The Meaning Behind The Song: Rendezvous 6:02 by U.K. - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Rendezvous 6:02 by U.K.


The Meaning Behind The Song: Rendezvous 6:02 by U.K.

When it comes to music, the meaning behind a song can often be open to interpretation. However, some songs have a clear message or story that the artist intends to convey. One such song is “Rendezvous 6:02” by U.K., a British progressive rock band formed in the late 1970s.

Let’s start by taking a look at the basic details of the song:

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Rendezvous 6:02 U.K. John Wetton & Eddie Jobson Danger Money March 1979 Progressive Rock John Wetton & Eddie Jobson

“Rendezvous 6:02” is a track from U.K.’s second studio album, “Danger Money,” released in 1979. It was both written and composed by John Wetton and Eddie Jobson, two of the band’s founding members. The song features Wetton’s vocals, Jobson on synthesizers and electric piano, and Terry Bozzio on drums.

The Lyrics and Their Interpretation

The lyrics of “Rendezvous 6:02” paint a vivid picture of a late-night drive through the streets of London. The protagonist finds themselves drawn towards the Thames and Waterloo, unable to resist the allure of a mysterious rendezvous. The repetition of the phrase “Rendezvous 6:02” in the chorus highlights the importance of this appointment.

The first verse sets the scene with the mention of Park Lane and the city streets in the rain. The second verse hints at a fleeting encounter, with the mention of a face that disappears out of sight. The protagonist, feeling the urgency of catching a train, turns around and walks through the arch of Waterloo.

The final verse introduces a hooded face that beckons the protagonist from a gate. This face reveals a stunning revelation: after the war, Waterloo was no more. Despite this fact, the protagonist’s ticket indicates that one train is still leaving, and there is a place they must remember. The song ends with a haunting repetition of “And Waterloo…” which lingers in the listener’s mind.

The meaning behind these lyrics can be interpreted in several ways. On a literal level, the song could describe a clandestine meeting or a rendezvous with a lost love. The reference to Waterloo, a famous train station in London, adds to the sense of mystery and longing.

However, the song’s theme can also be seen as a metaphor for the passing of time and the fleeting nature of life. The protagonist’s journey through the city streets in the rain symbolizes the transient nature of existence, while the hooded face represents the unknown future.

Personal Connection and Interpretation

Personally, “Rendezvous 6:02” holds a special place in my heart. As a fan of progressive rock, I was drawn to U.K.’s unique blend of intricate instrumentation and thought-provoking lyrics. This song, in particular, resonated with me due to its evocative imagery and ambiguous meaning.

Whenever I listen to “Rendezvous 6:02,” I find myself transported to the streets of London, imagining the dark cityscape and the sound of raindrops on the pavement. The sense of urgency and mystery in the song’s narrative captivates me, leaving room for my interpretation and reflection.

To me, “Rendezvous 6:02” represents the fleeting moments of connection and significance in our lives. It serves as a reminder to embrace the present, as we never know when a chance encounter or an unexpected opportunity may shape our future.

In conclusion, “Rendezvous 6:02” by U.K. is a song that invites listeners to delve into its enigmatic lyrics and explore their own interpretations. Whether it be a story of romance, a metaphor for the passing of time, or something entirely different, the song’s beauty lies in its ability to evoke emotions and provoke introspection.

Next time you find yourself driving through the rain-soaked streets of a city, or simply in need of a musical escape, give “Rendezvous 6:02” a listen and let it transport you to a world of mystery and introspection.

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