Romanian Orthodox Church | History, Beliefs & Traditions |
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Romanian Orthodox Church | History, Beliefs & Traditions

Instructor Joanna Tatomir

Joanna holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Michigan and is currently working towards a degree in Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University. She has taught a combination of ESL and STEM courses to secondary and university students.

Learn about the Romanian Orthodox Church and their beliefs. Explore the history of Romania's religion and examples of traditions at the Romanian Orthodox Church. Updated: 01/20/2023

Located in Eastern Europe, Romania is a former communist country that represented part of the Soviet bloc after World War II. After the overthrow of communism under the CeauÅŸescu regime in 1989, Romania has since become a semi-presidential republic in which the government is democratically elected. With a population of nearly 18.5 million, roughly 82% of this population identifies as Romanian Orthodox, a branch of Christianity representing part of the broader Eastern Orthodox faith.

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During the Roman Empire, present-day Romania represented one of the territories associated with this vast empire. At the time, the people of Romania, known as the Dacians, practiced the early Christian faith spread by the Roman Empire throughout Europe at the turn of the millennium. After the Great Schism of 1054, in which the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches split from one another, historical records describe the establishment of the Metropolitanate of Moldova, an early precursor of the Church of Romania.

In 1568, the Orthodox Romanians living in this region voted to establish the Romanian language as the official language used in the Divine Liturgy in Romanian Churches. The Divine Liturgy represents the primary service of worship within Eastern Orthodox churches such as the Church of Romania.

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The Romanian Orthodox Church is considered a Christian religion due to its worship of God and belief that God has revealed himself through Jesus Christ. The worship of God and his existence as the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are reflected in the four main practices of the Romanian church:

  • Eucharist: the use of the Divine Liturgy as the primary liturgical service held each Sunday and on special feast days associated with saints, Pascha (Easter), and the Nativity (Christmas)
  • Sacraments: the practices carried out by Romanian Orthodox Christians that reaffirm their belief in God, such as baptism, confession, communion, and marriage
  • Special services and blessings: carrying out ministry, or charitable acts, intended to reflect God's influence in all aspects of life
  • Daily Offices: the public services offered at different times of the day, such as Matins (or morning prayers) and Vespers (or evening prayers)

Because of the emphasis on the Romanian language in the Church of Romania, the Bible used by the Romanian Orthodox Church is the Synodal Version. This is a version of the Bible translated into the Romanian language.

Religious iconography is typical of Romanian Orthodox churches.

A picture of Romanian Orthodox religious iconography in which an angel blows a horn

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The Romanian Orthodox Church, also known as the Patriarchate of Romania, represents the primary religious authority associated with the Romanian Orthodox faith. Nearly 82% of Romania's population adheres to the Romanian Orthodox faith, which is a branch of Eastern Orthodoxy. As a form of Christianity with a belief in God and his revelation through Jesus Christ, the Romanian Orthodox faith is worshiped via four main practices:

  • Eucharist, or the Divine Liturgy, held each Sunday
  • Sacraments that reaffirm the beliefs of Romanian Orthodox Christians
  • Special services and blessings
  • Daily Offices such as Matins and Vespers

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Romania's main religion?

Romania's main religion is the Romanian Orthodox faith. Romanian Orthodoxy represents a branch of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The Church of Romania is the head of the Orthodox faith in Romania.

What does the Romanian Orthodox Church believe?

The Romanian Orthodox Church believes in God and his revelation through Jesus Christ. The Romanian Orthodox Church also believes in the Holy Trinity or the belief that God manifests himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What Bible does the Romanian Orthodox Church use?

The Bible used by the Romanian Orthodox Church is the Synodal Version. This version of the Bible has been translated into the Romanian language.

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