ATWT's Dan Frazer Has Died | Soaps In Depth


ATWT’s Dan Frazer Has Died


Veteran film and television actor Dan Frazer — known to AS THE WORLD TURNS fans as Nancy’s second husband Dan “Mac” McClosky — died of cardiac arrest on December 16 at his Manhattan home. Frazer was 90.

Prior to being cast on ATWT as Oakdale’s police chief, Frazer played another police officer, Captain Frank McNeil on the hit 1970s series KOJAK. He also appeared in the films Cleopatra Jones, Take The Money And Run, Gideon’s Trumpet and Deconstructing Harry, as well as in numerous TV shows, including BARNEY MILLER, THE WALTONS, LAW & ORDER and THIRD WATCH. Frazer’s most recent project was in the 2010 drama The Pack, featuring his ATWT co-star Scott Bryce (Craig).

Frazer joined the cast of ATWT in 1986 and played the beloved Mac for a decade until the character died from a heart attack in 1996, including a poignant storyline where he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

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