roma in black and white. This artistic decision adds to the film’s nostalgic and atmospheric tone.

Roma showcases stunning cinematography

The cinematography in Roma is breathtaking. Cuarón, who also served as the film’s cinematographer, expertly captures the beauty of everyday life and the city of Mexico City.

The director worked closely with non-professional actors

Cuarón chose to cast non-professional actors for many of the roles in Roma, including Yalitza Aparicio, who made her acting debut in the film. This decision adds an authentic and raw quality to the performances.

It explores themes of love and class division

Roma delves into complex themes such as love, family, and social class. The film provides a thought-provoking examination of the disparities between different societal groups.

The movie is named after the neighborhood in Mexico City

The title of the film, Roma, refers to the neighborhood in Mexico City where Cuarón grew up. By naming the film after his hometown, Cuarón pays homage to his roots.

Roma is predominantly in Spanish

The majority of the dialogue in Roma is in Spanish, with English subtitles provided for non-Spanish speaking audiences. This adds to the authenticity and cultural immersion of the film.

The film has a powerful and emotional story

Roma tells a compelling and emotional story that resonates with audiences. It explores the struggles, triumphs, and moments of everyday life in a deeply moving way.

The movie was released by Netflix

Roma was released by Netflix, making it accessible to a wide audience around the world. The film gained significant attention, solidifying Netflix’s presence in the world of filmmaking.

It received a 10-minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival

Roma had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival, where it received a 10-minute standing ovation. This enthusiastic response from the audience further solidified its status as a remarkable film.

The film incorporates long takes

Cuarón’s signature style is evident in Roma. The film features long takes, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in the story and characters.

It pays homage to Cuarón’s childhood nanny

Cleo, one of the main characters in Roma, is based on Cuarón’s childhood nanny. The film serves as a tribute to the important role she played in his life.

Roma addresses political unrest in Mexico

Set against the backdrop of political unrest in Mexico during the 1970s, Roma provides an insight into the social and political climate of the time. It highlights the impact these events had on ordinary people.

The film has a non-linear narrative

Roma follows a non-linear narrative structure, jumping between different moments in time. This adds depth and complexity to the storytelling, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of the characters’ lives.

The movie received universal critical acclaim

Roma garnered widespread critical acclaim, with many praising its compelling storytelling, powerful performances, and stunning visuals. It holds an impressive 96% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film was shot on location in Mexico City

Cuarón chose to film Roma on location in Mexico City, capturing the essence of the city and adding an authentic feel to the film. The locations serve as an integral part of the storytelling.

Roma explores the complexities of motherhood

The film delves into the complexities of motherhood, examining the sacrifices and challenges faced by women in different social positions. It offers a layered portrayal of maternal love and resilience.

The characters in Roma are richly developed

Cuarón’s attention to detail is evident in the rich characterization of the film. Each character is fully realized, with their own hopes, dreams, and struggles, making them relatable and compelling.

The film’s sound design is meticulously crafted

Roma’s sound design plays a crucial role in immersing the audience in the film’s world. From ambient sounds to the haunting score, every element is meticulously crafted to enhance the viewing experience.

Roma was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars

In addition to its multiple wins, Roma was also nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. This recognition further solidified its status as one of the most impactful films of its time.

The film made history as the first Mexican film to win the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival

Roma made history by becoming the first Mexican film to win the prestigious Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival. This achievement highlights the film’s significance and impact.

The movie has a powerful and subtle social commentary

Through its storytelling and characters, Roma offers a powerful and subtle social commentary on class, privilege, and inequality. It prompts viewers to reflect on their own societal roles and responsibilities.

Roma has an impressive long take sequence during a riot

One of the standout moments in the film is a mesmerizing long take sequence that unfolds during a riot. This scene showcases Cuarón’s mastery of cinematography and adds a sense of intensity to the narrative.

The film’s production design is meticulously detailed

Every aspect of Roma’s production design is meticulously crafted, from the set design to the costumes. The attention to detail immerses the audience in the world of 1970s Mexico City.

Roma portrays the complexities of human relationships

The film explores the intricacies of human relationships and the impact they have on individuals. It delves into the bonds between family members, friends, and the dynamics between employers and workers.

It emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding

Roma emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in navigating the complexities of life. It invites viewers to consider the experiences of others and to approach the world with compassion.

The film’s production was a labor of love for Cuarón

Roma was a passion project for Cuarón, who poured his heart and soul into its creation. The attention to detail and the emotional depth of the film reflect his dedication and commitment.

The movie is a tribute to domestic workers

Cleo, the main character in Roma, represents the millions of domestic workers who often go unnoticed and unappreciated. The film shines a light on their contributions and importance in society.

Roma has a poignant and emotionally resonant ending

The ending of Roma leaves a lasting impact on viewers, with its poignant and emotionally resonant moments. It wraps up the story in a way that is both satisfying and thought-provoking.

The movie has striking visual symbolism

Roma utilizes striking visual symbolism throughout the film, adding depth and layers of meaning to the narrative. It invites viewers to interpret and reflect upon the symbolism within the story.

The film has a sense of universality

Roma’s themes and storytelling transcend its specific time and place, allowing it to resonate with audiences on a universal level. It captures the essence of the human experience and the complexities of life.

Roma was nominated for Best Original Screenplay

In addition to its other nominations, Roma was also recognized for its compelling screenplay at the Oscars. The script beautifully combines personal storytelling with broader societal themes.

The movie has been praised for its representation of indigenous cultures

Roma has been widely acclaimed for its respectful and authentic portrayal of indigenous cultures. The inclusion of indigenous languages and traditions adds depth and cultural richness to the film.

Cuarón wrote the film’s screenplay based on his own memories

Cuarón wrote the screenplay for Roma based on his own memories of growing up in Mexico City. This personal touch adds an intimate and authentic quality to the story.

Roma is a testament to the power of cinema

Roma exemplifies the power of cinema to communicate complex emotions, highlight societal issues, and create a profound impact on viewers. It is a true masterpiece that deserves its place in film history.


Roma is a masterpiece that not only captivates viewers with its stunning cinematography and compelling storytelling, but also sheds light on important social and historical issues. With its unique blend of authenticity and artistry, this film has garnered critical acclaim and touched the hearts of audiences around the world.As we explored 38 fascinating facts about the movie Roma, we gained a deeper appreciation for the meticulous attention to detail and the personal inspiration behind its creation. From director Alfonso Cuarón’s own childhood memories to the use of real-life locations, every aspect of Roma was carefully crafted to immerse viewers in the raw and emotional journey of its characters.With its universal themes of love, resilience, and the complexities of class and privilege, Roma resonates with audiences on a deeply personal level. It serves as a testament to the power of cinema to not only entertain, but also provoke thought and inspire change.In conclusion, Roma is a cinematic marvel that deserves the accolades it has received. Its impact will continue to be felt for years to come, solidifying its place in cinematic history.


Q: What is the genre of the movie Roma?
A: Roma is a drama film.

Q: Who directed the movie Roma?
A: The movie Roma was directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

Q: Is the movie based on a true story?
A: Although the movie draws inspiration from director Alfonso Cuarón’s childhood experiences in Mexico City, it is not based on a specific true story.

Q: What is the significance of the title “Roma”?
A: The title “Roma” refers to both the city of Rome and the neighborhood in Mexico City where the director grew up. It symbolizes the intersection of personal and universal experiences portrayed in the film.

Q: What languages are spoken in the movie Roma?
A: The majority of the film is spoken in Spanish, with some dialogue in Mixtec, an Indigenous language spoken in certain regions of Mexico.

Q: Has the movie Roma won any awards?
A: Yes, Roma has received numerous awards, including three Academy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards.

Q: Can I watch the movie Roma on streaming platforms?
A: Yes, Roma is available for streaming on platforms like Netflix.

Q: How long is the movie Roma?
A: The runtime of Roma is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Q: Does the movie Roma have subtitles?
A: Yes, since the movie contains dialogue in Spanish and Mixtec, it includes subtitles in multiple languages for viewers to understand the non-English dialogue.

Q: Is there a sequel planned for the movie Roma?
A: As of now, there are no official plans for a sequel to Roma.

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