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Dictionarium latino-anglicum

BETA Online Dictionary Latin-English: Enter keyword here!
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Recently verified translations11,490 translations – 34 new – 99.7% verified
Date LatinEnglishChecked by
05-27septuaginta (et) duo <LXXII>seventy-two <72>dep Jo- joh
05-27unus (et) septuaginta <LXXI>seventy-one <71>dep Jo- joh
05-27septuaginta (et) unus <LXXI>seventy-one <71>dep Jo- joh
05-27adoptio {f}adoptiondep Jo- joh
05-27podager {m}gouty mandep Jo- joh
Voice:Magnificat anima mea... by Halmafelixto prioritize (sth.) by asbjorn1,490,860 more »
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dict.cc Ukrainisch

Wir versuchen, ein Wörterbuch für Ukrainisch-Deutsch aufzubauen.
Helfer gesucht!

dict.cc Dictionarium latino-anglicum: Latin-English
and Multilingual Dictionary

The goal of dict.cc is to make it possible to share your vocabulary knowledge with the world. This is the main difference from other translation services - every user is encouraged to contribute to the Latin-English dictionary by adding and/or verifying translation suggestions. The resulting vocabulary database can be downloaded and used for free.

Besides browsing the dictionary or searching for English-Latin translations you can also ask and answer questions related to the English or Latin language using the translation forum. To improve your language skills try the vocabulary trainer.

Disclaimer: The correctness of the translations cannot be guaranteed (nobody is perfect), but all input will be checked carefully. If you spot an error, please report it using the info button [i] located next to each translation within the search results.
News & History (RSS)
2024-05-14: New language pair: Ukrainian-German!
We are trying to build up a Ukrainian-German dictionary (Ukrainian-English later if it works out). To make it happen, we need your help!

If you speak both languages we would ask you to check or post new translations at https://deuk.contribute.dict.cc/. You don't need to be perfect in both languages, as every translation gets checked multiple times.

If you speak Ukrainian, but not German, we would like to invite you to create audio recordings of the Ukrainian terms we already have, report missing translations using the links on the "not found" pages or create/check inflection entries. In case of questions, feel free to write to Paul Hemetsberger (paul@dict.cc).

Every bit of help is highly appreciated! Please give it a try and tell your friends! Let's make this happen!
2024-01-24: Slovak-English has reached 100,000 translation entries today!
2023-12-17: New feature: Read vocabulary list
That's another commonly requested functionality, recently most requested for the app. For the time being I just implemented it for the mobile website, so I can quickly improve it according to feedback and integrate it into the app later, when it's stable.

This tool reads out personal vocabulary lists word by word enabling users to learn vocabulary while doing other things - like driving, jogging or doing household chores. According to my tests audio output keeps working on smartphones even when the screen is turned off, but internet connectivity is still required to load the audio samples one by one while playing.

There are several settings to customize the experience, but to test it, simply click the "Start" button.
Feedback is very welcome, feel free to write me at paul@dict.cc!
Try it here! (tap play icon)
2023-11-14: Romanian-English has just left beta stage!
Today the number of 30,000 translations was exceeded! Thanks and congratulations to the contributors!
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Latin-English online dictionary (Dictionarium latino-anglicum) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers