10 Best Rod Stewart Wedding Songs For Your Special Day

10 Best Rod Stewart Wedding Songs For Your Special Day

If you’re looking for songs to play on your special day, Rod Stewart has a whole host of love songs and more general, up-beat and feel-good songs which will have your guests dancing the night away…

So, in this article, we’re going to take a look at the top 10 Rod Stewart wedding songs ideal for your special day. 

Rod Stewart Wedding Songs

Looking for the ultimate wedding songs play lists? Don’t miss out on these other top posts:

1 – You’re In My Heart:

Best Lyrics: “you’re the warmest thing I’ve ever found” and “you’re in my heart, you’re in my soul”

A classic song by Britain’s own Rod Stewart, You’re In My Heart is one of the best love songs out there. This is a touching song to play on your special day to further echo the love between yourself and your partner. 

Whether you play it for the first dance or as part of your celebration playlist, Rod Stewart’s You’re In My Heart is absolutely destined to be a wedding crowd-pleaser!

2. Forever Young:

Best lyrics: Be courageous and be brave, And in my heart you’ll always stay”

Less of a love song but still a super sentimental and a classic for Rod Stewart fans, Forever Young is a great option to consider if you’re looking for songs to play at your wedding. 

The song is full of important messages in its lyrics. A song about growing up and going through some hardships, Forever Young is definitely something of a tearjerker which is guaranteed to be loved by every single one of your wedding guests, especially if you’ve got a crowd of Steward fans.

3. Tonight’s The Night (Gonna Be Alright):

Something a little more out there for an adult crowd, which can be reserved for later on in the evening, is Rod Stewart’s Tonight’s The Night. 

Essentially, the song is all about getting it on, as such, making it more of a brave choice for a wedding song.

At the end of your special day, though, when people are a little looser, the drinks are flowing and everyone wants to get dancing and giggling at some interesting lyrics, Rod Stewart’s Tonight’s The Night (Gonna Be Alright) is the perfect choice.

4. Have I Told You Lately:

Best Lyrics:  “you fill my heart with gladness”, and “you fill my life with laughter”. 

Definitely a more tame choice, Rod Stewart Have I Told You Lately (That I Love You) is a great choice of wedding song thanks to its heart-warming lyrics and overall message. 

In “Have I Told You Lately”, Stewart sings about how much he adores “you”. For those wanting a sentimental song to echo their feelings on their special day, Rod Stewart Have I Told You Lately is a great option for a first dance or a song for later on in the celebration.

5. Maggie May:

Rod Stewart’s song Maggie May is perhaps not ideal for a first dance, as the theme and message is not entirely positive, but it’s still a great song to dance to later on in the celebration, especially if there are some Rod Stewart fans in the crowd. 

The song is a little negative in tone, with lyrics like “you stole my heart and that’s what really hurts”, but it’s still a great song to dance to if you focus on the beat! 

So, definitely a braver choice when it comes to wedding songs, but the rhythm makes it great to dance to at the end of your special day. 

6. Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?

Best Lyrics: “If you want my body and you think I’m sexy, Come on, sugar, tell me so”

Another of Rod Stewart’s raunchier options when it comes to wedding song choice, Do Ya Think I’m Sexy, just like Tonight’s The Night, teases the idea of sexual tension between two people. 

It’s definitely one to play when the children have gone home – but later on in the evening, when it’s time to party, it’s a great option if you’re feeling a little cheeky!

7. Sometimes When We Touch:

Again, this might be another option for an after-party or reception following the main part of your special day. 

A song truly appreciated by Rod Stewart’s fans, Sometimes When We Touch isn’t fully positive, as it focuses on someone who finds it difficult to open up and express himself. 

However, for a slow dance late at night after your wedding ceremony and reception, this song is a great option, as the beat is ideal for a waltz or gentle dance to ease you out after a long and tiring celebration.

8. You Wear It Well:

Best lyrics: “I sure do want you to know that you wear it well, There ain’t a lady in the land so fine”. 

Written as a letter about memories spent with a lover, Rod Stewart’s You Wear It Well is a tribute to love, with the slight hint of lamenting over a lover that is in the past. 

This means it might not be ideal for a first dance song! But when you truly listen to it, “You Wear It Well” is a beautiful song of love and appreciation,“ So, You Wear It Well” is definitely another of Rod Stewart’s songs worth adding to that wedding playlist.

9. Broken Arrow:

Best lyrics: ‘’hold you in these arms of steel,” and “breathe when you breathe, When you whisper like that hot summer breeze”

One of Rod Stewart’s best love songs is Broken Arrow. 

In this song, Stewart sings about how he would do anything for his lover, no matter how simple the task is.

A song about undying, unconditional love and the things we do for our loved ones, Broken Arrow is a great option for either your first dance or your playlist for the reception.

10. Sailing: 

Rod Stewart’s Sailing is definitely a good song to add to your playlist for the wedding reception and later celebrations. 

A firm favorite with Stewart’s fans, Sailing is slightly less happy but still super sentimental and touching, focusing on themes of homesickness and longing to be with loved ones. 

So, if you have a few Rod Stewart fans in the audience, not only will this song be a crowd-pleaser, it’s sure to cause a few tears to be shed, too. 


So, it’s clear that Rod Stewart has a wide range of songs suitable for a wedding, depending on what exactly you’re looking for when planning your special day. 

Whatever song you end up going for, make the choice together and it’ll be your special song forever!


Brad Paisley Wedding Song

What is the most popular mother son wedding dance song?

One of the most popular mother son wedding dance songs is actually Rod Stewart’s Forever Young! 

As a song that’s all about parenthood and growing up, Forever Young is a song chosen by many brides and grooms to dance with their parents, because of the moving themes and messages of giving back to and supporting our children after going through our own hardships in life. This one’s bound to make a few people in the crowd cry.

How do I find the perfect wedding song?

Whether you decide to go for a wedding song by Rod Stewart or another much-loved singer, it’s important to ensure the song is perfect for your special day. 

This might mean looking at the lyrics of the song to ensure they are appropriate, as well as ensuring you can dance to the song, whether it’s as your main, first dance song or just part of a playlist. 

Your wedding may also have a certain theme or style which is important to keep in mind when selecting the perfect song for you – but, once selected, your wedding song will be your special song, full of good memories and associations.

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