THIS WEEK on GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jason Explains Where He Has Been, Sam is Emotional - Michael Fairman TV
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THIS WEEK on GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jason Explains Where He Has Been, Sam is Emotional

Photos: ABC

The return story of Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) continues to heat up on all-new episodes of General Hospital airing the week of March 11th-14th.

According to official teasers for the ABC daytime drama series, look for Jason to explain where has been for the past two years, but is he the same Jason every one knew and loved? Apparently, Sonny (Maurice Benard) isn’t so sure.

Meanwhile, Sam (Kelly Monaco) is said to be getting quite emotional and later has some suspicions of her own.  Will she learn about Jason? How will she feel if she sees him alive? After all, they share a storied past and share a son, Danny.


However, Sam is in love with Dante (Dominic Zamprogna), and he is currently in dire straits at GH after being shot twice in the shooting that did involve Jason, although Jason secretly came to Dante’s aid. Will viewers get a JaSam reunion or will she believe in the evidence and blame Jason for Dante’s predicament?

Photo: ABC

As viewers saw at the end of the Friday, March 8th episode, Jason revealed himself to Carly (Laura Wright) as he needed her help after being shot as well. As she tried to bandage him up, John (Adam J. Harrington) and Anna (Finola Hughes) came to the door clearing looking for Jason knowing in their gut that he probably came to Carly’s and he is hiding out.

Here’s a rundown of teasers of what to expect for the action in Port Charles this week:


Carly reveals the news about Jason to Sonny. John and Anna continue their pursuit. Maxie and Spinelli try to resolve their issues. Sasha offers her support to Cody.


Drew confronts Carly. Jason asks for a favor. Sam is emotional. Finn assesses Heather. Natalia surprises Blaze.


Sonny fears Jason has changed. Michael is in shock. Selina shares information with Curtis. Drew blows off some steam. Jordan has doubts about her career.


Jason explains where he has been. Lois checks in on Sonny. John asks Carly for help.  Sam has trouble hiding her suspicions. Molly speaks to Anna about potential charges.


Heather gets medical information. Diane has a proposal for Alexis. Kevin reveals something to Marshall about his diagnosis. Josslyn tries to stop Dex from leaving. Nina humiliates Gregory.

So, what do you think is going to be the explanation of where Jason has been for the past two years? What do you think Sam will do if she sees Jason? Comment below.

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Nina humiliates Gregory??!! Nina that just might be your final straw!! Not looking forward to that scene. Just reading it has already taken the last bit of sympathy I can muster for her.

Really! and all these fans of hers that think she’s the one being put upon. She ruins every life she pushes her way into. When will it stop?

I wish Michael Fairman would tell us if we’re watching the new writers stories or still on the old. It seems we’re watching the new writing in Jason’s scenes; I’m not sure if that means all the stories are. My point is I was hoping the new writers would change course with Nina. I’m “team” Nina and I don’t think she’s done anything I would condemn her for other than letting Ned take the blame. This “look what Nina did” has got to stop while Carly and Michael walk around as if they didn’t do worse to her and weren’t the cause for all she did. But I digress. Unless these writers have totally lost it, I would doubt whatever Nina says would not be to “purposely” humiliate Gregory. She doesn’t even know he’s sick; so if she does it would probably be something non-related and something she’s responding to.

Every “last bit of sympathy you can muster?” Nina hasn’t done a thing that wasn’t in retaliation to what was done to her first; and neither Michael nor Carly paid for what they did to her. It’s astounding to me that some viewers have to “muster up” sympathy for her; they should feel anger FOR her that she’s been screwed over time and time again. Now it seems like she’ll be screwed over by Ava who no doubt will get closer to Sonny. The writers can’t give Nina a break; reminiscent of what they did to AJ.

So it is ok to humiliate the termally ill ??

Did you even read my comment? I said Nina doesn’t know Gregory is terminally ill; it’s not public knowledge. And she’s not a cruel character; she would never purposely “humiliate the terminally ill.”

Further.. the teaser that she humiliate Gregory is for Fridays show. She could very well may know by that episode… there is no way that you can firmly state that she won’t… unless you some how have viewed the shows before the rest of us… but regardless, after the amount of times Nina has foolishly put her foot in her mouth… she still knows no better!

Well Brian, as you can see from Fiday’s show, it was as I said. Nina didn’t “humiliate” Gregory. She doesn’t know he’s ill, as I also said, and was just commenting on his editorial submission as ANY publisher or editor would have done. It was Alexis who was way out of line; not to Gregory, but to Nina. After spewing complete disrespect to Nina, who IS her boss at this point, she apologizes FOR Nina to Gregory that Nina was “rude?” I’m already hating the new writing. I thought it was bad before but I find myself wishing for the writers who were fired…

We haven’t seen the scene yet.

All you have to do is read the screen the first minute or so after the opening theme. Always shows Created by The Hursleys, EP Valentini then the head writers. As of Friday Dan & Chris were still listed. Jason’s may or may not have been adjusted. His return was definitely restructured by the new writers.

Yes; I read them. Saw the names. Still confusing since Steve Burton said the scenes we’ll see upon his return are the new writers story. And the much improved writing: Maxi and Spinelli FINALLY admitting their feelings for each other, other stories seem to be written better; moving quicker, more heartfelt, less repetitive…there just seems to have been a shift, so I wonder still if maybe the names haven’t quite caught up in the credits…If the new writers did write what we’re currently seeing with Jason, why aren’t they listed???

I’m wondering if it may be a percentage thing (ie the new writers material has to be 51% or over?). The Elizabeth/Finn/Jake stuff and Jordan/TJ definitely seemed Chris & Dan material as well an as the mundane Sasha/Cody dialogue. Even Alexis and Danny did as well.

Kept the thinking that Jason would wind up at Elizabeth’s, but the final scene on Monday had him collapsing at the Q boathouse.

Confusing; I was hoping we’d get a definitive answer here…

I thought somehow Jason would appear at Maxie & Spinelli’s out of gas car & scare them to death, ha.

There are very specific union rules about credit. If Dan and Chris plotted and wrote the episode (not the script, necessarily), they are the ones who are credited and paid for that job. If they didn’t, the show could NOT credit them for it. Sams with the additional writers who are listed in each day’s credits…the ones who did the breakdown, wrote the specific dialogue, etc.

That said, the changes to dialogue and tweaks to scenes or plot don’t count toward that, so it’s very possible the existing scripts were adjusted within limits of time, budget, and contract obligations, which is what is sounds like has happened. It also helps that Korte was already on staff as a writer and editor, making her ability to make changes easier.

But remember those limits, so the new writers would have to prioritize, that would likely mean a minimum amount of dialogue they needed to tweak, and very small number of bigger changes. That obviously has meant Jason and Carly first and foremost, as that’s their big new umbrella story. Secondary things like repositioning Nina within the narrative, if they are doing that, probably won’t happen until they have the reins full time and it’s also possible that something like “Nina humiliating Gregory” can be used as a mechanism for “their” Nina reevaluating her enthusiasm and single-mindedness and leaving characteristics of the C&D Nina behind…or it could even set up her leaving the paper and returning to Crimson. A lot of changes happen, but new writers still have to bridge what was written and what they want to write and that takes creativity.

I believe I read Burton hashed out a lot of his new story with Korte during a two week dark period a couple weeks after his return. That’s likely when the real big pivots will happen (we obviously won’t see the actual break, it will just switch to the new writers stuff) Until then, we are seeing a minimum of tweaks.

Marco, thank you for the logical explanation. It makes a lot of sense. I had read that it was Korey who was determined that it was Carly he reached out to and not Lizzy or Sam.

And do you forget Nina stole Ava’s baby even before Avery’s ambillical cord was cut !!??

I didn’t forget anything. That was a decade ago and not soon after she had an emotional/mental breakdown after being in an over 20-year-coma. She learned she lost half of her life, Silas had moved on, her baby was supposedly dead, she couldn’t have any more children, she was no longer in her 20s, the last age she remembered being but instead a woman in her 40s, and her world was upside down. She found out Ava lived there, the woman who had cheated with Silas, had Silas’s baby (Kiki) and was now pregnant again. Nina lost her mind with the injustice of it all and decided Ava’s baby would be hers; she was obviously not in her right mind. We saw that all along and we saw it when she held Avery in her ams. So I repeat; that was ten years ago. Carly her “enemy” has done way worse with no mental/emotional excuses, and has done so for decades without ever paying for a single despicable act.

Ava thought she killed Nikolas and went about her life, smiling in Laura’s face like nothing was wrong. Michael just spent a year trying to have Sonny locked up. Carly decided that Nina, a woman who had both babies kidnapped from her while she lay helpless in a coma, would never know who one had been, who one is, nor would she ever know she had two grandchildren. Vicious acts by both women, yet some of you fixate on Nina, the only actual victim out of these women.

Thank you Rebecca for doing the heavy lifting. It’s exhausting.

It truly is; some of us should be sent a monthly case of wine to calm down the agita that accompanies the effort. LOL!!!

I’ll give you score of one, but no wine. Please remember this is only a fictional soap opera, not real people. The actors are real, not the characters they play. No one is going after any of the real actors…just characters. It would be best if everyone could remember this.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. I think we are all well aware of that fact. No need to remind us that it’s fiction.

Send rebecca1 her case of wine

Really…. how these comments turn into events of the real world today is beyond me then…which is why I figured some need a reminder.

You make no sense. No one, certainly not me, needs a reminder that we’re talking about a show and fictional characters. It amazes me that some soap viewers give an opinion, but a brief one with nothing to back it up, and when someone replies with a more detailed reply, recounting actual events and circumstances that happened in the “fictional” story, some of you feel a need to tell the person “it’s not real, the people aren’t real.” I would suggest you get a clue on how incredibly annoying that is. And THAT’s why a case of wine is needed, lol, reading replies like yours.

Drink away. Your prior post get very polital. If you fail to see that.. well.. that’s on you. No one else. Have great time with that case of wine. Keep it spinning

LOL Harry. So glad you’re still “here.” It gets increasingly difficult to have a semblance of a conversation. Can you imagine if this was a book club and people were discussing characters, motivation, etc, and some of the members interjected with, “this isn’t real, the characters aren’t real.”

Sigh. Merlot or white?

Agree. Isn’t it funny to remember the original Nina was Michelle Stafford? I cannot begin to see her with Sonny. She was great with Valentin but would not have worked with Sonny. I always just cringe at some of the things she says/does-I say NO Nina! Ha.
Cynthia Watros was Annie on Guiding Light & my mother & I could not stand her. However, I do love her now as Nina. Just wish she wasn’t her own worst enemy.

That was ten years ago. Nina had suffered from a mental breakdown caused by her mother’s abuse and her 20 year coma.

Since we already know Jason’s story is from the new writers, it’s likely that the other stories still playing out were from the old regime and that’s why their names are still on the credits. And it’s also while we’re sitll seeing mindless filler like the gossip columnist and Sasha & Cody pretending not to be into each other. Probably going to take a few weeks to run through the rest of the old scripts.

Ah; I was just saying (see my reply above) that I thought the other stories were written better. Sasha and Cody seems to be heading closer to a couple, Maxi and Spinelli FINALLY admitted their feelings to each other, as well as Blaze and Kristina. I think the show has been much better in the last few episodes; more heartfelt on many levels. I also wonder whose idea it was to bring back Jagger. After my initial shock that they did and that it was a different actor and one who looked so completely opposite, I’m LOVING this guy! Both his looks and the way his character’s written. Doesn’t hurt that he’s stunning (in my opinion) and that he’s a good actor. I hope they keep him and it’s not just for this story arc. It would be ironic if all of these are the last writers stories which I’m actually liking, for the new writers to change course (as with Jagger for example). I also like that Liz and Finn have been written much better as a couple, and I like the scenes with Gregory and Tracy. ALL the scenes with Gregory are great; I truly can’t believe they’re killing off this great character played by such a wonderful actor. What I AM hoping is the new writers don’t do another fatal illness story before the next century.

I too have been enjoying the Tracy&Gregory scenes very much. 🙂 I love seeing the Grandmother/Granddaughter bond happening with Tracy and BrookLynn also.

Yes; Brook Lynn and Tracy have been getting a lot of time. They needed to have some family member interact with Tracy since Monica isn’t on anymore and their verbal sparring days are sadly over, AJ, another “combatant” for Tracy was stupidly killed off, and Ned, unfortunately, is rarely on. I love Tracy; so glad she’s back. I hope she has no plans on leaving. What a waste that they’re killing off Gregory. Not only is his another incredibly depressing story, but he’s a great addition to the show, would be great with Tracy, would be a fun addition to the Quartermaine clan (what’s left of them) and he, Finn, Chase, and Violet are a precious family.

The new head writers were officially credited as of Friday March 15th episode (interesting enough an episode without Sonny Carly or Jason).

They’re immediately making certain adjustments and finishing storylines. Marshall (who, despite winning an Emmy last year) is no longer on contract and the long gestating storyline of his misdiagnosis is wrapping up. Alexis will be leaving the publishing realm. Heather’s reasoning for mass murder has a somewhat plausible out (although I don’t get why she hasn’t once mentioned her surviving child – Steven Lars – in the past few months).

Thanks. I haven’t been getting notifications in my email that I have replies. Only when I “wander over here” and scroll to a thread I remember posting on, do I find them.

Yes, I heard that the writers were credited; didn’t notice, didn’t remember to look. I can’t believe that they’re now saying Marshall was lied to because he was black. I HOPE this isn’t going to turn into a race story. I recall when the character was first introduced it seemed like he had witnessed some violence perhaps at some demonstration (could’ve been a racial one; don’t recall) but I assumed that he was misdiagnosed because “evil doers” wanted him to think that whatever he’d witnessed was all in his head; made him doubt and dismiss whatever he thought he witnessed. I hope it’s something interesting like that and not just some careless, racist, doctor who smacked a misdiagnosis on him.

It also seemed like they were heading toward a Marshall/Stella romance. I wonder if that’s going to happen.

They probably want to keep Haley Mills around and thus the metal poisoning, which makes no sense from the brief into I gleaned looking up the condition. There was nothing about psychotic behavior occurring. On the other hand, they made such a big deal of her relying on Laura’s opinion I wonder if rHeather will die or go into a coma and then we’ll have to deal with Laura’s guilt at encouraging her to go for the operation.

I’m a Nina fan and adding Alexis to the already obnoxious growing list of characters who hate her is beyond disappointing. They’re isolating “Nina” more and more and keeping her the town punching bag; she’s almost taken first place over AJ for being the most misunderstood and condescended to, disrespected, ostracized character. I couldn’t stand it when the then-writers did it to AJ, and I can’t stand it now.

I was hoping for better writing. I’m not encouraged.

Alley Mills, not Heather. 🙂 And Marshall’s story is most definitely a story about race — not one racist doctor, necessarily, but the pervasive institutional racism of medical care given to poor Black people. There’s a lot of reporting that has been done on this, going back to the experiments on the Tuskegee Airmen.

It is a social/historical issue that isn’t much discussed so it seems like this story is going to shed a little light on it. It does seem like it will just be acknowledged though and not dwelt on; as has been pointed out, Marshall is off contract.

LOL; I hope you get the gist of my reply. Can’t edit here or I’d reword it and fix the grammar.

Don’t be fooled by that teaser. If you recall, both Alexis and Tracy embarrassed Gregory before they knew he had ALS. Nina is a sweet, albeit, messy person. I resent like hell that while the writing continues to prop Carly up to unrealistic and ridiculous heights, they twist and distort Nina into villainous proportions. Cynthia Watros deserves better than the horrific writing afforded to her.

Why would the writers have Nina humiliate a dying man? There will be no coming back from this for the character.They must really hate Nina. Poor Cynthia Watros having to play this!!

Nina doesn’t know Gregory is dying; it isn’t common knowledge.

I agree, though, about the writing. I was hoping it would change with the new writers (if this is the new writers story). I’m “team” Nina all the way and to my mind, Nna’s been the victim through all of this. The town “pariah” who got blamed for everything she did while Carly and Michael spewed their venom both in actions and words. She’s had none of her “people” backing her up; Curtis, Maxi, Sasha, Dr. O, Valentin; the entire torturous story with Willow rejecting her had Carly as hero once again after ALL the crap she pulled on Nina, while Maxi and Sasha not only played Switzerland but were warm and fuzzy to Carly even after learning she tried to keep Nina from ever finding her “child.” Curtis and Valentin were nowhere in the story; yet all of Carly’s “people” were around to sling hate at Nina. And now? They even have Ava betraying her. I hope Cynthia Watros is getting paid well to have to withstand the abuse she’s gotten from unhinged viewers who can’t differentiate fact from fiction, and that her patience with how they’re not letting up on the one-sided narrative is greater than mine, because I ran out of patience for the way “Nina’s” treated by most in Port Charles, including clueless Willow, a long time ago. And WHAT was the deal with Willow giving Nina a bracelet from Harmony? On what planet did that make sense?

Tired of Nina humiliating people… get her help already! Enough revenge!

Luckily there’s a new writing team coming in, so hopefully they’ll come up with something good to clean up Nina Reeves, and as for Jason, Here’s hoping that maybe the writers will give him a chance to grow and evolve a little bit more, instead of him being just the perfect third wheel for Sonny and Carly. Plus I’m curious to see how they’ll explain Jason’s Tattoos, Because Steve Burton went through all the trouble getting them, so I guess they’ll have to write it in the Show.

Please please please bring jason and sam back together they are the number one couple of all times they need there happy ending with Danny please please please give jason and sam a happy ending

Yes they are! Bring it.

Jason is probably working for Cyrus, however only to make him believe he’s after Sonny while taking out Sonny’s enemies before taking out Cyrus

The day Jason Morgan works for Cyrus the Virus is the same day I open a ski resort on Beelzebub Mountain.

Jason needs to reunite with his family the Qs at the Quartermaine mansion including his son Jake and Elizabeth asap.

I suspect Jason is being careful about who he talks to right now for their own protection, as well as his own. Carly’s always going to be under some level of protection from Corinthos Coffee, LLC whether or not she’s married to Sonny, and Michael is likewise protected as well. Danny came to him in the boathouse, so he hadn’t really planned on that, but at least he’s currently staying at the Quartermaines, and they probably have at least some level of security there, being a rich family and all.

Jason probably will keep his distance from Jake & Elizabeth right now just to keep them safe from NuJagger and whomever else is involved in this “conspiracy” that’s kept Jason out of Port Charles for two years. Of course that doesn’t mean Danny might not find a way to sneak his brother into the boathouse. And Liz might show up there, looking for him.

I’m surprised they can’t find a safer, more discreet place for Jason while he’s recuperating. That boathouse is like Grand-Central Station. Too bad they can’t stash him in one of Sonny’s Safe Houses, without his knowledge of course. The more people that know he’s alive, the more that will come.

I have a job for jason morgan bring down of sonny Corinthos make him leave port charles ny I him to leave thank you

General Hospital

Nicholas Chavez Speaks Out on the Death of Friend and Former GH Castmate Johnny Wactor: “I’m Beside Myself with Sadness”

It has been another rough go for the General Hospital family following the news surrounding the shooting that killed beloved former cast member, Johnny Wactor (ex-Brando Corbin) over the weekend.

Since that time, there has been an outpouring of grief, shock and sadness, and remembrances for the actor who died at 37-years-old.  Many of Johnny’s castmates have spoken out about the loss and shared heartbreaking tributes.

Now, Nicholas Chavez (ex-Spencer Cassadine) who is soon-to-be-seen in Ryan Murphy’s limited series on Netflix, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, has also shared his sentiments. With heartfelt words, along with a photo of himself and Johnny, and another former GH co-star, Marcus Coloma (ex-Nikolas), Chavez explained the difficulty he is having processing Johnny’s death and the unbreakable bond they shared.

Photo: Facebook

Nick began, “Johnny — I’m beside myself with sadness. The last time I saw you, we ran into each other by accident in Los Angeles. When we recognized each other your face lit up and you ran essentially across the room to give me a big and tight hug. You were a strong and kind person”

He went on to say, these heartfelt words to Johnny, “You were a phenomenal friend and you always made me feel welcomed and loved. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been a part of your life and I’m praying for you and your family. I will miss you very much.”

Johnny Wactor run on GH lasted from 2020-2022, while Nicholas Chavez appeared from 2021 till early in 2024.

Share your thoughts on Nicholas’ remembrances of Johnny Wactor via the comment section below.

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Breaking News

New Details Emerge in Fatal Shooting of General Hospital’s Johnny Wactor; Was Protecting Female Co-Worker From Armed Car Thieves

The brother of Johnny Wactor (ex-Brando Corbin) has come forward with some new information on the act of violence that took the life of the General Hospital favorite on Saturday May 25th in the wee hours of the morning in downtown Los Angeles.

As valiant as man as Johnny was to all those who know and loved him, he was through and through that man till the very end. According to Grant Wactor, Johnny actually shielded a female co-worker at the time of the crime before he was fatally shot.  Three men were trying to steal Wactor’s catalytic converter from his vehicle, one of which fired the shot that killed the former GH star.

According to a new report from the Daily Mail, Wactor was leaving his side job as a bartender at a downtown LA rooftop bar with a female colleague at around 3:25am when he saw the three men near his vehicle at West Pico Boulevard and South Hope Street.

Photo: ABC

Believing he was being towed, he approached the men to try to discuss it. One of the men then looked up and pointed a gun at Wactor, who put his body in front of his female co-worker as he was shot. Police say, the three men were all wearing masks, and then fled the scene in another car.  The suspects currently remain at-large.

Grant commented on his brother’s last act of bravery, “We’re Southern, born and raised, and we would never let a female walk to their car by herself.” He added that Johnny, “Thought his truck was being towed. So he said something to the guys, like, ‘Hey, are you towing?’ And then once he turned around, he saw what was happening and he put his coworker behind him. And that’s when they shot him.

Photo: JPI

Sadly, Grant revealed, Johnny was shot in the chest, and that Johnny and his co-worker had to park about two blocks from the restaurant, so they were walking to their cars after they finished their shift when the incident unfolded.

Grant shared that he hopes justice will be served and the men are caught, “I hope they are able to track the people who did this. I am glad in a way that this is getting the publicity so that it could shed some light that things need to change, or find ways so that no one else has to experience this – whether it be a murder or being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

In what has already been horrific that we lost Johnny to a senseless act of gun violence over an attempted theft, learning that the actor died right after protecting somebody else, only reinforces the kind of man Wactor was to all those who knew and loved him. Share your thoughts on the latest details on Johnny’s death via the comment section below.

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General Hospital

General Hospital Co-Stars Share Their Grief and Mourn the Loss of Johnny Wactor

There has been an outpouring of grief, sadness and remembrances for former General Hospital actor, Johnny Wactor (ex-Brando Corbin 2020-2022), who the world learned was shot and killed on Saturday in a senseless theft and act of gun violence.

As previously reported, Wactor was only 37-years-old. The incident, as told by Wactor’s mother to TMZ, which ultimately took his life, occurred when three individuals attempted to steal the catalytic converter from Johnny’s car. Once alerted to the situation. Wactor did not try to stop or interfere in the theft but the unidentified suspects shot him anyway and then got a way.

Wactor’s talent agent, David Shaul, made this statement on his passing to Variety, “Johnny Wactor was a spectacular human being. Not just a talented actor who was committed to his craft but a real moral example to everyone who knew him. Standing for hard work, tenacity and a never give up attitude. In the highs and lows of a challenging profession he always kept his chin up and kept striving for the best he could be. Our time with Johnny was a privilege we would wish on everyone. He would literally give you the shirt off his back. After over a decade together, he will leave a hole in our hearts forever.”

Photo: ABC

Many of Johnny’s former GH castmates took to social media in the last several hours with heartbreaking and touching words on the loss of Wactor. Here are just some below, and Michael Fairman TV will continue to update these remembrances as they are posted.

Sofia Mattsson (Sasha) – My heart is so utterly broken… Johnny was the absolute best. So genuine. So caring. Incredibly hard working and humble. With a huge heart that spread so much kindness and joy. He always made sure everyone around him felt seen, heard and loved. I admire the man he was so much and I’m a better person for having known him. We shared so many special moments, both on and off screen, and I will forever cherish them deeply in my heart. You will be so incredibly missed Johnny… I’m sure you’re already busy taking care of everyone up there.”

Maurice Benard (Sonny): “What can I say about something so senseless? Johnny was the sweetest guy coolest dude and just a great soul. This is beyond words you will be missed my friend.”

Chad Duell (Michael): “Some POS scum taking the life of someone who’s making something of themselves, and an amazing person. So disgusting and infuriating. Don’t know what else to say.. just so wrong.”

Photo: ABC

Jon Lindstrom (Kevin): “When the tears slow down, I am literally sick to my stomach at this news. Johnny was one of those rare young men in this business who was kind, unassuming, humble, and always thought about other people. A talented young guy who just wanted to share that talent with the world. I wish I had enough love to fill the hole that his loved ones must feel right now, but I know that’s impossible. Johnny will be missed on this plane. For a long time to come. R.I.P.”

Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis): “An absolutely inconceivable, enraging & senseless tragedy. Johnny was a lovely man. Condolences to his family & friends. May they find eventual peace & may his memory be a blessing.”

Finola Hughes (Anna): “Gutted…. 🕊️ sending my deepest condolences to his family 🤍 I feel I must add to this post. The shock is so terrible, for such a genuine young man to be taken so violently. I am incredibly sad for his family. He was a very hardworking person, kind and extremely respectful to his fellow cast members. I am so sorry for his loss 🤍 Johnny Wactor xxx”

Photo: ABC

Kirsten Storms (Maxie): “I’m in a state of disbelief and complete sadness. I don’t typically do posts like this, but Johnny was such a special person and it feels important (for me) to put these words out there. To Johnny’s mother and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Johnny was one of those rare “real individuals” that you almost never come across. I was fortunate enough to have some really good conversations with him where we discussed things I don’t typically open up about. For some reason, we talked about the deep stuff. He was a safe space for those conversations and, in turn, he would talk about his life. He genuinely cared about people and their journeys in life. During his time on GH I witnessed him work hard and truly have respect for every single person in our building. I just cannot believe that his life was stolen from him the way it was. My heart hurts. RIP Johnny”

Bonnie Burroughs (ex-Gladys): “I am heartbroken and sickened by this terrible loss. Johnny I love you. My heart breaks for your real mom and your whole family. The world is darker now.”

Photo: ABC

Ashton Arbab (ex-Dev): “Absolutely heartbroken while typing this. Johnny Wactor was not only my tv dad for more than 25 episodes on General Hospital but he was a great human, a kind soul, an inspiration and a one of a kind actor. May your soul rest in peace. Heaven gained an Angel.”

Perry Chen (Brad): Johnny Wactor was a beautiful, beautiful soul. So talented. As you can see from the promo clip, always up for anything. Funny as all heck. Fit as all hell but also loved ice cream and ate all the junk I did as well. We all were cheated of many years with him.

Kelly Thiebaud (ex-Britt):  “Johnny Wactor, you were one of the good ones. I’m so sorry this happened to you. RIP”

Photo: ABC

William deVry (ex-Julian): “Honestly, words can’t begin 2 express the sadness with which 2 convey my feelings towards losing another GH Alum. The senselessness of this lose is beyond description. Johnny was such a good guy. Really horrible. RIP Johnny Wactor & much love & comfort to those who loved him.”

Laura Wright (Carly): “In shock. My heart breaks for Johnny’s family. You were an incredible man.”

Kathleen Gati (Obrecht): Another talented, kind and generous General Hospital colleague gone too soon. Deepest condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and fans of Johnny Wactor.”

Cynthia Watros (Nina): “What a kind soul. We lost an amazing man.”

Briana Lane (ex-Brook Lynn): “The world lost a wonderful person yesterday and a true gentleman to everyone he met. I feel lucky to have known him and to have experienced the warmth he exuded so effortlessly. RIP Johnny Wactor”

Lydia Look (Selina): “Johnny, I’m crying and will be for a bit. I knew you were talented when you simply just took your shirt off when the rest of us were trying to outdo each other with our skits. I also knew there & then that you were fine as wine 😻 I also saw how you’d let others take the spotlight whilst confident & loving in your own space. Most of all, I learnt what a magnificent human you were in our long car rides between fan events. I will cherish our chats. Thank you.”

The official General Hospital social media accounts on X and Instagram shared: “The entire General Hospital family is heartbroken to hear of Johnny Wactor’s untimely passing. He was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones during this difficult time.”

What do you think about some of the remembrances of Johnny Wactor as shared by his former GH co-stars and friends af learning he was shot and killed? Comment below.


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