We Welcome You!

Travel the path that leads you on a spiritual journey to the most precious jewel on earth — the light of God that is within you!

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Welcome from Our Team

We are members of The Summit Lighthouse® and a team dedicated to bringing you many spiritual tools and resources along The Golden Pathway of personal and planetary transformation.

The Golden Pathway meets you where you are and offers golden nuggets to support acceleration on your personal spiritual path. These golden transformational tools can change your life for the better and bring the joy and harmony of who you truly are more fully into your life.

On this site, you will find:

  • Teachings of the Ascended Masters® brought forth through Elizabeth Clare and Mark L. Prophet and their predecessors

    Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare ProphetMark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Founders of The Summit Lighthouse®

  • Videos of the science of the spoken word – called decrees– teaching you how to practice this scientific, life-changing art
  • Telephone seminars on topics of the day, archived for replay
  • A brother or sister on the path who will pray for you or correspond with you
  • Testimonials from those whose lives have been transformed by using these teachings
  • Pictures, recordings and links to other sites with information to complement that which you see here.

On The Golden Pathway, you will experience compassion and love, no matter what circumstances brought you to this virtual meeting place. Our Team extends our hearts in welcome as you step onto The Golden Pathway, a life-changing journey.

The Pathway to Heaven

For a more in-depth description of The Golden Pathway, you are invited to read  about the Mystery of the Golden Pathway here.

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The Summit Lighthouse® and Teachings of the Ascended Masters® are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. © All rights to their use are reserved.

Enter the Twelve Gates Into the City

Twelve Gates to the City

The Bible teaches that there are twelve gates into the City, metaphorically meaning that there are many paths back home to GodDrawing strongly from both Eastern and Western religious and spiritual traditions, this series offers some of the many perspectives on how to approach enlightenment.

The PRO Outreach Team hopes that you will find something here for you personally on this website…as you pursue your own personal life-changing journey.

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Seminar – Prosperity: 10 Keys for Opening Your Flow

“Prosperity: 10 Keys for Opening Your Flow”


Sunday, June 16, 2024
5:30 pm – 6:30 MDT

Presenter: Steven Eggert

“I AM come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly!” These words from the Master Jesus Christ are just as true today as they were two thousand years ago. Why, then, do we see the opposite situation all around us? Why do we hear so much about – or experience in our own lives – areas of lack, poverty, and a sense of struggle to get ahead in so many areas of life?

Join us as we journey towards the spiritual source of God’s readily available flow of abundance and prosperity – to which Jesus referred – and engage with us as we identify and remove blocks in our consciousness to having God’s abundance and prosperity continuously available to us in our daily lives.

Steven Eggert became a Keeper of the Flame in January 1988 and a Communicant in June 1989. He has been an active member of his local study group over the years, often serving on the Board of Directors.  He joined the Prosperity Development team with The Summit Lighthouse in July 2022, initially focusing on the Place of Great Encounters Capital Campaign, and now working with Gift Planning, Annual Fund Giving, Member Outreach, and as chair of an “Abundance Committee.” Steven joyously shares the wondrous principles he has learned to outpicture in his own life through his life-long expression of God-Gratitude.

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Meeting ID: 816 8038 1733
Password: 098479

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Dial: 1-650-724-9799

This seminar will be archived on this site,