Joe Gomez on confidence level, England return and Klopp support - Liverpool FC

Q&AJoe Gomez on confidence level, England return and Klopp support

By Chris Shaw


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Joe Gomez spoke at a press conference on England duty today, discussing his form on a personal level this season and his return to the international fold.

The Liverpool No.2 is with the Three Lions having been recalled by Gareth Southgate in recognition of a club campaign that has seen him feature 41 times across a variety of positions for Jürgen Klopp.

Ahead of England’s Wembley friendly with Brazil on Saturday evening – which is followed by another against Belgium on Tuesday – Gomez took questions from the media.

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Read some of the highlights of the briefing below…

On earning a first England call-up since 2020…

It is surreal, just because four years is quite a long time. I probably spent a fair bit of that time thinking about wanting to be back in the mix, and seeing the team do so well, and having a taste of it when I was quite a bit younger was obviously special. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I spent time thinking about wanting to be back with the boys and getting back to this level. It has played a big part in my mind and just giving me a new appreciation to be here and a different perspective because I know the flipside and how tough that can be. It’s obviously a privilege; it’s a cliché to say but it is a privilege to be here. And having that approach of gratitude, but also wanting to do well and wanting to prove to myself that I can be here and participate and play my part.

On whether he feels in the best form of his career at the moment…

I’m really enjoying my football. Obviously we had a good phase at the club when we won the league and so on. But obviously this year has been different for me, playing in different places. It’s hard for me to judge. I was obviously younger and enjoying it then, playing centre-half mostly. I’m definitely enjoying it. It helps when the team is doing well and when we’re winning games – that plays a big part. Personally, I don’t know, I’m just appreciating the moment, I’m not really worrying about where I’ve been or where I’ve got to go, just being here now and embracing it is the main thing.

Joe Gomez defender
Joe Gomez
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On if his versatility could improve his chances of being selected for Euro 2024…

Maybe. Honestly, I’m just taking in this squad, this camp. It would probably be a bit premature for me to think ahead to that point. I’m just enjoying my football, I’m enjoying playing different positions. Obviously first and foremost I’d see myself as a centre-half, but then with age and with time take it [other roles] in your stride and I’ve enjoyed that. Embracing the opportunities that I’ve got – considering my past – is the main thing and what will be, will be. Being here now and trying to get back in the mix with the boys and just enjoying the environment; it’s a great place to be and obviously Gareth and all the coaching staff have made such a good environment, it’s just nice to be back in it.

On Virgil van Dijk’s influence on him as a teammate…

Virg’s ability and his achievements speak for themselves. I’m obviously very close with him. We sort of went through similar phases with injuries at the same sort of time, and we can relate in that sense. He is a great guy, he has transitioned so well doing what he’s doing.

On his confidence levels…

Naturally, players want to play and there’s nothing like getting consistency in playing. Obviously the environment helps and a manager that gives you the licence to just be the best you can. I’m thankful for that. Getting rhythm, getting consistency and then you can sort of let the anxieties [of] when it’s a bit more staggered and when you’re not playing as often fall by the wayside. I think that’s been the biggest thing: just getting rhythm and enjoying that flow.

On the support of Klopp and his backing for him to return to the England squad…

The gaffer at the club is one of a kind and I obviously owe a lot to him. He has been probably the biggest influence on my career, or definitely. It’s nice to have that support from your manager. I definitely didn’t ask him to do it! But he has obviously been a massive influence on me, not just as a player but as a person, so that was obviously nice of him.

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On whether his target for the end of the season is to win more silverware before Klopp stands down as Liverpool manager, and then go to the Euros…

That’s the aim. No matter the period. Obviously the manager announcing that he’s leaving plays a part in things and the whole view towards the rest of the season, but it was always the same. That application won’t have changed, you want to win every game, every footballer does. That won’t have changed from when he signed his first renewal to when he said he was leaving. We all appreciate him massively. But nothing has changed, everyone just wants to do well and you can only do that by taking one at a time. You can’t look beyond. It’s highly competitive and it’s not going to be easy. All we can do is focus on what’s ahead.



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