Flag of Canada | Flagpedia.net

Flag of Canada

Flag of Canada

The current Canadian flag was raised up in 1965 for the first time. Its author was Dr. George Stanley, who intended to capture several important elements of Canadian history. The central theme of the flag is a maple leaf, which refers to the indigenous population that has been using the maple sap for centuries, and which still is a traditional Canadian product. Maple leaf became a symbol of Canadian athletes in the 20th century and also a symbol of Canadian soldiers in both world wars. Red leaf is placed on a white background and the flag is lined with two vertical red stripes. Red and white are referring to historical ties to the UK - it was red and white flag with the St. George's cross which was erected by John Cabot on Canadian soil in 1497.

Country information

Sovereign State Yes
Country codes CA, CAN (ISO 3166-1)
Official name Canada
Capital city Ottawa
Continent North America
Member of United Nations, NATO, Commonwealth of Nations, Organization of American States
Population 37 935 814 (2020)
Total area 9 984 670 km2
Highest point Mount Logan (5 959 m, 19 551 ft)
Lowest point North Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean
GDP per capita $ 46 233 (World Bank, 2018)
Currency Canadian dollar ($, CAD)
Calling code +1
Internet TLD .ca

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