5 Best Places To Hire WordPress Developers For Your Website
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5 Best Places To Hire WordPress Developers For Your Website

May 30, 2024


Whether you’re a WordPress newbie looking for assistance to get started, or a seasoned professional, we all need some extra manpower with our WordPress sites from time to time.


However – it’s important to know where to look for WordPress freelancers. The last thing you want to do is pay for pretty mediocre work! Finding the right one can enable you to finish your work more effectively. Plus, you can even take on projects that you wouldn’t be able to complete on your own!


Table of Contents


5 Best Places To Hire WordPress Developers

  1. Upwork
  2. Codeable
  3. Toptal
  4. WPhired
  5. WordPress Jobs


Thankfully, there are many reliable platforms that can put you in touch with trained professionals familiar with WordPress. Today, we’ll cover the top 5 places to hire WordPress developers for your website.


When You Should Consider Hiring A WordPress Developer


artwork of wordpress developer


Without a doubt, the most widely used content management system (CMS) for creating websites is WordPress. It is perfect for many businesses because it is versatile, adaptable, simple to use, and affordable. WordPress’s ability to be used by non-technical people to set up a simple website is one of its most appealing features.


So, this brings us to the question: why would companies choose to hire a WordPress developer when there is a DIY version of WordPress available?


Well, the answer is pretty simple. A WordPress developer offers more support and options. Below are some of the reasons why you’d want to work with a WordPress developer:


  1. To add extra functions to your site
  2. To personalize your website further
  3. To stand out from your competition
  4. To free up your time
  5. To achieve a more professional looking website


But even though the things we mentioned can benefit you a lot, complexity and budget are some of the factors you’ll need to weigh in. For instance, you may consider doing it yourself if you don’t necessarily need any customized functionality, or are running on a tight budget.


Oh, and another thing: before you get into planning improvements for your website, it’s important to check you’re set up on a strong foundation. We always stress the importance of choosing a strong web host to support your site – without a strong foundation, there’s only so far even the best WordPress developer can take your website!


But, if this doesn’t apply to you, we can now get into the best places to look for WordPress developers.



5 Best Places To Hire WordPress Developers


Let’s dive in:


1. Upwork



Upwork homepage

Upwork has a wide selection of WordPress developers that you can choose from.


Upwork has become the most popular job posting website for programmers, software engineers, and other professionals. It’s one of the largest freelance platforms online and the best candidates must be chosen using job postings and bidding, which must be created by recruiters.


On top of that, this marketplace is also similar to Fiverr where it’s full of freelancers. But, just like Fiverr, there are so many freelancers to choose from, making it hard to filter out the good ones from the rest. Though, you can still find some excellent WordPress freelancers if you don’t mind looking around.


Now let’s take a brief look at its pros and cons:



  • ✓ Compared to similar websites, it usually costs less.
  • ✓ An enormous pool of freelancers is accessible through the platform.


  • • Since the platform doesn’t screen every new applicant, there are a lot of pretty mediocre freelancers to look through.


If you’re on a tight budget and have the patience to take your time looking for the right candidate, Upwork can be a helpful platform. All things considered, it’s a safe choice for all kinds of projects, not just WordPress. Just keep in mind that you frequently get what you pay for, so you shouldn’t always go with the lowest offer.



2. Codeable



Codeable homepage

Codeable is all about WordPress.


Codeable is made especially to function as a WordPress Freelancer Platform. It employs a six-step screening process to find and hire the best WordPress experts.


The process includes a professional evaluation, technical tests, live coding exams, a 45-day trial period, and interviews. So, you can infer that the WordPress developers they accept onto their platform are pretty much the cream of the crop, and are experts at creating WordPress themes, customizing plugins, coding, and more.


Let’s now quickly review Codable’s benefits and drawbacks:



  • ✓ Finding skilled freelancers is easy because WordPress is the only thing being focused on.
  • ✓ They only hire the top WordPress freelancers.


  • • When it comes to long-term projects, the platform’s base rate is $70 per hour, so you’ll need to have plenty of cash on hand.


If you want to hire top talent at professional rates, Codeable is a great option overall. But, if your website only needs a few minor adjustments, you can most probably find what you’re looking for somewhere else for less money.



3. Toptal



Toptal homepage

If you want to find the best of the bests out there, you’ll most certainly find it through Toptal.


Toptal, in comparison to Codeable, is a freelance marketplace for all types of professionals. Along with WordPress developers, you can find software programmers, designers, project managers, and so much more.


While the market is a lot different from Codeable, one of the qualities they both have in common is that they only select the best in their fields. In fact, only the top 3% of freelance talent are actually accepted. You can be sure that you’ll be getting some of the world’s best talents by hiring from their WordPress developers.


What’s also great about Toptal is that the platform asks you a few questions to get you going, including what kind of service you’re looking for, the length of your project, and your budget. It will then pair you with the most qualified WordPress developers based on your responses.


But before you set sail on Toptal, here are some pros and cons to consider:



  • ✓ You can see a lot of details about each freelancer’s skills on the platform, allowing you to make an informed hiring decision.
  • ✓ Every freelancer is thoroughly screened before being accepted into Toptal, just like Codeable.


  • • Similar to Codeable, Toptal’s rates begin at $60 per hour, which can be pricey for many smaller websites.


If you want to hire someone, you’ll need to make a sizable investment in this platform as well. But, if you need the best talent available, Toptal is one of the best places for just that.



4. WPhired



WPhired homepage

Many businesses now have an easier time finding talent and can hire WordPress developers from all over the world without any hassle thanks to WPhired.


WPhired is a WordPress-specific job board. It was established in 2010 by WordPress enthusiast Jerome Degl’innocenti to assist employers in finding WordPress specialists without having to pay a commission to the job board.


WPhired seeks to connect small and large businesses with skilled WordPress professionals—whether you need help with plugin development, performance optimization, WordPress migration, theme development, programming, or anything else, you can quickly find and hire 1000+ WordPress experts through this job board.


As always, you’ll want to weigh in its pros and cons:



  • ✓ You are free to post an infinite number of job listings.
  • ✓ It’s quick and simple to get in touch with WordPress developers.


  • • You must conduct the vetting; the platform doesn’t do it for you.
  • • Only 30 days are allowed for the duration of free job postings.


WPhired is the right choice if you want to maintain a working relationship with your freelancer. It has many on-site job listings, so remote job offers in particular get a lot of attention.



5. WordPress Jobs



WordPress Jobs homepage

If you need to hire WordPress developers for anything WordPress-related, WordPress jobs is just the place you’re looking for.


WordPress Jobs is definitely worth a try if you prefer to hire WordPress developers from a straightforward job board. It is owned by WordPress.org and is unquestionably one of the largest platforms for all kinds of WordPress expertise.


This platform takes the form of a typical forum where job postings can be made without charge. In fact, you won’t even need to create an account. All you have to do is simply fill out the Post Job area with your information and the specifics of the WordPress development project, then click Submit. Your listing will then be promptly reviewed by the admin staff before being posted alongside other job requests.


While this platform is great, it has its drawbacks too. Check out its pros and cons before you post:



  • ✓ You can choose from a large selection of WordPress developers.
  • ✓ A job listing can be posted quickly and without cost.


  • • Since there are a lot of WordPress developers to choose from, finding the right one you need can be overwhelming and difficult


With that said, the official WordPress jobs listing page, WordPress Jobs, is a fantastic resource. It’s free and among the quickest and easiest ways to post a job and find talent. This should enable you to connect with a large pool of potential WordPress developers. The only issue is that sorting through the best applicants from the rest may take some time.



Some Alternatives To Hiring A WordPress Developer


drawing of three bulbs with the middle one colored in yellow

You aren’t limited to just hiring a WordPress Developer to manage your website. Source: Viking Mergers and Acquisitions.


Most people don’t need to hire a web designer because WordPress is quite simple to use. That’s why applying the DIY strategy can help many small businesses run successfully. Utilizing as many free tools and plugins as they can also help keep the cost down.


If you’re running on limited resources, you’ll be glad to know that there are some alternatives you can do instead of hiring a WordPress developer. The most notable one out of them all is by making use of managed WordPress hosting platforms.


The appeal of a managed WordPress host is that it essentially “manages” your website in the background, giving you a more hands-off approach to website management. They’re ideal if you want results but lack the time or expertise to handle back-end operations. You can also use a great website builder, especially if you don’t like coding and aren’t too keen on learning it.


With that said, choosing the right one would not only depend on what you want and need but also on your website goals. So, make sure to take all the factors we mentioned into consideration!



Search for WordPress Developers You Can Rely On


If you want to give your visitors a special experience, hiring a WordPress developer is a wise choice. But, it’s not always easy to find a developer that you can easily rely on to do the work you want and need.


Luckily, with the platforms we’ve mentioned, you can quickly hire a professional WordPress developer to finish your dream WordPress projects.


Whether you want a new look or more features on your website, you can rely on the knowledge of WordPress experts to make your ideas into reality!