Listen Score
LS 34
Global Rank
TOP 5%


Average audio length:
22 minutes
United States
6036 episodes
since Nov. 3, 2017


~99.68% of listeners are from United States.
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This store making a short move down the road could have a big impact on the place it left


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When you suspect someone of stealing at work, you likely don't need much proof to go on.
Would being the greatest in the world at this be worth never being able to enjoy it again?
 According to Break Room experts, this crime could either take two hours to complete, or 10 minutes.
The Break Room (THURSDAY 5/23/24) 9am Hour Includes: 1) We thought every man took some pride in what they bring to the bedroom... Apparently we were wrong 2) This store making a short move down the road could have a big impact on the place it left
The Break Room (THURSDAY 5/23/24) 8am Hour Includes: 1) After years of mocking other men for sporting this look, Tommy is now looking to join the fancy hat club. 2) When you suspect someone of stealing at work, you likely don't need much proof to go on. 3) The house stays in the family. 
The Break Room (THURSDAY 5/23/24) 7am Hour Includes: 1) Kimmy wasn't sure if her neighbors' relationship ended until she saw this sitting next to their garbage can. 2) Duffy thinks this side of town is a weird location for a new bar with this theme. 3) Would being the greatest in the world at th…
The Break Room (THURSDAY 5/23/24) 6am Hour Includes: 1) There is a short period of your life where you get to enjoy this with no responsibilities and you don't know how wonderful it is until it's gone 2) Is it a good or bad thing that there are more people using this on a daily basis than alcohol…
For a guy who admits to picking up dog poop with his bare hands, he's sure getting weird about handling one of these. 

Urinal Penny

If you're not willing to pick one of these up off the ground, why on Earth would you attempt to pick one up in this place?
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Search past episodes of The Break Room.


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