Miss Austria Amina Dagi as Conchita Wurst at Miss Universe national costume contest

Eighty of the world’s most beautiful women have gathered in Las Vegas to compete for the coveted title of Miss Universe 2015. As part of their two-week pageant adventure, the ladies will each participate in the (always hilarious) national costume contest, in which they must embody their nation through fancy dress. In the past Miss USA has come out as a cowgirl, Miss Japan as a samurai, and Miss Bahamas as a Bird of Paradise. So we weren’t that surprised when we learned that Miss Austria Amina Dagi has decided to appear as Eurovision 2014 winner Conchita Wurst — one of the strongest, and most unlikely, symbols of modern Austria.

Amina — who stands 5’9″ — is giving us face and body for days in this image. Beyond the beard, she channels Conchita with an E.U. flag (Conchita is all about keeping Europe together), a red ribbon (Conchita is a regular at the Life Ball, which raises funds for HIV/AIDS research) and a rainbow flag (you can figure this part out for yourself).

Miss Austria Amina Dagi

miss austria amina dagi conchita wurst

Designer: Aviad Arik Herman

The costume fits nicely with Amina’s broader platform and background. She grew up in in North Caucasus in Russia. Her family fled the country for political reasons and started a new life in Austria. As you can read on her official Miss Universe contestant page, she is “an ambassador for integration” and “wants to convey the message of tolerance.” Well, baby, we accept you and all that you stand for!

Amina’s costume is further evidence that Conchita Wurst is now part of the national fabric of Austria, and perhaps its greatest export since Mozart…or at least Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As I’ve written elsewhere, her face dots billboards throughout the country and she’s an official brand ambassador of the Bank of Austria. She voiced an owl for the German-language version of the animated film “Penguins of Madagascar,” and was the guest of honor at Vienna’s Life Ball (attended by Bill Clinton and Ricky Martin, among others). She is perhaps the only person in the world who has walked the runway for Jean-Paul Gaultier, sung for Ban-Ki Moon at the United Nations, and delivered a speech before the European Parliament. What’s more, Conchita embodies the image of what the left of Austrian politics would like the world to see of Austria, and has helped it move past the ugly stereotypes forged by some of its right-wing politicians in the past. If that doesn’t smack of beauty, then we don’t know what does.

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8 years ago

@George Sweden is also a threat for the crown this year. She has been a huge favorite for a while now and can pull of a win this year. And yes, Hinarani was so gorgeous!!! She was wasted big time!!!!!

France at Miss Universe is like Sweden at Eurovision among the European countries.

8 years ago

That’s just bull.

George D.
George D.
8 years ago

@Hey! France didn’t place in 2013, i remember the girl! Hinarani de Longeaux Very beautiful but she faded away in the prelims. But yes Miss France is very beautiful this year, i wouldn’t mind see her crowned @William Adams Miss Vietnam is super beautiful! I hope she slays tonight at the Prelims, she won’t win if she isn’t fierce as it was Riyo Mori (Miss Universe 2007 from Japan) But i seriously think that the Top 5 will be composed in this way: USA, Vietnam, Venezuela, Colombia and Philippines (Tho a suprise girl might appear from nowhere Miss Netherlands last… Read more »

8 years ago

I think Vietnam is the big deal this year. Although France is very strong this year and have place every year since 2009

8 years ago

love it!

8 years ago
8 years ago

Has it been 8 years since Miss Japan 2007!? Her and Miss Japan 2006 were the real deal!

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
8 years ago

i haven’t actually followed this before but miss indonesia looks fab <3

George D.
George D.
8 years ago

Great for Miss Austria!!! Tho i don’t think she will be in the Top

This is probably the year of asians! Tho Latinas as always will slay! Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil are the best! Peru and DR are nice too!

8 years ago

Conchita definitely has been a huge influence, I dare say more than any other ESC winner in the latest years, the proof is that she continues to be, even after more than a year after her win.

8 years ago

Me parece una idea genial

Bogdan Honciuc
8 years ago

Oh, look, a refugee. Run and hide, bigots! *sarcasm*

Good for you, Miss Amina Dagi! 12 points for courage!