
  • Ridley Scott's historical movies showcase his talent as a director, with Gladiator being a standout piece earning Oscar nominations.
  • Exodus: Gods and Kings, Robin Hood, and Napoleon show Scott's tendency to take creative liberties, leading to mixed reviews and sometimes lower box office returns.
  • Despite some historical inaccuracies, Scott's films like The Duellists and Gladiator are celebrated for their epic storytelling and captivating performances.

Ridley Scott has branched out into several different genres in his directorial career, but historical films appear to hold a special place in his heart. Ridley Scott has been directing since 1965, and in his illustrious career, he has created some of the most iconic and spectacular films of modern cinema. From Thelma & Louise, to Blade Runner, and everything in between, Scott has proven his strength and talent as a director of blockbuster Hollywood movies.

However, Scott also has a passion for telling stories of influential historical figures, and bringing the past to life on the big screen. His best known historical film, Gladiator, is a celebrated piece of film which earned him one of his three nominations for Best Director at The Oscars. However, he has released several other historical films that stand out for their unique style, their incredible action, and spectacular direction all round. Overall, Scott is one of the best directors living today, and his historical films can be just as good, or better, than some of his other famous works.

8 Exodus: Gods And Kings

Exodus: Gods and Kings

After fighting side by side with his brother Ramses II, Moses is exiled when it is discovered he is Jewish and not Egyptian. While the powerful Ramses II runs Egypt as the new Pharaoh and deals with several deadly plagues, Moses receives a message from God asking him to free 600,000 Israelites. Exodus: Gods and Kings is directed by Ridley Scott and stars Christian Bale as Moses and Joel Edgerton as Ramses.

Ridley Scott
Release Date
December 12, 2014
Christian Bale , Ben Kingsley , Ben Mendelsohn , Aaron Paul , John Turturro , Joel Edgerton , Sigourney Weaver

Coming in at the bottom of the list is Exodus: Gods and Kings. This 2014 film is a biblical epic film starring Christian Bale as Moses who escaped Egypt, and while it is still a decent film with a strong performance by the cast, it did receive mixed reviews upon release. The story took several deviations from the source material, and while this is expected in most adaptations, Scott's position as a vocal atheist resulted in a movie that probably would have been most popular within a religious demographic failing to resonate.

The film is still beautifully shot, with epic action and drama throughout, but the story, and its originality, ultimately separated it from its audience. In addition, any historical drama or epic should attempt to be as faithful and accurate as possible, regardless of the source material, but the lack of interest or desire to maintain the original stories' series of events appears to have ultimately made this film Scott's least successful or popular historical movie.

How Accurate Is Exodus: Gods And Kings To The Bible? 10 Changes Ridley Scott's Movie Makes

In many instances, Ridley Scott's biblical epic Exodus: Gods and Kings radically changed aspects of the original story as told in the Bible.

7 Robin Hood

Robin Hood (2010)
Ridley Scott
Release Date
May 14, 2010
Russell Crowe , Cate Blanchett , William Hurt , Mark Strong , Mark Addy , Oscar Isaac , Danny Huston , Eileen Atkins , Max Von Sydow
140 Minutes

Robin Hood is another historical epic by Scott which provides a new look at a legendary tale. Russell Crowe stars as the titular hero who takes from the rich to give to the poor, and once again, Scott chooses to take creative liberties with the story that became an enduring legend. However, while the film promised to be an action-packed adventure story through the British countryside set in 1199AD, it failed to meet the high standards expected from the cast, crew and budget for the film.

It did go on to earn an impressive $322 million, but due to the film's monumental budget, this was not nearly as much of a return as it could have been with a tighter budget (via The Numbers). Again, reviews were mixed, with some comparing Scott and Crowe's earlier collaboration, Gladiator, and seeing Robin Hood as far less because of it. Ultimately, the movie's lack of action and charisma resulted in a legendary myth becoming a pale imitation of the original story.

Robin Hood is available to stream on Starz and AMC+.

6 1492: Conquest Of Paradise

Almost two decades earlier, Scott produced and directed a film that was intended to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' voyage to the Americas. 1492: Conquest of Paradise was also the recipient of mixed reviews which pointed to its tendency to fictionalize and edit history to suit it's epic historical narrative. Evidently, Scott prefers to provide a nuanced and fresh take in his historical dramas as opposed to creating a perfect retelling of events, but these tends to work well for some narratives, and against others.

The film stars Gérard Depardieu as Colombus, and Sigourney Weaver plays Queen Isabella I, and both are credited with delivering compelling performances. While the film takes creative liberties, it did create an intense emotional story which captured a sense of the feelings Columbus may have experienced ahead of sailing out into the great unknown. Ultimately, the film did create a narrative story with excitement and intrigue, despite not following the original events in perfect harmony.

1492: Conquest of Paradise is available to stream on Kanopy.