38 Facts about the movie Kubo and the Two Strings - Facts.net
Ester Copeland

Written by Ester Copeland

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

Kubo and the Two Strings is an enchanting and visually stunning stop-motion animation film that captivated audiences around the world. Released in 2016, this heartfelt and adventurous movie tells the story of a young boy named Kubo, who embarks on a journey to unlock the secrets of his past and fulfill his destiny.

Directed by Travis Knight and produced by Laika Animation Studios, Kubo and the Two Strings skillfully combines elements of Japanese folklore, mythology, and magic to create a truly unique cinematic experience. With its masterful animation, compelling characters, and powerful storytelling, the film received critical acclaim and was nominated for numerous awards, including two Academy Awards.

In this article, we will delve into 38 fascinating facts about Kubo and the Two Strings, from the intricacies of its production to the inspirations behind its captivating story. So join us as we uncover the magic and creativity that went into the making of this cinematic masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Kubo and the Two Strings” is a visually stunning movie that celebrates Japanese culture and delivers a powerful message of hope, love, and self-discovery, resonating with audiences of all ages.
  • The film’s unique blend of animation, storytelling, and emotional depth creates an immersive experience that captivates and inspires viewers, making it a timeless and universally appealing masterpiece.
Table of Contents

Deeply Engaging Storyline

The movie “Kubo and the Two Strings” follows the thrilling and emotionally captivating journey of a young boy named Kubo as he sets out on a quest to discover the truth about his family and fulfill his destiny.

Stunning Animation

The film uses a unique combination of stop-motion animation and computer-generated imagery (CGI) to create breathtaking visuals that bring the world of Kubo to life with incredible detail and beauty.

A Love Letter to Japanese Culture

Kubo and the Two Strings” is heavily inspired by Japanese folklore and culture. The attention to detail in the film’s representation of traditional Japanese customs, costumes, and landscapes is truly remarkable.

A Star-Studded Voice Cast

The movie features an impressive ensemble cast including Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaughey, Ralph Fiennes, Rooney Mara, and Art Parkinson as the voice of Kubo.

Academy Award-Nominated

Kubo and the Two Strings” received two Academy Award nominations for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Visual Effects, showcasing its creative and technical excellence.

A Powerful Musical Score

The movie’s score, composed by Dario Marianelli, perfectly complements the storytelling and adds emotional depth to the scenes, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Strong Themes of Family and Identity

The film explores the themes of family, love, and personal identity, resonating with audiences of all ages and leaving a lasting impact.

Unique Character Designs

Each character in “Kubo and the Two Strings” is beautifully crafted with intricate details, giving them a distinct and memorable appearance.

Dynamic Action Sequences

The movie features thrilling action sequences that showcase the prowess and creativity of Kubo’s magical abilities.

Emotional Storytelling

“Kubo and the Two Strings” expertly balances moments of humor, suspense, and heartwarming emotion, creating a truly immersive and engaging narrative.

Focus on the Power of Stories

The film emphasizes the transformative power of storytelling, portraying how stories can heal, inspire, and bring people together.

Met with Critical Acclaim

“Kubo and the Two Strings” was praised by critics for its innovative animation, compelling narrative, and emotional depth, making it a standout film in the genre.

Inspiration from Japanese Woodblock Prints

The movie draws inspiration from traditional Japanese woodblock prints, known as “ukiyo-e,” which adds an authentic and visually striking element to the film’s aesthetics.

Dedicated Attention to Detail

The creators of the movie meticulously researched and incorporated various aspects of Japanese culture to ensure an accurate and respectful portrayal.

Memorable Supporting Characters

The film introduces a diverse cast of supporting characters who each play a vital role in Kubo’s journey, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Visual Spectacle

The stunning visuals in “Kubo and the Two Strings” transport viewers to a world filled with magic, adventure, and enchanting landscapes.

Powerful Exploration of Loss

The movie sensitively explores the theme of loss, showcasing Kubo’s emotional journey as he navigates the challenges of his own personal tragedy.

Collaborative Effort

The making of the film involved a collaborative effort from an incredibly talented team of animators, artists, and storytellers, resulting in a highly cohesive and visually stunning production.

Mythological Creatures

“Kubo and the Two Strings” introduces a wide array of mythical creatures and spirits drawn from Japanese folklore, adding depth and richness to the story.

Complex and Multidimensional Villains

The film’s villains are not simply one-dimensional antagonists, but rather complex characters with their own motivations and conflicts.

Meaningful Lessons

“Kubo and the Two Strings” imparts valuable lessons about the importance of self-belief, the power of love, and the strength found within oneself.

Exploration of Traditional Japanese Art Forms

The film incorporates elements of traditional Japanese art forms such as origami and the shamisen, a traditional stringed instrument, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Japan.

Emotional Connection with the Audience

“Kubo and the Two Strings” establishes a deep emotional connection with the audience, eliciting both tears and laughter throughout the movie.

Unique Narrative Structure

The movie weaves a captivating and unconventional narrative structure, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued from beginning to end.

Successful Blend of Fantasy and Reality

“Kubo and the Two Strings” seamlessly combines elements of fantasy and reality, creating a world that feels simultaneously familiar and otherworldly.

Award-Winning Stop-Motion Animation Studio

The film was produced by LAIKA, an acclaimed stop-motion animation studio known for their innovative and visually stunning films.

Expertly Choreographed Fight Scenes

The movie showcases meticulously choreographed fight scenes that are both visually impressive and integral to the storytelling process.

Cultural References and Homage

Kubo and the Two Strings” incorporates several cultural references and pays homage to classic Japanese folklore, making it a treat for fans of the culture.

Inspirational Protagonist

Kubo serves as an inspirational protagonist, demonstrating courage, resilience, and the power of storytelling throughout his journey.

Exploration of Dualities

The film delves into the concept of dualities, exploring themes of light and darkness, love and fear, and life and death.

Masterful Sound Design

The attention to detail in the movie’s sound design enhances the viewing experience, immersing the audience in Kubo’s world like never before.

Dynamic Character Development

Kubo undergoes significant character development throughout the film, transforming from a hesitant and unsure boy to a brave and determined hero.

Memorable Quotes

Kubo and the Two Strings” features several memorable quotes that encapsulate the film’s powerful themes and emotions.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

The movie takes viewers on a heartfelt journey of self-discovery as Kubo uncovers the truth about his own identity and embraces his unique heritage.

Symbolism and Metaphor

“Kubo and the Two Strings” utilizes symbolism and metaphor to convey deeper meanings, allowing the audience to interpret the story in their own way.

Resonates with All Ages

While “Kubo and the Two Strings” is an animated film, its themes and emotions resonate with viewers of all ages, making it a truly timeless and universally appealing movie.

Memorable and Powerful Climax

The film builds up to a climactic and emotionally charged finale that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Positive Message of Hope

Kubo and the Two Strings” ultimately delivers a positive message of hope, reminding us of the strength we can find within ourselves, even in the face of great adversity.


In conclusion, Kubo and the Two Strings is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that captivates audiences with its unique storytelling and extraordinary animation. With a rich blend of Japanese culture, mythology, and heartfelt themes, this movie offers a truly memorable and immersive cinematic experience. From its beautifully crafted characters to its breathtaking landscapes, Kubo and the Two Strings showcases the power of storytelling and the importance of family and love. Whether you are a fan of animated films or simply appreciate compelling stories, this movie is definitely a must-watch. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and allow yourself to be transported into the enchanting world of Kubo and the Two Strings.


1. Who directed Kubo and the Two Strings?

Answer: Kubo and the Two Strings was directed by Travis Knight.

2. When was Kubo and the Two Strings released?

Answer: Kubo and the Two Strings was released on August 19, 2016.

3. What is the story of Kubo and the Two Strings?

Answer: Kubo and the Two Strings follows the journey of a young boy named Kubo, who embarks on a quest to find his father’s lost armor and defeat a vengeful spirit from his past.

4. Is Kubo and the Two Strings a family-friendly film?

Answer: Yes, Kubo and the Two Strings is suitable for all ages and offers valuable life lessons about love, forgiveness, and the power of storytelling.

5. How was the animation in Kubo and the Two Strings created?

Answer: The animation in Kubo and the Two Strings was meticulously crafted using a combination of stop-motion and computer-generated techniques, resulting in a visually stunning and unique cinematic experience.

6. Did Kubo and the Two Strings receive any awards or nominations?

Answer: Yes, Kubo and the Two Strings was critically acclaimed and received numerous awards and nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature.

7. Can you watch Kubo and the Two Strings on streaming platforms?

Answer: Yes, Kubo and the Two Strings is available on various streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.

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