Admission – | Kalamazoo College


Due to delays in receiving FAFSA data from the Department of Education, we are extending K’s commitment deadline to June 1. This extension is intended to ensure that you and your family have enough time to review and consider the financial aid options available to you before making your college decision.

Only One You. Only One K.

At K, we’ve developed an open curriculum that is centered around you, so you can discover how to make your unique impact on the future. Let us help you navigate the admissions process, answer your questions, and show you how the journey you begin at K can change not only you, but the world.

three students sitting on the Quad with popsicles

Visiting K

Let one of our student tour guides “buzz” you about campus virtually or in person. Sign up today!

Six students sitting on an outside stairs eating

Affording K

The Office of Financial Aid will help show you how your K education can be within your financial reach.

Connecting with K

Admission staff, K students, faculty and alumni are ready to answer your questions. Connect with us!

Admission Profile


Average GPA


Average SAT *

Kalamazoo College has been 
test optional since 2015.


Take advanced courses


Are first-generation college students

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